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"There!" i stand back admiring the lights i just strung around outside. "I'd say we did a fantastic job." Violet says High Fiving me and as our hands touch she interlocks our fingers smiling at me then leaning her head against my temple as we stand there in awe.

Jack comes out with blankets in his hand, Cody following him with a pack of beer.

I smile at the boys then go up to Jack and take some blankets, laying them on the grass making it comfy and cozy.

I lay down on the blankets propping my knees up, staring at the lights.

Cody comes and joins me.

"Good job." i turn my head at him and smile. I'm so thankful i have a guy friend like him. A guy friend who knows his boundaries, and who can comfort me when i need him the most.

"Thanks." i look back up. Violet lays next to me and i take her hand in mine, kissing the back of her hand and she flashes me a smile.

"When is Joe getting back? I can't wait to show him this." i ask smiling to myself. I don't even know where he went. When I woke up this morning he wasn't anywhere to be seen and Cody just told me he went somewhere.

"I'm not sure." Cody replies in a less enthusiastic voice. "Where is he anyway?" Jack questions.

"Yeah. Cody didn't he say where he was going?" i look at him and he's just staring up with a straight face. I turn on my stomach propping myself up on my forearms looking at him. "Helloooo?" i wave in his face giggling.

He finally looks at me with a slight smile. "He asked me about the girl who invited us to the party. Something about wanting to find the girl he was with last night." Cody's jaw clenched then he finally looks at me.

My smile drops and i just look back at him. Then, i lay back on my back. My heart does a flip. Why does he want to find her?

"He's missing out." Jack says sitting up then taking a beer out, handing us all one. Violet takes my hand back in hers giving it a squeeze, knowing how i must feel right now.

Honestly, I don't even know how i feel.

I feel kind of like he betrayed me in some way? Even though he did nothing to betray me. But come on, there's only one reason why he would want to find her. To hook up with her.

"Hey guys!" I hear his voice call out. I sit up and turn around to face him. He's holding that girl's hand. The girl from the party.

Why the fuck would he bring her here?

"This is Breonna." he points at the blonde who just smiles as they approach us. Joe tells her our names and when he finally looks at me he just smirks.

Is this just some game to him? I take another swig at my beer as they come and sit on the blankets. "I like the lights." he says as if he did nothing wrong.

"Violet and Emma did it." Jack says.

"Yeah well we wanted to just have a relaxing day with each other. Just each other." Violet says glaring at Breonna.

Violet can tell there's something going on between Joe and i even if i haven't told her and i think Cody can tell, too. Breonna quickly looks away from Violet and just looks at Joe. "Where's the bathroom?" she asks.

After she's walked back inside Violet turns to Joe. "Why did you bring her? You knew we were all going to hang out!"

"What does it matter if i bring an extra someone?" he furrows his eyebrows.

"Yeah Vi, it's okay. She seems nice." Jack says oblivious. I just roll my eyes. "What's a matter, Em?" Joe finally speaks to me. I look at him and he has a smug smirk plastered across his face. I give him my best bitch face. "Oh nothing. Do whatever you want, Do whoever you want." i huff.

"Don't worry, i've already done both." he glares back at me.

I don't know why he's doing this. I don't know how he could say that to me. We were fine yesterday! My heart leaps out of my chest, and my jaw clenches. "Okay that's enough." Cody says looking at Joe for him to stop acting like a complete dick.

Breonna comes back out and when she sits next to Joe he takes her face and plants a kiss on her lips. I swallow hard and without saying anything i get up and go inside.

The Worst & Best Thing | Joe SuggWhere stories live. Discover now