Sugg to the Rescue

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I called violet three times but still no answer. She must be at a party or stoned. I called Caspar twice but no answer. I decided to call Joe since he was at my house and maybe i could get a hold of Caspar.


"Oh thank god. Nobody is answering me, are you with Casp?"

"Nah i've just left. Aren't you on a date?"

"Not anymore. He was too touchy-feely."

"No surprise. Need a ride?"

"Yes, please."

I wait outside for Joe to get here. Surprisingly Derek hasn't came out yet, which i'm thankful for. After 5 minutes i finally see Joe pull up.

I get in the passenger seat and thank him. "I try to be a nice decent human being and accept an offer for a date but turns out he just wanted a lot more than holding hands and accidental bumping fingers in the popcorn bowl."

Joe chuckles at my rant. "It isn't funny." i slouch. He just looks at me then rolls his eyes. "That's just how preppy boys like him are. They've only got one thing on their mind." he says.

"Well it's stupid. Do me a favor and don't tell Casp." i demand and Joe agrees. "For the record, you do look good."

I roll my eyes. "Oh shut up." he laughs, "No, i'm serious. You do." i look out the window hiding the redness creeping up on my face. I'm not sure why i'm even blushing at a compliment like that. So weird.

We finally get to my house as Joe parks and i get out of the car. "Thank you, again." i smile at him.

"no problem." he says back.

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