Chapter sixteen

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I became the princess of the house.
Cook their weird kind of food and waited for them to return.
It wasn't so difficult, I learnt how to eat all their kind of food,even the whitish food without closing my nose.

Grand ma wasn't happy about my stay and home.
She would grunt,murmur and complained.
I didn't care,I just waited for my brothers and sister to return.
I learnt to drink their cheap wine,it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
I learnt to not come last in the games we played.
I haven't been this happy,each dawn I anticipate for night fall.

Everything seemed to be going well until I fell ill.
Sick enough not to carry myself,found all food irritating and was throwing up just every minute of the day.
Grandma brought a doctor--a herbal doctor.
He feeds me native,bitter medicines.
I have always hated medicine, I preferred to be injected than to drink those smelling pills now I wasn't just drinking pills I was taking NATIVE drugs.
I so hated it with passion but I have no say, I wouldn't dare complain if not grandma would say I complain about everything.

It went from worse to worst.
Each day it worsened.
Until the boys suggested I was taken to a hospital.
The doctors kept calling names of diseases and infections I didn't know even existed.
He said I was beaten by this insect,infected by that insect.
Then he concluded,that the place I was staying doesn't suit me,the water isn't good for me.
He told them my blood cells wasn't strong enough to fight diseases and I needed to move to a better environment or I would have to be treating myself just every time and it might become worst for me.

Just when I thought life was getting a little bit beautiful.
They each suggested I should go stay with their parent but how was that possible when the all left home to make end meet then I would go place my problems on their family who are even finding it hard to survive?

I thought of Daniel again.
I had to return to him but am stronger than I was when I was with him so I would be able to put up to any job he finds for me.

Stanley took me to the train station in his truck, he handed to me the money they have each contributed for me,I promised to called I soon as I arrived.

Still cold,I wore a thick leather sweater, a thick blue jean,a base ball cap and a rubber boot for farming,Jovita gave it to me,to chase cold from my feet,I had a hand glove on too.
I sat down returning to Daniel but wishing I was strong enough to stay among those who loves me.

I arrive at the train station and took a taxi to Daniels,he wasn't home yet and his door was locked.
I waited until night fall but he wasn't coming, was he no longer staying here?
I asked the neighbours who claimed he has not been seen for three days.
Michael called while sitting with the rest of the family as I could hear their voice shouting into the phone.
I told them I was fine,didn't want to bother them with my problems.
I ended up sleeping outside Daniels door while sitting.

Then came day break,Daniel didn't return,his number wasn't going through.
I kept my bag close to a tree not far from Daniels door and went out to look for a restaurant where I would eat.

I found one,two stone throw away from Daniels house.
As I got in and ordered for a plate of rice and vegetable sauce,just as was served I saw a girl at the corner of the restaurant, her eyes,focus and attention was focused on my food.
I ignored her but as I put a spoonful into my mouth,her eyes begged me,I felt guilty,the girl was looking six,if I can't stand hunger,how could a girl her age stand it.
I called her offering her my spoon.
The owner of the restaurant,a fat,tall woman came shouting.

"You this pimp,you are back?"

She began dragging the kid.

"I called her in"
I defended.

"You wouldn't understand"
The woman said holding the girl by the collar.
"This is how they behave,coming here to beg,they do that to most customer and when you look at their pitiful face,you wouldn't reject giving her your food"

"And I want to give her mine...please let her go"

And the woman did
The girl ran to me in a smile,I gave her my spoon but instead she brought out a small polythene bag from her pocket and turned the food into it,with a smile she ran away from the restaurant.
I placed another order for myself.

Fall Of A Sassy PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now