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Cody and i went out to an amusement park that's a half hour away from our hometown. We mostly go carted and did small roller coasters. It was really fun but i think it was more of a friendly date than a romantic one.

He's a real sweetheart and gentlemen but i think we might be better off friends.

It isn't awkward when i see him in class either, we get along really well and we're always laughing and he hasn't tried to pressure anything with me so i think he feels the same way.

It's Friday and we have this week off from school for spring break. I invited Cody when i first heard about us going to the lake house and he agreed to come so i think he's still coming.

It's great to have a new friend i can just be myself with.

"Hey!" I feel someone's hands on my shoulders and it startles me. "Oh sorry!" Cody laughs and i put my hand on my chest. "You almost gave me a heart attack you lunatic!" i chuckle with him.

"So i have my stuff ready to go. Do you want me to pick up you and Violet still? Cause i know Caspar and Lucy are driving together and Joe is going with Jack so.."

"Yeah that's fine! I'm so excited. A week off school and getting stoned." i say heading out to the student parking lot.

"Oh the dream." Cody says in a tone as if he's lost in a trance. I laugh and we say our goodbyes and i head home.


"Finally i can stretch my legs!" Violet says getting out of the car. "Vi.. it was only a 30 minutes drive." i say laughing.

"Well it didn't feel that way." she says going to the back of the car to open the trunk.

Jack and Violet were rooming together, of course. Caspar and Cody. Lucy and I. And Joe got the bedroom to himself because he agreed if he didn't bring someone then he would get his own room.

Cody Violet and i were the first to arrive and we were the ones who brought the drinks as well so we unloaded until everyone arrived.

"i'm gonna start the fire." i say starting to open the glass door to go outside. "I'll help." Joe suggests. "Don't need it." i say but he comes anyway. I pick up a bunch of firewood and start to walk but i can't really see and end up bumping into Joe. "Careful." he says placing his hands on my waist, making sure i don't fall over.

i get out of his grip and put the wood down. "Where's the gasoline?" he asks. I ignore him and continue to play with the matches by just lighting a match then blowing it out.

"Em. Stop wasting them, where's the gasoline?" i roll my eyes and point to the side of the tower of firewood. Cody Caspar and Lucy come outside and sit on the big logs around the fire. I join Cody and he asks how many times i come up to this lake house. "Whenever we get the chance to, honestly."

"Must be pretty cool."

"Cody do that one grass whistle thing you showed me!" Caspar says. I laugh but walk inside to get a beer. "I'll take that." Joe grabs the beer right after i take it out of the fridge.

"There's plenty more in here." i roll my eyes at him. "Good, so you don't have a problem with me taking this one." he smiles at me then taking a drink of it. "Guess not." i reach in the fridge to grab another one.

"Still mad at me?" he asks. "Still a jerk?" i snap back at him while walking back outside.

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