Part 26

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(Y/n) POV

We all stood on the edge of a cliff waiting for the bright green pyramid holding Loki to open, it was us along with Sona, Tsubaki, and Rossweisse, in my personal opinion not enough. My sacred gear was on my arm and I'm guessing Revenant could hear my thoughts 'Don't be nervous, we've faced worse' 'What could be worse than a literal god?' 'You've always faced whatever opponent with fierce determination and an unwillingness to accept defeat from anyone, I will back you 100% of the way' he said and my gear glowed red "Is everyone ready?" Rias said as we all prepared ourselves "Good, it's about to break" and the pyramid shattered. Loki was floating in the air with his giant wolf thing below him "So this is what they send to defeat me? A bunch of children?" he said mockingly while looking down at us "Issei, Saji, promote yourselves" and they both were promoted to queens "(Y/n), you good to go?" Rias asked as I nodded "Ready as I'll ever be" I said as I activated my balance breaker "What about you?" I asked Rossweisse and she turned into what I'm guessing is her armor "I'll be fine" she said confidently "You will all perish!" Loli said shooting his magic into the sky and lightning bolts coming down hitting mountain tops. Out from the dust were more wolves and a massive snake named Midgardsomar "Destroy them" "(Y/n), you and Irina along with Rossweisse can take one of them, Kiba and Xenovia, the second, Konoeko and Issei the third, me, Akeno, Sona and Tsubaki will take that snake thing" and I activated my balance breaker "Yes president" we said in unison and I bolted towards our opponent. On teh way here I learned that this things name is Fenrir, Loki's son apparently, must've been a really weird morning after. I thought jokingly as I spread my wings "Girls, I'll try and pin this thing down and after hit it with everything" I said as Irina gained a halo and angel wings. I grabbed Fenrir's teeth holding it back, digging my feet into the ground, I transferred any strength I gained and sent it straight into my arms as I lifted him over my head and threw it into the side of a cliff "Now" I said as Rossweisse sent bolts of light and Irina had a large ring of white light into the monster. The Fafnir got up and shook itself clean of the dust and howled at us "Damn, apparently this isn't going to be that easy" I said as Rossweisse was next to me "Well, it is the child of a god" she said as it howled at us. It jumped at us with it's mouth wide open, I grabbed Rossweisse and threw her out of the way it it grabbed my arm taking me with it. I felt one of it's huge teeth just miss cutting my arm off completely and I raised my fist "Chew on this one you bastard" I slammed my fist into the side of it's head  making it let me go and it kept going dropping me onto the ground. I clutched my arm which had a huge gash in it, blood running out of my arm and staining my black armor "Son of a that hurts" I said falling to one knee "(Y/n)!" Irina said landing next to me and looking at my arm "I'll get Asia" she said but I stopped her "I'll be fine, just have to be more careful" I said and I watched as Koneko threw a Fafnir threw a giant rock "Come on" I said as my armor repaired itself stopping the bleeding. I hit Fenrir in the center of his eyes  knocking it back into the mountain "Dragon shot" I shot any remaining power I had left into the creature before falling back onto the ground 'Damnit, it must be deeper than I thought' as I could barely raise my left arm anymore without causing searing pain shooting throughout my whole arm "Try using the attack you used on Kokabiel" Revenant said and I agreed with him "Rossweisse, Irina, get behind me" I said raising my hand like a dragon shot. The black mass began forming in my palm like last time, sucking in air and  the ground around me even the light bending towards it. This one was five times bigger than the one I used on Kokabiel, making it nearly as big as me " Black dragon's Dark Nova!" I said throwing it and like last time, my arm broke, probably shattering my humerus. The orb impacted Fenrir in a bright flash of light and black fire, the creature was engulfed in the fire as it shouted in pain. It's whole body was incinerated and the explosion was so bright that if you looked directly at it one could go blind. I fell onto the ground as my armor shattered and my wound opened up again "(Y/n)" Irina said holding me up from falling onto the ground "Get Asia" Irina said and Rossweisse hesitantly flew away "(Y/n), come on stay awake" Irina said holding me up and resting my head on her chest, I couldn't move even if I wanted to "Stay awake......I" she said pulling me closer to her. Rossweisse came back and Asia came up next to me "Hold him still" Asia said and she started using her healing, gradually the feeling in my left arm came back and the wound closed up but still left a nasty scar, my right arm was purple and limp but slowly returned to it's normal color. I pulled myself up "Asia your a life saver" I said as the blonde stood up "If that cut on your arm was any deeper I wouldn't have been able to heal it" she said as my sacred gear came back onto my arm "All the more reason to end this fast" I said as my balance breaker came back "(Y/n) wait, you shouldn't be fighting" Asia said as I stood up "Don't worry about me, just go help the others" and she ran to the others "Irina" I said as I didn't have my helmet on for my armor "Yes?" she said and I pulled her closer. I pressed my lips to hers and her eyes went wide form surprise. I pulled away and my helmet went on and the sky opened up with a column of light shined down. A hammer came form the sky slowly descending towards the ground "Thor's war hammer" Rossweisse said and Irina was still standing still with wide eyes and she had her hand up to the mouth "(Y/n) go use it against Loki" Rias' said and I extended my wings again "Yes president" I said as Loki made another Fenrir near us "can you two handle that thing while I go deal with Loki?"  I asked as they nodded and faced off with the monster. I flew into the air going after the hammer dodging attacks from Loki "Stupid devil, don't think you can even wield that weapon" he said out of frustration "If it means taking you down, I'll do anything" I almost reached the hammer. I reached out for it before feeling something collide with me pulling me away form the hammer. I saw that Fenrir had me in it's mouth, my blood was pouring form where it's teeth had penetrated my armor. I didn't feel any pain as it let me go and my armor shattered again and the ground got closer.

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