Part 9

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Potential feels bomb incoming

(Y/n) POV

"I fell for you" and she leaned up for us to kiss again. This time I sank into it more than the first, I held her waist and she held the sides of my face. It got to the point where we weren't kissing but making out instead, our tongues met each other in the middle. Rias let out small moans of pleasure as we kept going at it. I rolled us over so that she was on bottom and Rias didn't seem to mind at all. We separated for a brief second then pressed our lips together again. While we were kissing I started to run my hands down her body feeling her curves, I got down to her thighs and she let out a small gasp "Oh sorry, not there yet?" I said taking my hands off her but she shook her head "No, just feels good to be touched like that" and she brought our faces close together "Feel free to do that more" and we kissed once more "With pleasure" and I started to kiss her jawline down to her neck. I would have loved to continue this but the door came open "Motherfu-" and me and Rias both looked at the door and it was Asia. She had her hands covering her eyes and she was blushing bad "Sorry!" she yelled and shut the door "Well that killed the mood" I said and laid down. Rias wrapped her arms around my body "You want to continue tomorrow night?" and I put one of my arms around her own body as she cuddled up closer and we both fell asleep.

In a Dream

'The hell is this?'  I thought as all I could see was nothing but random colors in the distance. I then heard a loud explosion above me and I saw what looked scale mail? 'Why am I there and here at the same time?' I thought as I started looking at it close, for some reason it looked different, it looked like it had more color on it and above it balance breaker again? "Okay, that's not normal" I said as they started fighting. They moved so fast that I couldn't keep track of them, suddenly the one that I saw first landed a huge hit on the other and when they made contact a bright light came from them. I covered my eyes from it but it got so bright that I shit my eyes. "You can look now" I heard Revenant's voice say. I looked up at the huge black scales dragon that stood before me "What was that? There were two of me, and they were fighting and-" and the dragon sighed "It was a vision of the future" "Future?" "Yes" "What does it mean?" "It means that I tell you what it truest means to be the black dragon" and I looked up at the huge dragons crimson eyes as it began to explain "The red and white dragons are powerful entities, make no mistake but they could never achieve the levels we can" "What do you mean?" "The red dragon emperor can double his power and as you know we triple our power, we can get to a much higher level much faster than he can" and he showed a image of me and Issei both in our balance breakers "Is that why it was much easier for me to defeat Riser?" "Yes, but he wasn't ready for that for extended period of time like you are" "So what does this have to do with being the Black Dragon then?" "I was getting to that, you see. It is rare for the black dragon to even show itself making it next to impossible to track the next user, but once one becomes the dragon their fate has changed and they only have one destiny. When the black one has died their soul then becomes the new dragon, the original dragon has long since passed" "Does that mean?" "Yes, I am the previous black dragon, the one before you, and in accordance to the rules, you are the next in line" and I sat down trying to take this in "I'm sensing theirs another catch" I said and the dragon nodded "You are right, you will not die of natural causes or anything like that, you will die in combat and then become the dragon" "So I got one way to go out?" "Correct, if the cycle is broken or you take your own life your consciousness will be thrown into oblivion and it will succumb to insanity for the rest of time" "No beatin around the bush with you is there?" I said and he laughed a little bit "It's how I was told" "I have one more question" and I looked back up at the dragon "Do you know when I will die?" and he stayed silent for a moment "Yes" "Thank you" I said and he nodded "You should wake up now, I'll leave you to think about what I've told you" and I woke up, still lying in bed. Rias wasn't next to me and I sat up. I ran my fingers through my hair and blew a raspberry, it all made sense now. Why Revenant was always so hesitant to explain the past dragons. I flopped back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling taking it all in "Morning (Y/n)-(Y/n)?" I heard some one say i looked over and Rias was in the doorway dressed in her uniform. I hadn't noticed it but I had tears going down my face "Hey" I said resuming to stare at the ceiling "Are you okay?" she said shutting the door and sitting next to me. I laughed to myself for a second "No, no I'm not" and I felt even more tears come out "Why, was it about last night cause-? "No, it's not that" "Then what is it so I can help you" "With all due respect pres, I'm not sure you can  help me with this one" and she pulled me up and grabbed my hand "Tell me so I might be able to try" and I told her everything Revenant had told me. Everything. "So, when it comes to a future, you, Issei, Kiba, Koneko and Akeno, you all have one, me, I don't and it's just" and I laid back down "It's just so infuriating, knowing that no matter what I do or accomplish it won't change the ending. I just, I just don't know what to do, part of me wants to forget this, another part wants to cut my arm off so I don't have to deal with this ever again, and part of me wants to go find the biggest monster I can find and get on with it" and before I could say anything else Rias wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly "Rias, what ar-" and she cut me off by hugging tighter "Don't talk, just lay here with me" and I held her too. She then got up slightly and shoved my face into her chest "(Y/n) don't worry about the future right now because me, and the rest of us are here for you, we won't abandon you and leave you by yourself, just because you can't change the ending doesn't mean you can't put a good story in front of it" and now, with the two of us like this, her holding me, for the first time in years, I cried.

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