Sports~Joc Pederson

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Today was the day that my little brother was going to camp out here in Hawaii for baseball and he's meeting his two idols; Joc Pederson and Corey Seager. Not gonna lie, I'm really excited too. 

We're originally from Texas, but we are on vacation and it was a perfect opportunity for him to get better at something that he loves and for him to meet his two favorite players. We grew up Astros fans, but that never stopped Maxwell from liking other teams. 

Not gonna lie, I used to be in a relationship with George Springer for around 2 years, but things just fell apart between the two of us, but we're still close friends and talk and he gives me tickets for the games, which I'm really thankful for. 

We went to the baseball camp really early, it was an all day thing that I was kind of looking forward to just for Max because we are really close, despite our age difference. I'm 21 and he's 10. 

We waited in a room in the hotel we were at for Joc and Corey to come out to talk to all the kids. When the two of them came out, my brother and all the other kids started going nuts and screaming for them. I thought it was cute, I laughed and my brother hit me. "What was that for?" I asked looking down at him. 

"For laughing at me!" He said pouting. I laughed and rubbed his head. "I just think it's cute." I said shrugging my shoulders and then the two guys began to speak. I caught Joc's eye while Corey was talking and he winked and I smiled and sent him one back. 

They finished talking and we all went outside so the guys can work with the kids. They went around to each kid, so I was just throwing around with Max before Joc and Corey came up to him. "What's your name big guy?" Joc asked as Max gave them both hugs. "Maxwell and this is my older sister Kristen." He said pointing to me and I waved to both of them. 

Joc gave me a wink and Corey smiled at me. "Max, your sister is very pretty." Joc said and Max laughed and I blushed. "No she's not. Girls have cooties and she's my sister, she's ugly." He said and I laughed. "Oh you're gonna get it later Max, just you wait." I said and the guys laughed and helped Max with his fielding since he wanted to be a shortstop like Corey and Joc helped him with his hitting since he was a lefty as well as both of the guys. 

"Before we move on, can I get your number? Despite your brother saying that you're ugly, I think you're really beautiful." He said and I smiled and I handed him my phone and he handed me his. I put my number in and handed him back his phone. 

"Do you want to go out to dinner tonight after this thing?" He asked. "I would love to, just don't tell Max, he'll be extremely jealous that I'm going out with his favorite player." I said with a laugh and he laughed too. 

"Oh don't worry, I won't. You look familiar. Did you date someone in the MLB before?" He asked, I knew he was just stalling cause he wanted to talk to me some more. I nodded my head yes. 

"Yeah I did. I dated George Springer from the Astros for about two years and things just fell apart and we're just friends now." I said with a smile and he smiled back. 

"Well it's good to know you're not dating anyone right now, can't wait to see you later. Pick you up at 8?" He asked and I nodded. 

He winked at me and went away and I blushed. "What was that between you and Joc?" Max asked tugging at my hand looking up at me. 

"He thinks I'm really pretty despite what you said you little booger and he wants to take me out to dinner." I said throwing my arm around his shoulders and walking away from the camp. 

"Can I come?!" He asked and I laughed. "No you cannot Max." I said. I couldn't wait to see Joc later.

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