chapter three .

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I spent the next few weeks,running to and fro.
Going from one C.E.O to the other, from one manager to the other,each have same excuse.

"You are not qualified"

Few pitied my condition, set a special interview for me,I flopped.
I wasn't the good student,never cared what the professor says,I knew I didn't need to learn,I just need to attend classes and come out with a degree,no matter how poor it is,I was the only daughter of a billionaire,why do I need to care about good grades.

Some C.E.O refused seeing me,giving excuse that the don't want to be involved with me.
Others didn't even have an excuse,they kept posting me and never leaving a message.
Daniel is getting fed up,to him he spends more than he should,since am not permitted to eat just any kind of food,he spends money buying from expensive restaurant.

My phone began ringing.
It was Daniel calling.

"Hey",he said it rudely."I got bought today"
"What does that mean?"
"Claire Donald paid me to tell her your whereabout"

He didn't sound sorry.

"And you did?"

I felt hot stream of tears rolling down my thin cheek.

"I got paid for God purse is getting emptier because of you"

I sniff not wanting to sound weak than I already sounded.

"So why tell me,you already made your decisions"

"I called to say brace your self because she aren't coming alone and she announced your address in the VIP club last night"

I didn't wait for him to say more,I hanged up,threw the phone to the bed and rushed to the small wardrobe.
It was time for me to leave, tossing my cloth into my bag I didn't care if it would rumple,I just needed to leave these place.

Even if every one forgave me for my wrong deed and pity my situation,Claire Donald wouldn't.
She could be said to be the assistant evil princess who wants to take the crown of her master.

I grabbed my bag and my phone,turned the door knob and their stood Claire Donald,the third child of sir Patrick Donald,a well respected professor in the country.Her father has more awards than three musicians put together. He is also an author of many books which are used in higher institutions, home and abroad.

"Hello D"

Claire's face brightened up with an evil smile.
Behind her stood,Charmy,the adopted daughter of Beharts commissioner of police,the man has seven sons from three women and wanted a daughter so he adopted charmy.
Also stood with her dangerous smile was Agrace,the daughter of prestige, the man who owns Prestigious hotel,a seven  star hotel,most expensive in the entire Parashart(a fictional continent) where all the rich kids squander their parent money and where Daniel works.

  "Are you running away?"Claire mocked.
"Or going for a picnic"

Agrace said it in a bitter way that the three girls fell into laughter.

 "You should be inviting us in" Claire pouted her lips.

I looked down at her gown,that was my design, I designed these personally for my self but that stupid lady has sold it out.

"Getting jealous of this?"

Claire noticed my dancing eyes on her gown.

"Guess what,its limited and hand stitched by the Famous Lady B."

"Am tired of dirty is the house that we can't come in?"

Charmy pushed me away and walked in.
The other two followed.

"Does losing assets makes one dumbed,this girl haven't said a word since our arrival"
Charmy said.

  "Jeez,how are you surviving in this crampy place"

Avery coughed,waving away a smell that only her could Perceived.

"Where you going somewhere I could take you in my car,I bought the 2017 model of BMW,the one you bought last year...I bought it late but an better than someone here who doesn't own a scooter...right girls?"

The began laughing for something only them find amusing.

"Why are you here?"
My voice found it way out of my lips.

"She can talk"Agrace laughed

"Why are you here?"
I question with command.

Claire frowned and walk closer to me.

"I wanted to pay respect to your late dad but I thought it through,he sold girls into prostitution,without pity,he doesn't deserve my respect"

That was Claire talking.

She continued," we came to see how low you have fallen"

"And she fell really low"
Charmy chiped in.

"Your gold crown has turn dust,your grace now grass"

Claire hit my shoulder softly.

"Am sure you are satisfied by what you see,so why don't out find your way to your palace"

I commanded.

"Sure,I can't stand this awful smell"

Agrace headed to the door.

"Its no fun at prestigious hotel anymore, the sassy queen isn't there to make every one tremble in fear"
Charmy said.

"Brace your self 'D',am going to repeat every single damn thing you did to me,not just me,to Jace and every one this who care to lash their anger on you,am going to make sure you feel what we felt,but these time it would be hell for you"
Claire threatened.

I didn't say a word and watched them leave,just then I found the strength to cry,the strength to scream,I didn't care if anyone heard but I needed to pour out my pain by crying.

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