Ice Cream Hugs

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[A/N] I figured that it's about time that I updated. So I am. What do you think is gonna happen between Luke and Freya? Connor is such a jerk. Haha, anyways this chapter is dedicated to EmoRocker333. Go read Bree's story!

- Chloe

"Freya! Wait!"

I turned and was surprised to see Luke running after me. I stopped outside the double doors once I exited the building. I blinked a few times to hide the tears which were threatening to come out. "What are you doing?" I asked looking towards the ground avoiding his eyes, hiding behind a curtain of hair.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sounding genuinely sincere.

"Luke, you're supposed to be in detention." I said. "You're just going to get in even more trouble with Miss Thompson."

He laughed lightly. "I like how you're concerned about me, sweetheart."

I glanced up at him and frowned. "Don't call me sweetheart!"

"It got you to look at me, didn't it?" Luke pushed the hair away from my eyes. "Now really, what's wrong? Something's obviously gotten you this worked up. It can't just be nothing."

I shook my head. "Some people are just so... so... stupid!" I said angrily in frustration. How could I have been so blind? I should have never trusted Connor in the first place.

He stared at me. "Did I do something?"

"No," I said. "It's not your fault."

"Jordan? Hayley?" he guessed.

I shook my head.


I looked away. "I don't want to talk about it."

Suddenly Luke took my hand in his. "Let's go." he said.

"What?" I asked immediately over his shoulder. "Where are we going?"

Luke gave me a smile over his shoulder. "You'll see." I felt small tingles in the hand Luke was still holding.

We were walking up to the school parking lot. I noticed then we were walking up to a shiny black motorcycle.

"Is this-" I started to ask.

"Yeah." Luke let go over my hand and walked over to get helmets. He was passed one to me and put he other on his head. "Here."

I stared at the helmet for a second before putting it on. "Are you sure this this is safe?" I had never been on a motorbike before in my life.

"Positive. Are you going to get on now?"

I hesitantly got on the bike. "Now wrap your arms around me, otherwise you're going to fall off." He started the motorbike and I instantly wrapped my arms around his torso.

Then we were off. I didn't know where we were headed. It better be someplace good if he was risking my life just taking me there. I didn't really feel like going anywhere with him right now. Could this be considered.... kidnapping?

A few minutes later we pulled up to a small ice cream shop called Poppy's, by the beach. Mmm, ice cream...

I loosened the straps of my helmet and took it off. It was then I caught Luke staring at me weird.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing," he shook his head. "Let's head inside." We walked towards the door and Luke opened it. I expected for him to head in leave me outside but he didn't. He actually opened the door for me like a gentleman.

"Why, thank you kind sir." I teased him.

He smirked and rolled his eyes in response.

We walked up to the counter and ordered our ice creams. I got a strawberry ice cream and Luke got mint with chocolate chips. We sat down at a small table and started diving into our ice creams.

"So," I wondered out loud. "Why did you bring me here?"

He looked at me. "Don't all girls want ice cream when they're sad?"

I laughed and looked down at the table. "Yeah, but how did you know I was sad? I could have just been in a hurry."

"Freya. You looked like you were about to cry in the parking lot." He told me. "Do you want to tell me what really happened?"

I hesitated. Should I tell him? I mean, would he laugh at me or would he understand? "I just... shouldn't be so forgiving." I looked down at my ice cream. I should never have trusted Connor. He was a jerk then and he still is one.

"What did he do?" asked Luke.

"How do you know it's a he?" I asked him, trying to avoid the conversation.

"Well is it a she?"

I shook my head and continued with the conversation deciding to get it over with. "Well him and his friends are at a footy match and Ethan who's just happened to be my friend and his best friend, texted me asking if Connor and I were going out again. I said that we weren't. And then he texted me back saying this." I passed Luke my phone showing him the text. I didn't want to say what he'd said.

"What a douchebag." Luke said immediately as he passed back my phone.

"How could I have been so stupid? He cheated on me. I should have never trusted him in the first place."

"Freya, you weren't stupid. You were too forgiving, just like you said before."

"I'll just avoid him in fourth period on Wednesdays."

"You have fourth period with him?"

"Yeah," I said as we walked out of the ice cream shop and to the parking lot. "Maths."

There was an awkward silence after that. We continued to walk to Luke's bike.

It stayed like that for only a little while before I started to break it. "Thank you, by the way." I said looking up to him and I meant it.

"What for?" He asked puzzled.

"You know, for listening, bringing me here and buying the ice cream."

"No problems." Luke hesitated then stiffened for a while before wrapping his arms around me. For a split second I couldn't help but think that I didn't want to pull away from this hug and his arms. Ever.

And that scared the hell out of me. It was then I realised something, I like Luke a lot.

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