Feelings, Questions & No Regrets

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Joe's POV
It's Friday and we leave the Lake house tomorrow. All of yesterday was spent in Emma's bed and i don't regret it. I don't regret having sex with her, i don't regret falling asleep with her, i don't regret waking up to her smiling because Violet walked in whilst we were asleep, i don't regret cuddling and talking the rest of the night away. I don't regret just being with her.

I don't care who knows about us.

Because, i want everyone to know that she is unavailable and can't have her.

I don't know exactly what this makes us or if there even is an us. But, i hope she doesn't tell me today that it was a mistake and we should forget all about it.

Even though we spent a long time talking we didn't necessarily talk about us.

She wanted it, too. I don't see why she would want to forget about it.

She makes my heart pound so loud it sounds like someone is banging on the walls. She makes my stomach feel like a roller coaster. How could someone have this much effect on how i feel? It's so different. I've never given myself to someone like this.

I don't even know what Caspar would think..

Emma's POV
I've been in the shower for a good ten minutes now just thinking.

Thinking about Joe mostly.

Just his name sends goosebumps all up and down my body. Just the thought of him makes my heart stop and my mind run wild. I can never control myself when i'm around him. Sexually, Emotionally, Mentally.

Never would I ever in a million years think that i would let myself feel this way. Especially for Joe. And yeah i had a crush on him but it was a crush. I knew it would never happen.

I still can't believe it happened.

Does he regret it? Does he not want this to continue the way it is? Does he want us to leave the memories here, and make the memories stay memories? So many questions.

Why didn't i ask him this when we were laid up in bed for a whole day??

I want him. I know i want him.

But, how can i let this happen? How will Caspar react? He better react the way i did when i found out about him and Lucy. Which was understanding. I was fine with him dating one of my best friends, why wouldn't he be fine with me dating Joe?

And how will this all play out? What if something bad happens and it forces Joe and I to never want to speak to each other?

All the negative possibilities bounce around in my head uncontrollably.

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