Part 20

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I know I said that the armor has red symbols but the blue spikes look better than just red and black

also thsi may not be accurate to the show but we're gonna gloss over that so shhhhhh

(Y/n) POV

I kneed a wizard in the head and blasted a second, I was covering Rias as she went to go get Gasper to unfreeze everyone else. I punched a wizard in the face and then I blocked a magic attack from them "That all you got?" I said a my gear boosted and I clothes lined both of them. I glanced to my side as one of the wizards was about to shoot me but he had his head cut clean off "Thanks sis" I said punching another "It's cool, I never liked working with these guys" and she kicked one in the neck. I used my tail and threw one into a tree 'So, tell me about your boss" I said as my sister sighed "She's annoying, one of the leviathans, Katerea" "I've never heard of her?" "Good, you don't want to" and the ground started glowing orange "Oh no" and we were engulfed in a large explosion, my armor protected me from most of the damage but I heard Emma crying out in pain. I pulled myself up and Emma was laying on the ground in pain as she twitched "Emma" I said running over to her and I picked her up "Are you able to move?" I said but she didn't respond aside from the hitched breath "How pathetic" I heard a voice say but I couldn't see the person who said it "So, this must be your brother, I admit that this isn't what I expected" the voice said and I put Emma down before looking around "Who is this?" I said but all I got was laughter "I'm sorry, but that girl belongs to me"

3rd POV

"Brother" Rias said to Lucifer as he was unfrozen "What is going on?" he said looking around "We're being attacked, these wizard's started showing up, by the way where's the kid you went with?" Azazel asked Rias as (Y/n) came flying form the trees and used his claws to slow himself down "There he is" he said as (Y/n) stood up "Bitch" he growled while wiped his lip "(Y/n)" Rias said and tried to get to him but he held his hand up "Don't, she's mine" he growled and he gear boosted again "Defiant, as expected of the Black Dragon" and woman came out form where (Y/n) was. she had tanned skin blue eyes behind a pair of red glasses. Her outfit was a purple jacket that barely covered anything with red shirt under that had a hole at her cleavage and it left her stomach exposed, her jacket came back together at her hips. (Y/n) growled at her as she had a confident smile on her face "So I'm assuming your Katerea?" he asked and she nodded "I am Katerea Leviathan, the rightful Leviathan, not her" and she pointed to Serafall and used a disgusted tone addressing her "Besides, after I finish you, that pathetic excuse of a sister is next" and (Y/n) gritted his teeth under his armor "I mean seriously, how bad can she be? She's tried to kill you twice and from what I've seen it isn't that hard to do" and (Y/n) clenched his fists in anger "(Y/n)?" Rias said but Azazel held her shoulder "Don't, this kids about to blow any second now" and the red symbols on (Y/n)'s armor glowed red until his eyes also started to glow "She should consider herself lucky I revived her, I did it mostly for another piece of meaningless cannon fodder though" and suddenly (Y/n) was engulfed in a dark aura as his red eyes continued to glow "Demise Dragon Overbooster!". (Y/n)'s armor started changing, it got bulkier in places and the three toes became more pronounced than before, his claws got longer and thicker. The most dramatic change was his head, the mouth piece began to split into its own mouth, lined with razor sharp teeth. When it finished (Y/n) stood taller and he growled like a tiger and his tongue licked his teeth. Rias looked at what her servant just became, the monster that took his place "Very interesting" Vali said in his armor above them "I didn't think that the black dragon was capable of such dramatic changes without a juggernaut transformation" he said and Issei glared at him "What do you mean Cali?" and he just laughed in a mocking tone "He's to far gone, if any of you get close to him he'll kill you on the spot" and Isseis own gear powered up "You planned this?!" he shouted at Vali "I'm surprised it took you that long to figure it out" "Rias?" Issei asked her "Go ahead, we'll try to calm down (Y/n), you can deal with Vali"

(Y/n) POV

'What is this?' I thought looking around the empty void. It felt like I was dreaming but somehow it felt different, like walking on water. I looked down and I could see what looked like my armor facing off against Katerea. Only, my armor looked different, it looked more animal than human. It let out an inhuman roar that made glass break "Oh now this might be fun" Katerea said unimpressed "Turns out you are an animal, a spineless, pathetic, worthless, anima-" and my armor took a step leaving a crater before shooting at her so fast I didn't even see it. It's fist impacted her stomach sending her flying, or it would have for my armor grabbing her ankle and being her right back and close lined her. I then picked her up and roared in her face before throwing her and tearing off her arm. Katerea hid with a hard thud as my armor threw her arm away like a trash bag and it then picked her up again and it spoke in a demonic room that sounded like nothing I've ever heard "I am no animal" and it threw her into the air. It spread its arms as two magic circles appeared in them. It moved its arms in a circle with its head in the center and it spoke again "Abyss Defiant it was casting a spell, one that was banned from being used that if it was ever used incorrectly it would cause devastating amounts of destruction. It did it anyway, once it completed the circle it went away and it opened its mouth. A orb of dark blue and black energy began gathering in its mouth before shooting it at Katerea, when the beam impacted her she was instantly annihilated as light began bending around the monster. It stopped as the attack wore off and it then turned to look at Issei and Vali fighting "Damn, I need to get back in my head" I said trying to see how I could regain control. I watched as it ran at the two before grabbing their heads and smashing them into the ground "Come on" I said and my hand went through the liquid floor. The armor kicked Issei in the stomach before head butting Vali, I was amazed at how effortlessly it smacked the two around like nothing. Vali's helmet shattered like glass from the impact and he wiped his lip "Black Dragon, you truly are incredible" and he stood up and my armor punched him in the stomach shattering his armor, even with Issei in balance breaker he didn't stand a chance. I pulled myself more through until I got half my torso through "Maybe a juggernaut drive is the correct course of action" Vali said wiping his lip "We should retreat Vali, were overpowered" Albion said and Vali agreed "I agree, let's get back to base" and he teleported back to who knows where. My armor then turned it attention on Issei, it growled as I pulled more through. Issei stood up holding his stomach "(Y/n), come on, you can fight this" he said as my armor walked towards him. Each thud of a footstep made me fear more for his safety as I tried with all my strength to pull myself through. I got mostly through as it stood over Issei and it bared the large fangs that resided in its mouth. I finally pulled through right as it raised its hand and I was blinded by a white light and a constant ringing in my ears. My head was pounding until my vision gradually came back, it looked like my room. I felt around to make sure it was real and it was 'Damn, this passing out needs to stop' I said but as I got up I was immediately pulled back down. I was pulled into a tight hug from Rias as she held me tightly "Umm, Rias?" I asked and she didn't let me go "Don't you ever scare us like that again" she said and she started crying in my shoulder. I gently rubbed her back and her soft crimson hair "I'm sorry Rias for causing you to worry" and she held me tighter "(Y/n), hold me" and I hugged her back "Hold me and don't let go" and I patted her head "I won't" I said and she backed up, her blue eyes puffy from crying. She then moved quickly and kissed me, it was like when we first kissed. I held her close as we kissed. She pulled away slightly but made it so our foreheads were touching "(Y/n), I want to ask you something" "What?" "Would you please" and she pulled off her shirt "Take my virginity"


Yep, maybe a lemon next part I'm gonna get that done tomorrow or maybe the next day so no long wait for the next update


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