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Joe's POV
I watch Emma walk off inside. I know i've hurt her but she hurt me. She deserves it. She lied to me. "Nice." Cody says in an annoyed tone.

I shoot daggers back at him. Violet has already went in after her.

"Why don't you go to? You seem pretty good at comforting her." i clench my jaw.

He furrows his eyebrows at me. "Dude, what are you talking about?" I shake my head and look at Breonna. "I should take you back." she slowly nods her head awkwardly.

Violet's POV
Although Emma hasn't told me much about what's going on with her and Joe, i can tell there is something.

She wanted to put up all of those lights and make it all comfortable for us all to sit out there and talk about everything. But i know she wanted to talk about everything with Joe.

"Why are we even doing this?" I ask struggling to keep the line of lights up. "Because Vi, it's going to look so pretty afterwards." she smiles wide helping me.

"We can sit out here and talk about everything."

"Anyone in particular you want to talk about everything with?" i mock her and her cheeks turn red.

"You told the boys we're all going to be hanging out today right? They better not have plans." she says demandingly changing the subject, which i just laugh. "Yes i told them. They'll be here." i stop and look at her. "Joe will be here." i reassure and she just looks at me biting her lip, not saying anything.

"Emma just tell me what's going on." i say sitting at the end of her bed staring at her laying down facing the wall staring at absolutely nothing.

"I don't even know what there is to tell."

I sigh. I'm so mad Joe brought that girl. This is all his fault. Emma was so excited for him to see what she did and he brings some fucking girl. "I'm going to kill him." i say standing up.

"Don't," Emma says finally looking at me. I can tell she's hurt.

She sits up and sighs looking at her feet. "He told me he wanted me. I mean, i don't even know how he meant it. It could mean so many things, it could mean he wants to have sex with me it could mean he wants to be with me.." her voice trails off.

"So you don't just want to screw him?" i give a soft smile trying to make her laugh.

"I don't know!" she sighs throwing herself back staring at the ceiling. "It's so complicated. I thought that's all i wanted. I thought i could make it go away because i know it can't happen. But i saw him.. With her."

she says the word 'her' like it's a terrible word.

I hear the floor creek and I look to see Jack. "Can someone explain why Joe is being a dick to Emma and Cody.." he says then looks at Emma, "And why she's upset!" she points at her and comes to sit by me. "She likes Joe." i blurt out.

Emma extends her leg and kicks me. "I do not!" she pleads. I roll my eyes then looking at Jack and give him a nod to tell him it's true.

"Explains why he kissed that girl in front of us." he shrugs. I furrow my eyebrows at him. "Why does that matter?"

"Well, i've known Joe long enough to know that he doesn't kiss girls in front of his guy friends. Well, kiss the girls he only hooks up with in front of us. And i know Joe. He has no interest in that girl, his only interest is getting her undressed and-"

"We get it." Emma cuts him off.

"Okay. So what? i'm still lost." By now Cody has entered the room. "Is he trying to make her jealous or something?" he asks. Jack shrugs "Could be."

"Doesn't explain why he would do that. Why would he try to make me jealous when he knows how i sorta feel? I haven't done anything!" Emma says putting her pillow over her face, screaming into it. "Can i be alone? Please." she finally says.

I suck in my bottom lip and grab Jack's hand, Cody following.

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