Part 11

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Boingy boing Oppai

(Y/n) POV

I met Kiba, Issei, Koneko, Saji, Irina and Xenovia at the church and they gave us coats and sweet fedora's "M'lady" I said jokingly earning a punch in the side from Koneko 

"Idiot" she said as I held my side 

"You knew the risks of giving me a hat like this, and that was one of them"I said as Xenovia and Irina came out from the back 

"So we good to go?" I asked them and Xenovia nodded 

"Yes, we are grateful to you four for helping us and in exchange you should know the white one has awoken" she said to Issei. She was referring to the white dragon, Albion, I know about him from Revenant and he also told me about how him and the red dragon were destined to fight each other. 

"Thanks, let's go" Issei said and we left the church 

"So, how are we even supposed to find this guy?" I said out loud 

"Don't know but you'll know him when you see him" Kiba said and we kept walking down the street. We elected to take the east half of town while Xenovia and Irina took the west and we soon came upon an older looking building 

"Damn it smells bad" I said covering my nose. we all then stopped in front and some guy jumped down form the top 

"Schwing!" the guy said and Kiba blocked his sword with his own 

"Damn, I was looking forward to some good old priest hunting tonight but instead I found five dirty devils instead" the crazy guy said and I ripped off the jacket and hat and activated my gear 

"This our guy?" 

"Yeah, that's him" Kiba and the crazy priest went into a  one on one and I could barely keep track of them 

"Damn, barely can keep up with those two" I said just watching the sparks from their blades colliding with each other 

"Oh, you need to slow them down, that it?" and Saji summoned his gear and it looked like a lizard and it shot a blue tongue out and it grabbed the priests foot 

"The hell?" he said and started chopping it but it wouldn't break 

"Damn, another one of these stupid dragons" 

"Yours is a dragon too?" Issei asked Saji and his gear boosted up 

"Oh yeah, the dragons awake now" and Koneko picked Issei up and threw him at Kiba letting Issei give the power to him. Kiba then stabbed the ground using his sword birth making tons of new blades come out of the ground 

"Sword birth huh?" a voice of some person said as I could hear someone walking out of the building 

"Who's there?" 

"A sacred gear that can exhibit invincible power based on the users ability. Oh Freed, looks like your use of holy swords could use some brushing up couldn't it?" some old fat guy said walking out 

"Look, it's old man Balba (that's his name but I thought it had a V in it) and Kiba's eyes widened in shock 

"That must be the guy Xenovia was talking about" Issei said from the top of the building "He's the mastermind behind the holy sword project" Koneko said as we all sized up this new guy 

"Balba Galilei!" Kiba shouted form the top of the building and he looked up at Kiba 

"The one and only" 

"One and only what old man? Make yourself useful and get this lizard tongue off me" Freed said in annoyance 

"You need to pour all your energy into the blade of the sword" "Oh is that it? One energy cocktail coming up" Freed said as his swords blade glowed and he cut the tongue 

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