Sleepover Time!

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[A/N] Hey! Here it is. I just wanna thank all of you who have read, voted and commented this far. I love it whenever I see a new reader or vote or a comment. 1800 reads is way more than I expected to get on here. Also please don't be a silent reader, comment or something so I can thank you. :)

- Chloe

"Please," I repeated myself, refusing to let go of Luke's hand. He watched contently, as if processing something before he looked over at Zac. I swear, they had some sort of telepathy power.

Luke's eyes flicked back to me before he murmured, "Fine."

I released a sigh I didn't realize I was holding and a smile spread across my face. Luke's face didn't change, he just looked down at my hand holding onto his and I blushed. I quickly released his hand brushed my hair out of my face. "S-sorry." I stammered, but Luke still didn't say anything.

Sam coughed and all of our eyes looked over at him. "Do you think they're still looking for us?" he asked.

Zac shrugged his shoulders. "No idea. We might want to all stay together tonight." My eyes must have widened because he added looking towards Jordan, Hayley and me, "Not you guys. You can stay at your houses, they're not looking for any of you."

"I vote Zac's house," Sam said, opening one of the back door's of the car.

"Same," Luke mumbled, walking away and climbing into the passenger seat.

I sighed, looking towards Zac. "I'll give you directions to my house." The girls and I decided we also were gonna stay together that night.


We were in my room. I let Hayley and Jordan borrow a change of clothes each. I changed in to pyjamas as well. We were all still shaken up about tonight's earlier events.

I grabbed popcorn and ice cream and took it up to my room where Hayley and Jordan were waiting for me.

"Are we gonna watch a movie?" I asked them.

"Mean Girls?" Asked Jordan suddenly.

"Sure." Me and Hayley chorused. I was too tired to think about anything else and we did promise Jordan that we would watch Mean Girls the next time we did something like this.

I grabbed sleeping bags and blankets from one of the cupboards and handed them out. We dragged the bean bags closer to the television.

"What flavour ice cream?" Asked Jordan.

"Choco mint chip!" I said grinning. It was my favourite.

"Awesome." Jordan said turning towards me. She pressed play on the remote.

I leaned back against the bean bag and got sucked into the world of Mean Girls and ice cream not crappy parties.


"Hey Nate." I said to my brother as he walked in to the kitchen the next morning.

"Freya, you never told me Hayley and Jordan were coming over."

"Uh yeah, about that... It was unexpected." I glanced towards both of my best friends. Luckily for us Nate didn't question any further.

"I made breakfast. There's chocolate chip pancakes over here." I said to him as I gestured in front of me.

"My favourite!" Nate pulled up a chair next to Hayley and he began to dig in to the pancakes. "You're the best." He told me.

I grinned. Nate looked over to over to the lounge room.

"Are Mum and Dad awake yet?" I asked him.

"Not that I know of." He turned back over to the lounge room. "Lachie! Pancakes!" He yelled to my other brother. Just he said that, Lachie came sprinting into the dining area.

"What's the racket?" I heard my mum call from the top of the staircase.

"Freya made pancakes!" Yelled Nate. "Choc chip ones!"

"Nate." Mum said as she walked downstairs. "Settle down!"

"Okay Mum." He said grabbing another pancake off the pile.

Mum took a seat next to Lachie. "Hayley, Jordan! I didn't know you were staying over."

"We arranged it that afternoon. It was kinda unexpected." Hayley explained. Hayley ate some more of her pancake.

"Right then." Said Mum piling pancakes on her plate.

"Where's Dad?" Asked Lachie. He looked over to the staircase.

"He's with Ellie. He took her and Travis out on the tinny earlier this morning."

"So you made it up with Luke's parents?" I asked her. The night we met them did end well. Saying that, is an understatement. Ellie was in tears at the end of the night, Nate was in hospital and a fair few things I wouldn't like to mention also happened.

"Yes. I gave their family a cross stitch of a mango as a peace offering. The Lieutenant Colonel gave us an antique miniature silver cannon." Mum looked at her cross stitches on the wall.

"Where exactly are we keeping this cannon?" I asked her again.

"In the front yard of course. The Lieutenant Colonel told your Dad that it would help a lot with the dog poo problems. Load, aim and fire! That's what he said. Simple."

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