Rolling Downhill

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Emma's POV
I got out of the shower and put my hair in a towel then walked out of the bathroom. "Hey, we're gonna go in the woods for a little hike. You coming?" Lucy asks putting her shoes on. "Yeah, sure. Is everyone going?"

"I think Vi and Jack are staying." she says raising her eyebrows at me, implying they're gonna use their time alone as an advantage.

"Rather them do it when we're not here anyway." i laugh after pulling my shorts up around my waist then finish getting dressed.

"I just noticed Joe didn't bring anyone." Lucy says confused while walking beside me as the other boys are up ahead talking.

Not that Joe is a man slut or anything but if we were to go away on a trip like this he usually would bring a girl just to get it in. He hasn't really been in a relationship since like.. Middle school. He doesn't hate them or anything i think he's just not good at them.

"Yeah he wanted the big bedroom and Casp said he can have it if he doesn't bring someone."

"Why would Casp care?" she asks pulling leaves off the trees we pass. "I don't think Caspar likes the girls he chooses." she nods her head in a way of saying that's true.

"Can you guys share the beer or what?" i say running up next to them and taking a beer from Cody and smiling at him. "Thank you." He rolls his eyes but laughs. They've been drinking ever since we left the house, they must be somewhat drunk already.

Lucy and i wanted to enjoy the nature first. We're at the top of this hill that goes down into a grassy land. "Oh i am SO rolling down this hill." Joe says giggling. "Dude i'm joining you!" Cody chimes in taking his phone out of his pocket.

"You guys are ridiculously drunk." Lucy laughs putting her hand on her hip watching them and i did the same as i watched the idiots roll down the hill.

"Dude look at that tree!" Caspar yells out pointing at this huge tree.

It was all the way down the hill and it stood out from the rest of the trees. It was more branchy and much more taller. We started walking down the hill towards Cody and Joe.

"I bet you won't climb it." Cody says to Joe.

Joe raises his eyebrows then runs off to the tree and starts climbing up. "I can't believe he's doing this."

Joe's POV
I'm climbing up branch from branch. In my mind i'm going super fast, i don't even see the branches, they blur out as i past them.

I get to a spot where i can look out and see them all standing watching me.

"I did it!" i yelled with a stupid smiled planted on my face. They all raised their fists in the air cheering. I see Emma put her fist in Cody's face which leads to him grabbing her fist and their bodies get closer. I don't know why i feel a pang of heat rush in my chest. All of a sudden i feel myself falling.

Emma's POV
"oh my god, Joe!" i yell as i hear a branch break and see him falling. I rush over to him as he hits the ground, his eyes closed.

"Joe!" "Are you alright?" "Dude wake up!" they all shout. I'm shaking his body when a smile appears on his face and then coughs.

"Keep doing that." he smirks. I roll my eyes. "Are you alight?" Caspar asks. "Yeah think i'm just a bit drunk." he says sitting up. "A bit?" Lucy says insisting he's a lot more than just a bit.

There's a big gash on the side of his wrist that goes about 3 inches down his arm.

"Dude you're bleeding!" Cody points out.

"Come on, stand up." Caspar helps him up. "Can you walk?" he says standing him up. "Yeah yeah i'm fine." Joe stands up and examines his wound.

"Come on, Ill take you back and take care of that." i say with a soft smile.

"You? Out of all people want to take care of me?" he says furrowing his eyebrows. "Don't make me change my mind." i interlock his arm with mine.

"You guys finish your journey. We'll see you back at the house." I look at them.

"You sure?" Cody asks and i nod my head.

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