Chapter 10: Selfish

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No more Distractions, It's time to get Selfish.
(🔺Long chapter🔺)

I woke up the next morning. In a weird position on the chair. I fell asleep and lost all consciousness and wasn't able to rest properly in the sofa found in the room.

The doctor could've come in and I wasn't even awake to even speak with them. More importantly he could've been scared off by the mess I might have been while sleeping, so on the bright side it was better for the doctor to have not come in.

I fixed myself to sit properly and stretched. My neck was in pain, the soreness of sleeping in such a compact and uncomfortable position.

I look over to Kangjoon, with my hopes a little bit up; hoping he had woken up, he had his eyes closed and the light shined through the window lightening his face.

He looked pale but in a very nice way. It seemed as if he was sleeping peacefully like a prince. His hair was still in the same place, perfectly combed, untouched.

His soft lips remained faintly pink. Looking at him like this sends a feeling of nostalgia down my spine. I remember the olden days were he would be the one watching over me. Oh, how the roles have changed. I just hope it's not forever.

"Get well soon, Kanjoon. I'll be back."
I said softly as I looked at him.
I went towards the door and gave him one last glance and exited the room.

A new day was about to start, which meant it was time to get ready and prepare for a whole load of crap.
The first class ended. The coach just made us run 4 laps around our usual spot for class. It was hell. I am definitely not an athletic person. It was either running or taking him on. Honestly, who wouldn't take their teacher on but him, my coach, was not a joke. So I did what we were asked to do.He refrained from the Horseback riding lessons and set it for a different time because "safety first" and he doesn't want to kill his students, but I would say more like torture his students with all that exercise and training.

The only bad thing about my morning was that I had made myself known to the entire school. I was the trending topic with labels such as: "The Burning girl", "Lose control"(A/n:No pun intended my fellow Exo-ls) ,etc. But it couldn't get much worse when one girl came up to me.

She was the girl I helped from Taehyung. She was very eager to become my friend so I took the chance. Minju was her name.

She told me everything about what the  school was talking about and how some even called me," The flames of emotion."
I wanted to die the moment she said that. Don't get me wrong it sounds cool in a way but it's too much. It's, in my opinion, way worse than the other labels.

I continued on the day in each class just looking up at the clock every minute. Hoping it would go faster but it felt like not even a second would budge. As if the whole world was in slow motion. I don't really know why I was so eager for everything to end already, could be because of Kang joon or maybe just because I really wanted to go the library.

Later on, my wish was granted. I headed to the library like a bolt of lighting.
Narrator P.O.V

Meanwhile, Taehyung was expressing himself with his trusted buds: Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jin. Jimin and Jungkook had some errands to run.

They were all chilling in their hangout room, specifically for them, where they had games and comfy furniture. It could in a way remind someone of an arcade.
Yoongi was laying on the floor while Namjoon sat across from Hoseok in a beanbag. Jin was busy playing pool by himself while Taehyung paced back and forth in the room thinking about something that bothered him.

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