Flower Girl? No Thanks!

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[A/N] Don't really have much to say at the moment... Chelsea (Edme_Wolf) asked for another chapter and I wanted to post another one, so I am posting one. Sorry about the weirdness and awkwardness of this chappie. Haha, yeah. Votes and comments would be nice... Hope you all like it!

- Chloe

Later that night, Travis came over. Dad got him a beer and they sat out on the back verandah for about an hour, staring at Dad's prize-winning roses. Dad was grunting about the heat, the chance of rain and Dad's latest attempts to stop the local dogs from pooing on his lawn.

Dad is a horticulturist and is very passionate about lawn. He was about to lauch into the benefits of kikuyu versus common couch grass, when Mum called them to dinner.

We were at the barbeque, I was trying to help Mum ward off the flies from getting to the food.

When Travis sat down at the table, his face had that queasiness of someone who had just had their appendix removed without anaesthetic.

"Let's propose a toast!" declared Mum.

"Right," said Dad. "To Ellie and Travis."

Mum lifted her glass. "To Ellie and Travis! And to lots of spice and all things nice!"

"Mum!" I cried, in perfect unison with Nate.

"Well sweeties, it is an important part of marriage, said Mum, clinking her glass with Travis'. "Sometimes a spicy love life can be the only thing that keeps a marriage going..."

"Shh! Mum! You're grossing me out." Nate yelled.

The idea of Mum and Dad having a spicy love life made my stomach turn. I always imagined they slept with an invisible Great Wall Of China running down the middle of the bed. The idea of Mum and Dad... no. It didn't bear thinking about. I often daydream at the dinner table. It helps block the eating noises out.

"Anyway," said Ellie. "We'd really like it if Freya could be a flower girl. Travis' sister Gemma is going to be one too."

"Isn't she a little old for a flower girl? She's sixteen. Almost seventeen." asked Mum. "She'd be better as a bridesmaid."

"It's the only role I've got left," said Ellie. "She can't be a bridesmaid, I've already got five. I've already asked Rach, Sarah, Ali, Georgia and Lottie. Travis has only got five mates willing for the roles. What do you think, Freys?"

I took a deep breath. "Honestly, I'm not so sure about it. I don't even know what to do."

"Anyway Freya, Travis' sister is the same age. It's not like you're going to be standing there with a bunch of five year olds." Ellie paused. "Also if you did agree, you wouldn't really have to do anything."

"Just stand there and look cute and pretty," added in Mum. "Just make sure you don't have your arms crossed over your strawberry creams, you have a nice set and you should be very, very proud of them!"

"Mum!" I yelled as I heard Lachie snicker at Mum's comment. I glared at him. He could be so damn immature sometimes.

"Err," said Travis. "What are strawberry creams?"

"He speaks a sentence!" grunted Dad.

"Breasts," said Ellie.

"Oh!" I groaned.

Travis choked. Ellie slammed him hard on the back, so hard that his head wobbled and a snippet of carrot shot shot out of his nose and into the water jug.

"It's true, love," said Mum. "When you were at the swimming carnival, you had your arms crossed over your strawberry creams constantly. You looked ridiculous in the backstroke."

Travis was the colour of grated beetroot.

"Please Mum," I begged. "Be quiet!"

Nate was trying to stop himself from laughing. Lachie shot a look towards him, he was grinning. Probably something stupid. I glared at them both.

"And you won't be wearing something sloppy that to cover them up either," said Mum. "You'll be wearing something that shows off your figure. Something that makes your strawberry creams stand out! Something with lace and ribbon."

"Oh," said Ellie. "It's going to be fantastic!"

"Fantastic!" said Travis, in a faint, sick echo.

"We'll see..." said Dad. And he poured a glass of water and drank it down, carrot and all.

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