Part 39

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Two updates within a short time frame? I spoil you all

(Y/n) POV

'Will those three shut up?' I thought sitting in front of Issei and crew were being their usual degenerate selves "I know they can be a pain but please try to bear with it until we get to Kyoto" Ms Rossweisse said sitting next to me "I will try but I cannot promise anything" I said trying to ignore the fact they were now trying to grope each other because no woman would come within 100 feet of them willingly. The scenery passed by as the train hummed along, it was quite relaxing actually.

Rossweisse POV

I felt something hit my arm lightly, looking down it was (Y/n) and he fell asleep 'He's cute when he's asleep' I thought moving my arm so his head was resting against my breast. I lightly rubbed the top of his head as he was lightly snoring, I put my own head against the headrest and I felt him shift his weight. Both of his arms went around my waist pulling closer and he smothered his face into my chest "(Y/n), wake up please" I said quietly trying not to draw any attention to the fact we were like this.

(Y/n) POV

'Soft pillows.........'

Rossweisse POV

I tried to make him move but his grip was too strong "(Y/n)....." I said trying to move him but he didn't move. Fortunately we arrived at Kyoto shortly and the stop woke him up. He got up and stretched his arms "Oh sweet, we're here" he said as I stood up with a blush "What's up Ms. Rossweisse?" he asked with a yawn "N-Nothing" 'I don't like it when he calls me Ms..... I would rather be called just my name.......or....darling'

(Y/n) POV

I grabbed my stuff and I followed Rossweisse to our rooms "Issei and (Y/n), you two are sharing this room" she said showing us this tiny room with a shitty TV on a nightstand "Seriously?!" we both yelled at the same time "This is barely big enough for the one of us" Issei said to Rossweisse "For once I agree with the pervert, we can't stay in a room this small" I said and Rossweisse looked back at the paper "Oh my apologies, (Y/n) your room is the one next door" "Yes" I said and I was shown my room, it was smaller than the other since it only had one bed but had everything else, except all to myself "What? how come he gets a room to himself?" Issei said as I threw my bag onto the bed "(Y/n) did score higher than you did on the midterms, in fact in the top ten for the school so he's been given a room to himself" Rossweisse said and Issei fell onto his hand and knees crying anime tears "I knew I should've studied more" he cried as I rolled my eyes "What were you doing instead?" I asked 'Let me guess..' "Trying to peep on the girls kendo club" he said out loud earning a glare form Rossweisse 'Knew it' I thought chuckling "Besides, my room is across the hall so there won't be any funny business" she said and I rolled my eyes "Okay mom, I'm gonna take a shower" I said and everyone left me to my own devices. I walked over to the window and looked out at the view of the city, suddenly I felt my mark beat like a heart, it didn't hurt but it seemed to beat for a few seconds then it stopped "Okay, add that to the list of weird things about this damn thing" I said to myself taking off my shirt and going to the bathroom. I turned the nob on and steam slowly filled the room as warm water came down my back. I looked down at the mark and it changed, instead of being random lines it was starting to form a shape, similar to that of an Dragon like eye. I touched it and it stung "Fuck me...." I said reaching for one of my pills. It then started to beat again, the pressure was immense as I held my head. It then thumped louder and a single word echoed in my head. Ul-Rah. It echoed with each thump getting louder and louder. I held my head in pain as it stopped and was replaced with a migraine that felt like I was being stabbed by Excalibur. It eventually subsided as I took a deep breath "Ul-Rah eh? Deeper into the mystery we go" I said hearing what sounded like running outside. Poking my head out I saw Rossweisse slam her door shut with the sound of crying following "Wha-?" I said as Issei came running "Wait, I'm sorry!" I stopped him "What did you do?" I said rubbing the bridge of my nose "I was going to peep-" I hit his arm "Ow, anyways, Rossweisse tried to stop me, I used my dress break on her and-" "Did you say anything?" I said angrily "Something about a boyfriend" and I sighed audibly "You know she's really insecure about that......I'll talk to her" and I walked up to her door "Rossweisse" I said knocking to which I didn't get a response "Rossweisse, Issei wants to apologize for what he said and did, right?" I growled pushing him to the door "Yeah, I'm sorry about ruining your clothes and saying you'll never get a boyfriend and all, I really am" and the door cracked open "..........I'll forgive you, if it happens again I will exact my revenge" she said and I let Issei go back to his dorm "(Y/n)" she said softly opening the door a bit more "Hm?" I said noticing her cute expression "Can we.......cuddle, just for tonight?" I walked towards her and hugged "You don't need to ask for something like that" we kissed softly as we went towards the bed. I got under first with Rossweisse laying next to me with her back to me. I wrapped my arm around her waist and the other she was using as a pillow.

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