Secret Plans

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[A/N] What did you think about the last chapter? *squeals weirdly, let the fangirling commence*

Anyways... Holy crap there's less than ten chapters left! I've written, proofread etc next chapters of all books. What do you think of this one?

- Chloe

The next few days at school were, to sum it all up, odd. The "popular" clique were trying to associate with us even more often after what Alex did to Connor. And not on the good way either. Holly even started sending me the nasty text messages again like she used to after Connor and I broke up, but not as often.

A hand fell onto my shoulder as I felt someone pull me back towards them. Automatically, I assumed it was Luke, but I was surprised to find it was Sam speaking above me. "Someone's making eyes at you," he said quietly down to me.

"Yeah, I know," I told him, taking a step away from him. It was after school and some of the group had decided to ditch fourth period, but this time I stayed in class. I wasn't in the mood to screw around with them and all I wanted to do was sleep - which is exactly what I did in that class.

"Does she think she's not being obvious?" Zac asked, walking up on the other side of me. I shut my locker door to turn around. Sam had already stepped to the side, and this time I faced the criminal head on now: Holly. She ignored me the entire time in class today, which I was thankful for, but now she was standing with a group of people and was making eyes at me.

"I don't know, but I don't like that look on her face," I spoke and the aggressive tone shocked even me.

"Princess is on the hunt," Alex joked.

"Why don't you go over there and wipe the look off her face?" Zac asked. It was meant to be joking, but I knew the offer was serious. He had yet to see me in an actual fight, and I always did my best to avoid them.

"Nah, I'm good. As long as she doesn't screw with us, I don't have anything to say to her."

"I do," Alex said, holding up a hand and flipping her off.

Holly's face flared up and we all started laughing, walking slash partially jogging away from the scene. I couldn't believe at the start of this school term I used to hate these guys.


"I don't like this," Sam said from the backseat. "I don't think we should go."

"Right there with you," Luke murmured and I punched his arm softly.

"We're already almost there and I'm sure the rest of the guys are already there," I told them firmly. Today Zac invited us to his house after school, and for some strange reason Luke and Sam were afraid to go to his house. I thought they were being ridiculous.

Luke pouted and rubbed where I punched his arm, and I chuckled. As we pulled up to Zac's street, I pointed to which big house was his.

"I know which ones his," Luke said, playfully smacking my hand away, he pulled over to the curb, right behind Sam's car.

All of us started walking out of the car at once to meet up with the everyone in front of us.

"Why are we here," Sam pouted quietly.

"Ask princess," Alex said, leaning back on the side of his car.

"Well, none of you were saying anything to it," I defended myself.

"He better not pull anything funny," Luke said, hooking an arm around my waist and pulling me close to him.

I smirked up at him, shrugging my shoulders. "I guess we won't know until we actually go up to his house." Everyone were quiet at that, watching me. I huffed, furrowing my eyebrows at them. "Fine, I'll go first."


"No, no, no, over there! In the corner! Kill him!" Alex shouted as he leaned forward in his chair. Him and Zac were currently playing a round of Call Of Duty. And this is how this night went.

"I got him!" Zac called back, making his player chuck a grenade into a room.

Sam and Jordan were sitting beside them, waiting for their turn, and giving out their own advice on what to do with the situation. I knew for sure that Jordan was going to kick their asses in Call Of Duty.

"I think we should crash Connor's party tonight," Zac declared, and we all looked at him in shock.

"Why would you say that?" Sam asked, digging into his bag of chips.

Zac smirked, his brown hair sticking up everywhere. "I just feel like starting a fight." I frowned at him. "Just a few punches. I've been itching for a fight lately."

"I hear ya, man," Alex said, leaning forward.

Hayley sighed. "Come on, guys."

"What? We'll just show up and if they want to pick a fight, then fine. If they don't, then we'll leave."

"That's a really stupid plan, Alex, and it's asking for trouble," Jordan told him flipping her blonde braid off her shoulder.

Alex rolled his eyes. "We'll be fine."

"I agree with Jordan," Luke started.

"Shocker," Alex muttered.

"You didn't let me finish," Luke said through his teeth, both of them giving each other cold stares; neither one wanting to break eye contact. The room suddenly became tense and all of us were listening. "If we go there now, they will probably know we're going to show up eventually. So that means he has more guys and it'll turn into something a lot bigger than it should be."

Alex didn't say anything at that, he simply broke eye contact. He knew Luke was right.

"We could always show up later?" Zac suggested.

"Just even going is a stupid idea." Stated Hayley.

Zac glared at her.

Hayley turned towards Zac and Alex. "Listen. I know you both want to go, but what if something really bad happens. Something we can't get out of? Then what?"

Zac didn't say anything.

"Exactly." Said Hayley. "It's a bad idea. You can't disagree with me on that. If it were up to me to decide for all of us I'd say that no one is going. But now I just have to yet persuade you and your stupidity."

I think all of us were speechless. Hayley knew she was right. I did too. By going, they'd only cause trouble for themselves.

"I don't care. I want to go." That was what Zac said even though he knew Hayley was right.

"Then I'm coming with you." Alex suddenly stood up. "Remember the rule?"

"We go together or we don't go down at all." Luke said hesitantly. "You're idiots, you know that?"

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