Prologue: The night everything fell apart

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I can see it.
Not only feel it,
but I can see it.
How broken
everything is.

My bare feet hitting against the hard cold cement. Sweat drops rolling off my forehead. My lungs burning from the lack of oxygen, I've been running for a long time now, god knows how long. It feels like an eternity and besides from running I've also fallen many times now, my legs give away but I have to keep going I promised my mother. I promised her I would run and run without looking back, but I don't know where to go, Where do I run to? Who do I run to?

My feet are cold from the chilly air and cold floor, they are also bruised and have a few blisters. My white robe is no longer white anymore, it's stained with dirt and sweat . It's not black nor white but gray with little gray stains here and there. I want to give up but I can't , a promise is a promise and I have to run for my life because I'm "Dangerous," But If I'm "dangerous" then why am I still here?

{Narrator P.O.V (Flashback)}
Y/n and her mother quickly ran into their bedroom. Her mother hiding her inside the closet hurriedly and anxiously. She went to her drawer beside the bed and took out a box of chalk, she took one out and made her way to the door in which she drew two triangles that form a Jewish star and then drew in a circle that embrace the two triangles half the size of the door.

In between the star, she wrote some words in her language that translates to "Souls be trapped till I say go".   She recited it and it casted an enchantment. A transparent purple barrier surrounded the room sending an allure of protection. The room was now under her incantation and she had the power to do anything with it.

She hustled over to her daughter and she knew what she had to do. There were only two options: kill her child or sacrifice herself so her daughter can escape.

She lowered herself to her daughter's level who was hugging her knees in the closet trembling from fear. Who would blame her? She's only 8 and her house being attacked by the High Heaven's Commanders, the Angiris Council, who've come for her and her mother.

"Listen to me." She said softly while grabbing y/n shoulders. "You're going to do what I say, okay."

Y/n nodded, tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Your gonna run as fast as you can and as far as you can. Don't worry about me."

"Why? I want to be with you, mother."

She shook her head, "Me too. I'm sorry, my daughter. Just do what I say and you'll be okay. Run and don't look back."

A tear rolled down her mother's face, she didn't want to cry because she's afraid y/n will get frighten more than she already is.

She helped y/n up and they walked towards a window. She opened it, her attention turned towards the door, where hard banging can be heard from.

"Open the Door Min Sun!!" a man demanded from the other side.

She turned to her daughter who gave her a petrified look ,"Mom, I'm scared."

"Don't be, it's okay don't cry." She said while wiping her tears away," If you feel afraid here take this."

She took off a necklace around her neck, it was a silver crescent  moon connecting  tips with a bronze sun that embraced a golden star. She placed it over y/n's head. Letting it fall on her chest, the necklace emitted light coming from the luminescence of the  moon.

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