Chapter 13: There are daggers in men's smiles

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There are daggers in men's smiles

I flopped onto my bed embracing myself. My face came in contact with the bed sheets. The doctor let me go from the nurse's building. Kangjoon and Mina left together to talk, while BTS went their own ways.

I sat up on the end of my bed clutching onto my arms. Everything that happened today replayed in my mind.
A war, that has no light at the end of the tunnel. A war? If that's what they want, I'll give it to them. Even if it costs my life, if it means no one will suffer anymore, I'll do it.

I could hear the wind howling outside. I looked towards the balcony. I stood up and walked towards it going outside. The wind blew against my hair.

The feeling of the wind always soothes my nervousness. As if everything is washed away and nothing matters.

I looked at the big round illuminated moon. I smiled. "We are always meeting like this aren't we?"

I asked the moon as if could hear me. The moon has always been there for me, the moon to me is like dejá vú. The moon has become the other part of me. I held onto my necklace. I closed my eyes .
"Why is my life like this?" I asked to the moon once more. "Please...why is my life like this?"

Narrator P.O.V
Taehyung sat in the roof hugging his knees. The wind blew against his hair.
"This night seems to familiar." He muttered ruffling his hair.

"Why is my life like this?" A soft voice said at a distance. His ears jerked up with the recognition of the voice.

"Please....why is my life like this?"

He stood up and walked towards the voice. He could feel pain in his chest. He could hear pain in the voice.

It's y/n, he thought. Why am I always here when she needs someone?

He looked up at the moon, contemplating whether to check on her or not.

"Kangjoon has always been there with me but I still feel alone, Can you explain that to me at least?"

Who the heck is she talking too?, he thought.

He rested his stomach on the edge of the roof and let his head hang to look down.

Normal P.O.V
"Who are you talking to?"

I jumped up by the sudden voice but as I looked around there was no one.

"Look. Up."

I looked up and there he was. Taehyung looking down at me with a questioning look.

"I-I'm talking to myself, w-what's so wrong about that?"

"That's weird." He judged.

"You know you shouldn't be doing that, it's dangerous." I added.

"Yeah right, as if crazy enough to not be careful."

I rolled my eyes at him. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around.
My mouth fell open as soon I saw Taehyung behind me. He put his hand under my chin and closed my mouth.

"Can you stop doing that?!"

"What? It's my specialty being sly."

I held onto my chest. "I have no idea how you do that."

"Wanna join me on the roof?"he asked changing the subject.

I looked at him shocked. "Why me?"

"Come on, it wouldn't kill you to just be with me up there." He said taking my hand while going on the rail of my balcony.

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