Part 25

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(Y/n) POV

Everything was going smoothly, apart from Sairoarg throwing someone through a wall it's been fine. I was sitting by the food table talking with some other devil families as they asked about me, apparently word travels fast if you go one on one with a leader class Fallen Angel. I was walking around moving through the crowd of high class devils when I heard the unmistakable voice of "(Y/n)!" and Serafall grabbed my arm "Yes?" I said looking down at the shorter girl "Come here, you promised that we would be together for tonight" she said and I noticed people looking at us "Alright fine" "Yay!" and she pulled me up the stairs to the other devil kings "Odin is going to be here soon" she said as she let my arm go "But why did you drag me up here?" I said and she whispered "Apparently he's a bit of a perv, besides your the only one I'm gonna let grab my butt" she said and I face palmed at her comment. We didn't wait long until Odin walked in with a woman who was probably late twenties early thirties for her age "Odin how nice to see you" Sirzechs said greeting the god "Ah yes, Sirzechs, and who might you be?" he asked Serafall "I'm Serafall Leviathan" and Odin stroked his beard "Why are you eating something so drab and bland? You should be wearing something more vibrant" he said and Serafall was only to happy to oblige. I stood to the corner as the negotiations went on and I noticed that a few were missing, Issei, Rias, and Koneko. I pulsing find any of them and thanks to my dragon senses I could smell their scent as the all had left in a hurry 'That cannot be good' I thought as the white haired woman stood beside me "This went well" she said like she was relieved "Don't jinx it" I said jokingly "I didn't get your name young man" she said turning to me "(Y/n) (L/n), pawn in service to Sirzechs Lucifer" I said and she bowed "Roseweisse, servant of Odin" she said as Odin was about to sign the treaty "Everything appears to be in order" he said and a maniacal voice cut him off "If I may interject" and a blue magic circle manifested itself and out came Loki, the god of mischief and tricks "Loki" Odin said aggravated "Come now father, you mustn't join with the other mythology for it will get in my way of bringing about Ragnorock" Loki said as Devils surrounded him "Oh now this is crude" he said blasting them all away "Loki, stop this this instant" Odin said as Loki laughed at him "I would like you all to meet my pet" Loki said as a giant wolf with spikes growing out of its shoulders appeared. It roared at everyone as I activated my sacred gear "Oh the black dragon, it has been a long time since you reared your head to the world" Loki said looking down at me. The wolf jumped up smashing into the roof sending rocks falling on us "(Y/n) if you would" Sirzechs said as I went into balance breaker. I extended my wings and flew up and destroyed the rocks before they hit anyone. I saw the wolf in front of Akeno, I raced down to it but it was hit by a massive bolt of lightning sending it flying "No one hurts my daughter" Barkeel said protecting Akeno "Are you alright?" he asked Akeno but was met with silence. I landed next to her as Barkeel began to walk away "Are you alright?" I asked Akeno as she watched her father walk away "I'm fine" she said as both Loki and the wolf were put inside a green pyramid and they were teleported away from here. Sirzechs came down to me and said "(Y/n), if we could speak privately" and I followed him to a room. Sirzechs shit the door and I exited balance breaker "Do nog worry (Y/n), you are not in any trouble" he said with his usual smile "Okay so what did you want to talk with me about?" "I know you and my sister have slept with each other and I also know about with her queen as well" he said to me "And?" I said a bit embarrassed "I know how much you mean to her so I've decided that you are going to be her piece permanently" he said and I felt almost relieved "You mean it?" I said and he nodded "During your training Rias removed four of the eight pawns Issei had and when she gets back she'll be putting them in you"


Current harem:
I'm adding in Roseweisse cause I'm nice

I'm also at a dilemma cause before I finish there will be one more lemon but I don't know if it should be Serafall, Irina or Roseweisse if you guys or gals or attack helicopters could tell me what you guys would like to see it would be much appreciated

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