Chapter 14: Escape

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Let's just go.
And not comeback for awhile.

I have been hanging out with Minju more but lately she's been fairly quiet. The marks I saw on her last time were not just rashes, however I did not want to push it with the questions. I did not want to pry into her privacy but she has me really worried.

BTS has kept their word in helping me improve my skills in fighting. I've learned new defense moves from Jungkook and Jimin. Some new tricks with the sword from Taehyung and Jin.

Namjoon and Yoongi have taught me how to fight and control my movements in the air. Hoseok has made me laugh and relieve my stress.

It's been weeks since the incident and Kangjoon has been fairly active. He seems to have his mind somewhere else. He would sometimes hangout with me and Minju and then leave few minutes later. But, the way Minju looks at him bothers me. Her stare is lustful and determined. It's not that I'm jealous but the vibe she gives off when she looks at him is not very welcoming.

Something that has also been bothering me is the glances Taehyung and Kangjoon exchange. They have a burning flame in their eyes. They both compete in getting my attention, I just roll my eyes at them but end up going with Kangjoon which seems to bother Taehyung. I don't know why he's like that, we are not whatsoever close and I'm aware of the fact that he has no strong feelings for me. Because at the end of the day to me he's just a player even if has managed to my make my heart beat for him.

Today, Kangjoon asked me to help him with math. So I agreed and we came to the library where I'm helping him. Being like this with him reminds me of the olden times, before everything slipped away from my fingers once again. I smiled to myself.

"Why are you smiling? Are thinking about someone?" He questioned, his body seem to tense up.

"This reminds me of the olden times."
I said looking at him. "I'm thinking about you, you idiot."

He laughed nervously scratching the back of his nape. His body seemed to relax.
"Nostalgia isn't kidding, you here with my stupid self. I haven't changed. I don't know why they make us do Math."

I punched his arm.

He clutched his arm and groaned, "Ow! What was that for?"

"Kangjoon, you have changed. Your better at this than before." I stated, "They make us do this because it makes us 'logical thinkers'."

"I don't need to be a logical thinker." He sighed.

"Well, it helps you have a different way of thinking. Doesn't matter, just do it." I added, "It at least helps me beat you in many things."

"That's just crap. You only beat me cause you are skilled not because of math stupid." He ruffled my hair.

My cheeks redden and I hid my face in my arms. Kangjoon laughed.

I looked at him as he took the pencil in his hand and started writing in the text book solving problems.
"Let me see."

I took his textbook turning the pages and picking out some questions for him. "Do these. They're pretty basic."

"Basic for you." He complained taking the textbook out of my grasp.

I rested my head on my arm. My eyelids felt heavy. I didn't sleep that much, I was busy practicing alone yesterday.  I have to become better, I have to stand up now.

My eyes slowly closed and the last thing I saw was Kangjoon with his finger on his chin thinking, frying his brain out.

Narrator P.O.V
Kangjoon ruffled his hair out frustration. He was stuck on one question, he tried many different ways but none seem to work.

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