chapter two

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During dinner,he keeps the wooden table at the centre of the room,keeps two stool which we make our dinning table,he never really care about such until I appeared.

We sat opposite each other,eating mushroom soup which he had ordered.
I don't know how to cook,I don't even know how kitchen equipment looks like.
His face had the angry expression again and I didn't want to say a word.

"Every one at the hotel is asking after you", he finally broke the silence.

"Am sure the would", I replied not sure how I sounded.

"You have friends there...I mean rich kids,where you would feel comfortable if you stay with them"

"I don't have friends,they are all bunch of hypocrite"
Daniel smirked,I stared at his face,I hated that look.

"I know you are tired of me,am making plans,I would leave soon"

"I hope that soon comes really soon because its hectic having you around"

He shouldn't have said it directly,or a  more polite way wouldn't have cost him anything.
I wish I had the plans but there was none.

As soon as my dad finish his tenure after second term, he was arrested and the man I never knew who hides behind my dad innocent round face came out.

He was accused of selling drugs which according to the police he used in starting his business.
It that was all then my father would still be the man I knew he was.
He sold girls,kidnapping them and selling them into different countries for prostitution,that was before he ventured into drugs.
He was also accused of using the government money to build a car producing company.
Too many accusations, all which he pled not guilty,but too many witnesses showed up,too many photos to back their accusation. The matter was dragged in the court for almost a year.
Dad kept assuring mum and I that everything would be fine,but the more he kept dragging on,the more his dirty underwear was been exposed and he was sentence to 30 years imprisonment.
He couldn't bear the pain and humiliation, he couldn't think of me and mum.
He was found dead after committing suicide with a plastic spoon which he had turned into a weapon.
Mum had high blood pressure and her heart could not stand all so she gave up.

"I can't give up,no am going to prove the world wrong and make a good name."
"How re you going to do that"

Daniel questioned,then I realised I have said that out loud.
I pouted my lips and ignored him.
He got up,took his bag and left.
I was left alone,another bright day.

I took the dirty dishes and threw them into the trash can outside,hiding my face from his neighbours so as not to be recognise.

Everyone knew me,of course who wouldn't know the only daughter of the ex president. I was popular on the social media,as I didn't fail to show of my cars which I change every year,getting a new  and better model neither did I ever fail to show of my wardrobe which I change every week with designers wear,and wears that are limited.

I looked through his window,not able to socialise again,I know am doomed for.
Daniel would throw me out,one of this days.
Maybe I need to plan out,call those who had received help from my dad.
I wouldn't be asking for free food or free shelter,maybe a job would be nice.

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