Party pt. 2

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"Where you going?" he yells up at me as i'm walking up the stairs.

I put my fingers to my lips as if i'm hitting a blunt and wink at him then find my way to Allison. I walk into Alfie's spare bedroom that has a pool table and a big screen with some couches and bean bags.

I walk to the balcony doors and open them to see Allison sitting on the roof next to the balcony railing. This is what i loved about Alfie's house. Specifically this balcony, it has such great access to the roof. I put my leg over the railing and my foot touches the roof as i swing my other leg over and sit next to Allison.

"How come you're smoking alone, where's Lucy?" i ask taking the blunt from her.

"You know Lucy, she doesn't like to smoke. So she isn't here yet. Plus sometimes it's fun smoking alone." i nod my head after taking a hit. "Yeah i can agree with that." we take a couple hits together and we finally decide to go party.

I was dancing with Ashley and Allison, fairly high i might add.

I feel some hands on my hips from behind and turn around to see Derek. I let it happen and i put my hands on his shoulders, as our bodies collided to the music in sync. He was kissing down my neck and I felt the goosebumps run up my arms.

I moved his head so it was facing mine and kissed him lustfully.

His hands were everywhere over my body and i thought nothing of it. I felt thirsty though so i stopped the kissing and held a finger up to him hinting i would be a moment.

I found my way to the kitchen where Jack and Violet were aggressively making out which led them to going upstairs. I rolled my eyes and filled my cup up. I turned around knocking into someone. "Woah." Joe said laughing. I laughed as well. "You deserve it." His eyes met mine. "Little stoned, are we?" he says with his eyebrows raised.

"A little is an understatement" i reply back. "Now if you'll excuse me, Derek awaits." i smile with my eyes closing.

"Derek? Handsy Derek?" he says with his arms folding across his chest. "Oh he's handsy alright." i chuckle. "As in he knows how to give a girl a hand." i smirk.  "Come on you're leaving." he grabs my hand starting to lead me to the door.

I stop him by not moving my feet. "I don't want to?"

"You're stoned.. and starting to get drunk, i might add." he says taking my drink out of my hand.

"Since when did you turn into the fun police? I don't have to go anywhere with you, stop acting like my fucking dad." i pull away from him. Furrowing my eyebrows at him. "Emma. You don't like Derek! You're just going to regret what happens next." he says coming closer but i back away from him. "i'm a big girl, i can make my own choices." i spat back and turn away from him finding Derek.

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