Part 12

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Some OOC dialogue with Rias at the beginning and then it's normal

(Y/n) POV

I sat at the table eating what Asia and Rias prepared and it wasn't that bad "So, do you like it?" she said leaning in closer to me "It's good" I said taking another bite and she pressed her body closer, when she did one of the straps from her apron fell off "Ummm, Rias" I said as she came even closer, practically sitting in my lap "The strap" I said pointing to it "So? I know you want to see me naked, I bet one of your fantasies about me is that you stick c**k into my t*ts and f**k them until they look like flat balloons" and everyone dropped what they were doing and went wide eyed. Me, Asia and Issei all sat with our jaws dropped and eyes wide "Wow, I've never been made speechless before" I said and she then kissed me cheek "I didn't say no" "F*ckin hell woman, what would your father say?" I said and she giggled and grabbed my hand and put it on her breast "Your not my dad but I'll still call you daddy" and I stood up quickly while Issei had a large nosebleed "I'm going for some fresh air" I said going out front. I leaned against a wall and I heard the door open "So, she seems really into you" Issei said as I blew a raspberry "Yeah, I just didn't expect that" I said and he laughed a little bit "Yeah, that was something else" and he leaned back across from me "So how long?" "Hmm?" "How long have you two been....?" "Couple days" "Ah" he said and I could hear something "What is that?" I said listening for the noise "What is it?" "Shh" I said and he shut up and I could hear it again "I gotta go, you stay with them and see if Kiba comes back" and Issei nodded while I hopped on my bike to race towards the noise. It sounded like a fight, I could pick up the scent of a fallen angel. I hopped off and ran through the forest to find it and I saw just down the roof that Freed was attacking Irina "Balance breaker" I said and sprinted towards them. Freed held Irina by her throats to a tree "What to do with pretty you?" he said creepily and I kicked him in the side sending him back about thirty feet "Get your damn hands off her" I growled at him as he got up "(Y/n)?" Irina said weakly "Yup" I said turning my attention back to Freed " "A third dragon, how many of there are of you?" he shouted like a guy on crack "Catch me if you can" he said vanishing and I looked around for him. I turned around and grabbed Irina "Come on" I said jumping up into a tree and jumped from tree to tree to try and get away "(Y/n)....he's too strong" "Save your strength" I said and I jumped again and when I landed the tree exploded. Me held Irina as I used the claws on my feet to slow us down by digging them into the dirt "The hell was that?" I said as Freed tried to slice my head off but I ducked under it and used my tail and swept him off his feet. I kicked him away and the ground exploded again. I was knocked out of my armor and me and Irina both landed with a hard thud "Son of a" I said to the gash on my stomach "What do we have here, a devil to far away from its master" and I looked up at the source of the voice, a fallen angel. I could see the ten sets of wings meaning he's a leader class, I'm way out of my league, his piercing red eyes filled me with nothing but fear as I braced for what came next.

Time skip to tomorrow

"So we still haven't heard from Kiba or (Y/n)?" Issei asked Rias as she sat at the table in the club room "No, we haven't heard from either of them" and Rias looked out the window "You said he told you he heard something last night, did he give any indication of what it was?" "No, he just said he could hear something in the distance and ran off" "How did he hear something, I didn't" and a light bulb went off in Issei's head "I remember him saying something awhile ago" "What did he say?" Akeno questioned him from behind Issei.

flashback to just after the rating game

"As I'm sure your dragons told you, you can give parts of you in exchange for more power, you did it with your left arm and that's how you got your balance breaker even if it is for a few moments" and (Y/n) summoned his own gear on his right arm "I gave my right arm to the dragon awhile ago but I also gave up my five basic senses" "Wow, cool, so does that mean you have like heightened senses?" Issei asked him and (Y/n) chuckled "Yes, I have the sight, taste, touch, smell and hearing of a dragon, I can hear everything for about a mile around and my sense of smell is even better" "Won't that drive you like insane?" "No not really, I've learned how to specifically pick up on certain sounds" "Sounds like you could totally listen in on anything, even the girls showering" Issei said with a perverted look on his face "Do you have anything else on your mind?"

Back to the present

"That explains why every time we went to hunt a rogue devil he said it smelled bad" Akeno said as a red circle came up next to her ear "We found them" and Akeno, Rias, Issei and Asia all teleported to the nearby forest and found both (Y/n) and Irina laying on the ground barely alive. They all ran over to their two friends and Sona along with Tsubaki and Saji also teleported to them "We came as fast as we could" Sona said as Asia started healing Irina and soon she started to wake up "Irina, what happened?" Issei asked her "(Y/n), he..tried to save me but......he was too powerful" and she past out again "The damage is pretty severe, I'll take them back to my house so they can get treatment, Tsubaki" Sona said as Tsubaki nodded and picked up (Y/n) who's only indication of being alive was a slow breathing "Saji, help her" Sona said and he grabbed Irina and they teleported back to Sona's house "Ah, what's this pain in my chest?" Isseisaid as everyone felt it "Oh my what do we have here?" Freed said stepping out from behind a nearby tree "So many dam devils" and turned his attention to Asia "Asia Argento, the traitor nun who gave her soul to the devils, how much do you love your new life as devil scum" Freed said while twisting around "Shut up, you lay one hand on her and I'll do it" Issei said as he stood in front of her and activated his gear. Sona then jumped over him and her and Rias summoned two magic circles in their hands "Hold on don't blast the messenger, someone wants to talk to you red" and they both stopped "Who is this someone?" Rias asked as the sky turned dark "My boss" Freed said looking up and everyone followed his gaze "Fallen angel" Koneko said as the angel had all ten of it's wings out "and it has ten sets of wings, he's of the leader class" Akeno said as the angel spoke "It's a pleasure to meet you, daughter of the house of Gremory, I am Kokabiel" and the devils all looked up at him "The pleasure is all mine I'm sure and please call me Rias. So your the leader of the dark angel's, it's nice to put a face with the name" "Your crimson hair is quite breathtaking, just as lovely as the scarlet haired devil king. Even the facial expressions are similar, it's absolutely nauseating" "Thank you, is there something you'd like to discuss with me or are you just going to review my appearance, not that I'm rushing you it's nice to see a leader so close up" "I'm thinking I'd like to do a little damage while I'm here starting with this institution and moving on to the rest of the town" "Why would you want to harm our school?" ""I figure if I do Sirzechs will have to emerge to help out his little sister, what do you think?" "If you choose to do that you will be starting the war between devils, fallen angels and angels all over again" and Kokabiel laughed at Rias "that's exactly the point, with you here along with Sona, younger sister to leviathan, her as well, no doubt there are very powerful people watching this place, it's the perfect warzone" and Freed started laughing like a maniac "And I brought new toys to play with" he said opening his coat with three swords hanging there "Holy swords" Koneko said as he chuckled darkly "Are each one of those an Excalibur?" Issei said and Freed smiled widely "I even managed to snag this Excalibur mimic form the girl with the pig tails" "What do you say sister of the devil king? Nice day for a war isn't it!" Kokabiel shouted shooting spears of light at the devils "Everyone, leave now!" Rias said as She, Akeno, and Sona blocked the attack. They all got up and started looking around "Did anyone see which way they went?" "I saw them head that way" Saji said pointing at Kouh academy "Our school" Issei said as a beam of yellow light came from the school "We should hurry"

Time skip

(Y/n) POV

I woke up laying on a bed and my head hurt like hell "Damnit" I said holding my stomach which was covered in bandages. I looked over to my left and Irina wasn't in a much better shape than I was. I looked out the window and I could see a large blue dome covering the school and inside I could tell there was a big fight going on. I pulled myself up and opened the door and someone stood in my way "(Y/n), you shouldn't even be walking right now, your to injured" Tsubaki said not letting me through. I activated my gear and said "Tsubaki, do me a favor, and get the hell out of my way" "I'm not letting you leave" and I looked up at her yellwo eyes "Oh believe me, I feel like I just got hit by a train, but there is no way I'm letting that fallen angel bastard get away with what he's done" I said gritting my teeth and I heard Revenant "She's right, you shouldn't be fighting, the damage you sustained was heavy, your lucky you can even walk right now" "What was it that you always said, oh yeah, when looked in the face by death, grab it's head, and cave it's skull in" and I looked back up at Tsubaki "Take me to the school" and she reluctantly agreed and teleported us there. I held my stomach cringing from the pain "(Y/n), are you sure your okay?" Tsubaki said as I shrugged "Yeah, besides, I'm itching for a round 2 against that fallen angel"

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