A Bad Encounter

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[A/N] Hey everyone. First off, I'm dedicating this chapter to jamie1305 because she's awesome. Make sure you go to her profile and read her books, they won't disappoint you. Promise!

Any ideas of what's to come?

- Chloe

The rest of the day passed by in a blur. I guess the guys really did take a liking to me, like Luke said they would.

"Lockhart," Zac snapped his fingers beside me, "Snap out of it."

I blinked my eyes, looking over at the three boys beside me. It was nearly the end of the day, and of course we were in Maths class. Although today was a good day, I was always tired by Maths and I always wanted to just fall asleep.

I let out a sigh, I must have been day dreaming. "What is it?" I asked.

"What are you doing after school?" Luke asked, and this time Alex wasn't daydreaming either as he was watching me from beside Zac.

"Uh, I don't know. Nothing?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Good, because you're coming to hang out with us," Alex more of ordered than asked.

I shot him a look. "And if I say no?"

"Was it a question?" Alex asked, his voice suddenly sharp again. And he was in his bad mood again, and I looked over at Luke who's look didn't change at all.

"Fine," I replied, my voice equally as hard. I didn't think Alex was used to people standing up to him, and whenever I overstepped my boundaries was when he snapped. I just needed to figure out where the line laid.

"Good, Luke will find you after school since his locker is right next to yours." The bell went off. "We'll see you later," Alex said before shooting out the classroom.


Before I even made it to my locker I found Luke leaning against his, looking down at his cell in his hands. His blonde hair was hanging in his eyes and he didn't realize I was there until I was stood right next to him.

"Hey," I said, unlocking my locker and grabbing my bag.

One of the corners of his mouth curved upwards and he shoved his phone into his pocket. "So you're on for tonight?" He asked.

"I guess so, although I don't know what's going on." I shut my locker door and turned to Luke to ask him, but his eyes were hard now and staring behind me. "Wha-" I said, turning around to see Connor approaching us and I felt Luke's hand grab onto my arm, almost protectively.

"Freya, can we talk?" Connor asked, looking at Luke's hand on my arm. He looked back up at my eyes, concern filling them.

"What if she says no?" Luke asked from behind me, his voice sharp. I curled my fingers around Luke's hand on my arm and gently pulled him off and turned around to face him.

"Don't worry about it," I said, attempting to sooth him but obviously it didn't work. "I'll be right back, okay?"

Luke's jaw was set and he watched me slowly before looking back up to Connor. I figured that was as good enough as an answer as I was going to get and I squeezed his hand. "I'll be right back," I repeated before turning around.

"Come on," Connor said, taking my hand and pulling me away. I could almost feel Luke's eyes burning into our backs as we rounded the corner. Connor stopped abruptly and faced me. "What's going on with you and those guys?" He rushed his words but they came out quiet.

"What do you mean?" I asked, pulling my hand away from his. It really wasn't any of business anymore, either.

"I mean, why are you hanging out with them now? They're bad news, Freya, and I know we're not dating anymore, but I don't think you should be hanging out with them," Connor went on. "You don't know what they're really like. I mean, you have seen what they're capable of, and who knows what they'd do to you."

I took a deep breath, leaning back on the balls of my feet. I knew Connor was just trying to watch out for me, but I honestly didn't need it. I didn't need him still trying to tell me what was right and what wasn't. "Connor, I understand where you would think that, but you don't really know them like I do. They're good guys, it's just they have a different way of showing it. Just-"

"So you think you can change them, right? That's what this is about?" He cut me off.

"No," I said tensely. "I never said that, what I'm saying is I can take care of myself. I know what I'm getting into, but I trust them."

Connor scoffed. "You trust them? Is this why you broke up with me? Because they told you lies about me?"

"What? No, they didn't talk to me at all about you," I spoke back, my voice becoming harsher. I felt a hand cup my shoulder from behind and pull me backwards away from Connor. "I broke up with you because you were cheating on me. Remember that?"

"Do we have a problem here?" Alex's voice came from behind me. Connor's eyes widened for a second, not expecting to see Alex, but he slowly shook his head.

"No, I guess not," he practically huffed, turning around and walking away.

Alex let his hand fall from my shoulder and he let out a sigh, and I turned around to face him. "Thanks," I murmured.

Alex shrugged his shoulders, still watching where Connor had disappeared. "No problem." He looked down at me.

Luke came from where Connor disappeared, a look of relief crossing his face when he saw I was with Alex. "Dude, Tomato looked pissed," he remarked, walking closer to us. "What happened?"

"He started talking to me about me hanging out with you guys and how you were bad news and stuff like that," I said, waving it off.

"Yeah, but then I heard him starting to accuse her of breaking up with him because of us when he actually cheated on her. And he started getting heated," Alex added, which I wish he would've avoided that.

Luke's gaze turned cold. "And what happened after that?"

"Alex scared him away," I said, shrugging it off. "It was no big deal."

"But it could've turned into one," Luke said quietly, but his voice coming out harsh.

"But it didn't," I countered. "Now come on, let's go find Zac and Sam," I said, reaching for Luke's arm and I felt him relax under my grip.

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