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Emma's POV
"i felt bad okay!" i say to Violet. I just put my shoes on and she's interrogating me on why i'm going on date with Derek. He's a jock and a sweetheart. But i don't connect with him at all.

her outfit:

Violet folds her arms across her chest

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Violet folds her arms across her chest. "You're too nice! where did i go wrong?" she falls back on my bed. "Oh stop being so dramatic. Maybe i'll end up liking him. Ooooh maybe we'll end up dating forever and get married and have Three kids and get a dog that i name after his favorite superhero."

She sits up looking at me crazy. "You have too much free time and watch too many romances." i give her a pouty lip. "They're my favorite kind."

I start to walk downstairs when i'm stopped by Caspar. "Where are you going, looking like that?" he questions. He's in the kitchen with his friend Joe. "On a date with Derek." Violet answered for me.

I roll my eyes. "Why?" Joe says with a chuckle. I've known Joe since i met Caspar. So about 11 years. "Because he asked me out? That's pretty much how it works, Sugg."  I take a piece of their popcorn and pop it in my mouth. "Anyway gotta go!" i say leaving before anyone else had the chance of saying anything.

I went outside to see Derek pulling up in the driveway. He got out of the car and smiled at me. "Hello there." he says to me as i walk up and give him a hug. "Hellooo." i drag out the 'o'

We get in his car and drive to the theatre, he asked what movie i wanted to see and i said i didn't mind. We got there and went and bought our tickets. Derek insisted on buying my ticket and i of course refused but he did it anyway.

We grabbed some seats in the back and made small talk through commercials.

About half way through the movie Derek placed his hand on my thigh. I didn't want him getting the wrong idea so i placed my hand on his and slowly moved it off hoping he would take a hint.

He didn't.

He moved it back but a bit further up my thigh. As his hand is moving up i push it away and whisper for him to stop. "don't be like that." he spoke quietly with lust dripping off his lips.

He put his hand on my cheek forcing my face closer to him as he tried kissing me harshly, i broke from him and stood up. "This date is finished." i spoke angrily but also not loud enough so i would disturb everyone else and rushed out.

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