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I'm sitting on my couch, contemplating on what to do. I don't know if i should go upstairs and talk to Emma or call Joe.

Jack explained everything.

I can't pick sides right now though. I want to be mad at Joe for getting with my sister, but i can't be because i got with my sisters friend. That's just hypocritical.

I don't really know how i feel about it? It's kinda weird but i can't judge.

I just never thought he would find an interest in her. But, i think it's also better that she's with someone she knows well and that i know well.

I want to be mad at him for pushing Emma so hard that there's a bruise. But, i know he didn't mean it. He would never mean to do that.

Joe has a temper, i've seen him lose his temper a lot of times, when no one else has.

Not a lot of times. But it's happened. Rarely.

And well at this point i just can't be mad at Emma. Her and Joe are both in the wrong for letting themselves get so drawn to each other.

I finally decide to go talk to her.

"Emma?" i wait for her to respond.

"Can i please come in?" i beg.

I twist the door knob and it's surprisingly unlocked. She's sitting up with her legs criss crossed, laptop in front of her. She doesn't even look up from the screen to face me.

"Hey Casp." she seems jittery.

I go and sit next to her to see what she's doing. "Why are you looking up who invented Jelly?" i ask laughing.

She nudges my shoulder with a smile. "Don't judge!" i raise my hands up in 'surrender'

"My bad." i say with a smile.

I hear her phone go off and i can see it on her side that it's a text from Joe. It looks like there's a lot of them from him. She lifts her phone up, reads it, then turns her phone off.

"You're gonna have to answer him sooner or later. He won't just go away." i finally say.

She just looks at me. Her face has no expression, just a straight face. "He will. And I will continue to try and forget him." she announces then looking back at her laptop.

"Emma. I love you, but you know he didn't mean to do all that. He would not purposely do that to you or to that guy." I suck in my bottom lip and wait for her remarks.

"Why are you taking his side?" she sounds annoyed.

"I'm not taking anyone's side. You're my sister and he's like my brother. I can't choose sides, I can't be mad at him. I've done worse, and he's stuck by me through all of it. And so have you. I can't be in the middle of this and pick a side to leave the other one feeling like shit. You know me way too well to know that i would never do that." i hear her sigh, she knows i'm speaking the truth.

"So you're gonna have him over and i'm going to be forced to see him?" her voice a bit angry.

"I'm going to have him over and if you don't want to see him, you don't have to. If you don't want to see him, i'll tell him he can't see you."

"Such bullshit." she breathes.

"I'd rather you just pick his side." i'm shocked at what she says.

"Too bad, i'm not picking one." and with that i get up and leave her room.

Emma's POV
I watch my door close as Caspar exits. I huff in annoyance. I get why he doesn't want to pick sides but that just makes it more difficult.

I'm not talking to Violet, Joe or Cody.

Petty but i don't care. Of course i'm going to have to see them at school, which makes everything worse. I just wish i could hide in my room forever. So that no one will ever bother me. I shut my laptop and lay on my back

Everything was going great with Joe. Now everything has gone downhill. 

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