Chapter 4: Friendzoned

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(This {the bottom} was suppose to be on the picture above but it was to long to fit😅)

I wanna tell you I love you but I don't want to risk our friendship. If I don't tell you this I am gonna regret it my whole life, if I do tell you there might be a chance that you'll never talk to me again.

I'm scared to risk everything I have now to be with him...

But I'm scared to regret it for the rest of my life. I don't know what to do.
(Credit to respective owner of quote)

Kang joon's soft lips were pressed against mine.

I had mixed feelings, part of me was in a blissful state with butterflies in my stomach and my feelings losing it; while the other part of me was entirely confused...why is he doing this now?
Did he get hit by the ball on the head and I didn't witness that? Or perhaps... just maybe we share the same way, I'll just stick with my theory that he was hit with the ball that send his neurons flying out.

My eyes fluttered opened as he broke the kiss. He slowly moved back and we just stared at each other in complete silence.

But then as if reality had slapped us both on the face, I went completely red and Kang joon had this sort of reaction, like as if you go shopping then all of a sudden you remember that you left your soup or whatever on the stove and you hurry back so the house won't burn down. (A/n: Any Mexican or Mexican Americans out there... you all know what I'm talking about. The frijoles and tortillas...😂)

"I-I have to go..." he muttered as he scratched the back of his nape.

I moved to the side, which later I regretted as he rushed out of my room.
How can he kiss me and just leave like that?!

I stared at the door blankly and unconsciously touched my lips with the tips of my fingers. They were tingling from his touch.
"What in the world just happened?" I said slowly."I need an answer."
I walked down the hall way, on my way to the kitchen for my lunch. As I walked in I looked for Kangjoon, I needed to find him and get an answer.

I picked up a tray and placed my desired food on it. Once I was done I scanned the place once again and my eyes met Kangjoon who sheepishly looked away. Why is he being like this all of a sudden?

I took a deep breath and gathered up all the courage I had and walked towards his table. Surprisingly, it was just him and a few other guys sitting with him.

I stood in front of him and he looked at me as if I had just lost my mind; I shot him back the same stare.

"Oh! Y/n sit with us, how ya been? It's been a long time since I've actually seen you." Said the boy sitting next to Kang joon, who had nice brown hair.

"Thanks. I've been good...and you?" I said as  I sat down with them.

"Better than ever!"

"That's great." I said as I shifted my stare back to Kangjoon.

The guy started some side conversations with the other guys so I took this chance to talk to Kang joon.

I lifted my finger to Kang joon's face and pointed at him as if I was going to scold him.
"We need to—" I uttered as I was interrupted by a familiar voice. I sighed, oh great.

Nephalem (BTSxReader)(TaehyungxReader)Where stories live. Discover now