Part 8

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(Y/n) POV

"Come and have a go if you think your hard enough" I said daring them to try their luck, and it seems to have worked 

"If you have defeated a holy sword in battle, it must have been some fight" Xenovia said and I nodded 

"I would be glad to demonstrate if you would like"I said holding my hand out to her 

"(Y/n), that's enough" Rias said to me but neither of us were listening 

"I'm taking him up on that offer" she said taking out her holy sword 

"Sorry Pres, but if she wants a throw down who am I to deny that" I said stepping to the side so we were facing off against each other 

"You can do it Xenovia" Irina said from the side 

"To be fair, I've reset my power back down to normal" 

"What do you mean by that?" Xenovia said confused and so was everybody else 

"Well, since I put on my armor because SOMEBODY" I said looking at Issei who was hiding behind Koneko 

"destroyed my clothes, I have been boosting up, and every ten seconds I get one and it's been a few minutes since I got in it, so, I won't tell you the exact number but with the wave of my hand I could have leveled the entire building" 

"Glad your making it fair" she said drawing her blade back. I got in a fighting stance and we stayed still for a few seconds till she rushed me, she slashed across my chest but I moved back and it barely missed and I jumped over her and kicked her in the back. I landed and turned around and I attempted to roundhouse her but she blocked it and kneed me in the stomach 

"Damn, normally I wouldn't even feel that" I said coughing a little bit. Xenovia then threw her sword at me like a spear and I dodged it and she kicked me in the side of the head and grabbed my arm and threw me over her shoulder. My gear boosted a few times while we were talking and this short fight so I was at 81 times more powerful than when we started 'Not yet' I thought recovering form the last two hits. Xenovia picked up her sword and raised it up and slashed downward at me and I used my arm to block it 

"Impossible, even with that armor I should have cut your arm off" and I pushed her back 

"Well, like Issei, I've given parts of me to the dragon to let me use more of it's power, for example, my right arm" I said holding it up and cracking my shoulder. Xenovia smirked to me 

"I'm impressed, for once I may have an actual opponent" and I boosted again 'Two more' I thought while dodging Xenovia's flurry of attacks. when I did hit her I didn't use any of my power, just strength, I can't or else I'm going to be reset. Unlike the Red Dragon, I can hold my power even if I block something. Xenovia hit me back ten feet and I boosted again 'One more' I thought as she grew some sort of smile 

"I thought the black dragon would be stronger than that, apparently the rumors of you defeating the house of Phoenix are just that, rumors" and she seemed sort of relaxed now. I boosted one last time and I stood up, faking to be hurt 

"I'll show you then" I said continuing to fake my injuries 

"Fine, I'll just finish you off" she said running at me with her sword. She swung it and I caught the blade making her go wide eyed 

"You really shouldn't let your guard down like that" and I kneed her in the face making her nearly fall backwards and I put all the power I gathered into one blast. I put it all into one dragon shot and I charged it up and threw it straight down. It made a large explosion of dust, rocks, and other debris. The dust settled and she didn't even flinch. I put my arm back down to my side and she sheathed her sword 

"Pleasure doing battle with you, Black Dragon" 

"Same to you" we said to each other and went to our respective sides. They left after giving us another warning not to intervene with their search and I turned around and Rias was frowning at me 

"Ummm, I'm sorry" I said and she didn't seem to keen on accepting my apology. Time to bend over and kiss my ass goodbye. 

Short time later

I was rubbing my backside from Rias punishing me for fighting Xenovia, I was also given a new set of clothes to replace the ones that Issei blew off 'I'm still gonna kill him for that' I thought getting on my bike. I started it up and I saw Kiba leave the club behind me, we made eye contact before he just turned around and left, on the way out I saw some familiars fixing the hole I made in the ground. I sighed and shook my head and drove back home. when I got back Issei's parents greeted me as I went up to my room and laid back on the bed. I could feel myself starting to fall asleep and I soon succumbed to it. I opened my eyes and I was in a completely black room 

"Oh, I almost forgot about you" I said as the bane of my existence sat in front of me 

"Aww, that cuts deep (Y/n), real deep" she said in fake pain and I glared at her. She sat back up and crossed her legs 

"You still haven't killed that boy yet" she said sounding infuriated 

"Well, what you want and what I want are two completely different things" I said and she glared at me 

"No matter, you'll do it soon enough" and she waved her hand and I woke up. I looked at the clock and it was midnight and I sighed and said to myself 

"She always chooses the most annoying times to say what she wants to say" and I laid back down. I pulled over the covers and I felt something next to me and I looked over and it was Rias, again. She was just wearing one of my shirts and it wasn't buttoned up showing her white lingerie, she was also awake. For some reason she was staring at the ceiling  

"Your not going to ask why I'm here again?" she said looking at me 

"No, I've just decided to not question it" and she rolled onto her side 

"Well, would you like too?" and she put her hand on the side of my face. I felt a blush creep it's way onto my face and Rias giggled and pulled our faces even closer together. Rias' own face was turning red and probably even more than my face and both of our blushes reached their max when she pressed out lips together. Rias shut her eyes while mine went wide. Before I could start to process all of the thoughts running through my mind she pulled away 

"I thought you liked Issei?" I said and she giggled and pulled herself closer so she was snuggling into my chest 

"I thought I did, but since you joined you've been so nice and kind to the others, I fell for you"

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