Chapter 7: New home?

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The 3 men strided forward and I was prepared to take them on.

"Y/n we have to go they're getting closer and they'll hurt you." He said holding onto my arm.

They were getting closer but I wasn't moving.

One of the teachers, my math teacher, that was having his own duel turned around and noticed the men coming towards me so he sliced his sword right through one of the men. The other two turned around and attacked him.

No! They outnumber him, that's so unfair. I tried moving but I wouldn't budge.

As if a miracle happened, the two men fell to the ground missing a limb. Somehow my teacher had done it and beat the two men. Tears welled up in my eyes and I smiled at my teacher who responded back with a smile and slight nod.

But then, in a blink of an eye an arrow shot through him. My smile faded and tears rolled off my cheeks.

He fell onto his knees and then to his side, his eyes became blank. A familiar figure was revealed before me after my teachers body fell, he was pointing an empty bow at me.

He...he is the one that murder my mother. The one responsible for all of this. My eyes widened as more men came behind him. He lowered his bow and lifted his arm up. His stare never left mine. He lowered his arm and shouted,"Get her!"

I started walking backwards, setting my fists on fire, causing Kang joon to let go off me. "Don't, that will be more dangerous, y/n. You don't have full control of your power; you'll take this whole place down with your emotions like this right now."

He was right, I had to make a decision, feed my revenge or run again.

I don't want to run away again, but I don't want anyone to suffer because of me anymore.

"Kang joon run and save yourself, I will fight them."

"Are you crazy?! I'm not letting you do this."

"Go, now! Run!"

I lifted my arms pointing at them men with my blazing fists.
They backed away a bit but then the fire on my fists went out. They approached again and I was furious how can I fail like this. Kang joon took the chance to take my arm and spin me around, lifting me up and placing me over his shoulder.

He started running as quick as he could to the end of the hallway while the other men were on our tail.
"Put me down! I have to kill that bastard, put me down!!"
I shouted hitting Kang joon's back.

But he didn't seem to be affected and just kept running. All I could see were the men running towards us, while that bastard just stood there with a smug smile on his face. Kang joon made a left turn and went down the stairs. We entered the basement were he placed me down on the floor. Mina closed and locked  the door.  She was also holding chalk on one hand.

She went to the door and drew the same thing my mother drew that night. She placed her hands together as if praying and she recited something. Then a gust of dust blew away and once it drifted away I found my self looking at a green barrier.

"There closing in on us Mina. We have to get out of here fast."

"The barrier, has a timer of a few minutes it won't be able to hold for long."

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