Crashing The Party

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Hope you all had a great Christmas! Have a happy new year!

- Chloe

All of us stood in the makeshift parking lot in front of Connor's house. We were all shifting uncomfortably, not sure what we were going to be walking into.

"It's not too late to leave," Hayley finally spoke up. She was always one of the most realistic in the group. Jordan couldn't come since she had to go home earlier tonight.

"Are you kidding me?" Zac asked, cracking his knuckles. "And miss all the fun? No way."

I shifted on my feet, leaning into Luke. He wrapped an arm around my waste, pulling me close. "Hey, it's going to be fine," he murmured down to me while they everyone continued to talk.

"I'm just nervous is all..."

"Things will work out." He ran one of his hands through my hair. "I'll keep you safe."

I leaned my face against his chest, taking in a deep breath. In Luke's arms was where I did feel the most safe and comfortable, and I didn't want to leave. But I knew we'd have to face what was to come whether we ran from it or not.

"Hey, Princess and Prince Charming," Alex called, his voice sounding slightly far off. I hadn't realize they moved away from us. "You guys coming or what?"

I bit down on my lip, sticking close to Luke as we walked up to the house.

"It's show time," Zac said, causing Sam to snicker. We pushed our way into the house and were greeted by the usual scene at Connor's parties; people divided by groups and just talking or drinking...but the air grew tense as people noticed us.

"I don't like this," Hayley muttered quiet enough for Zac and Alex not to hear it.

"Man up," Sam replied, which caused Luke and I to chuckle.

"This place brings back bad memories," Luke remarked, and if Alex heard it he chose to ignore it as we ventured closer to the clique. I squeezed Luke's arm apologetically.


We all sort of ventured in to the crowd for a bit. Hayley and I stuck together for a while. Luke went off somewhere and I had no idea where he was. Sam and Zac were dancing on the dance floor and I think Alex went to get himself a drink.

My phone beeped and I didn't take any notice of it. I'd check it later.

A hour passed and Luke was still missing from the group.

"Well, we could go check his house," Zac offered.

"Yeah, even if he's not there I'm sure his parents know where he went," Sam added.

"Did you check most of the rooms and the dance floor?" Hayley asked.

"Yeah we have." Said Sam running a hand through his light brown hair.

But I wasn't listening now because my body went numb. It took me awhile to choke out the words, but I finally managed to say, "guys." It wasn't much but it caught their attention. I looked up at Alex, my body slowly turning from frozen to angry. My blood began boiling and Zac must have sensed it because he backed away a few inches.

"W-what?" Alex stammered, thinking my anger was directed towards him.

"You know how Holly always texts me?" I asked and Jack's absent-minded face told me he didn't have a clue. "Well, after Connor and I broke up she's been sending pretty mean texts to me daily. I usually just ignore them, but she sent me one just now and it says "it's so easy to piss of your boy toy. Too bad he's getting the crap beaten out of him because of it." The group fell silent at that and I could tell they were feeling their blood start to boil like I did.

"Someone's getting killed tonight," Alex said darkly, normally I would find that he was joking but I wasn't so sure with his tone. Plus, who knew what he did to Connor and his gang when they both disappeared?

"Just let me handle things first," I said, and I could feel all of them watching me, expecting me to explain more. "After I'm done talking then you guys can do what you need to." I leaned against the window, my stomach flipping at the thought of what was happening to Luke right now.


I threw the front door open, not finding what I pictured. Instead of being greeted by a scene where they were kicking the crap out of Luke, instead I only saw the usual party scene. In fact, Luke was no where to be seen.

"Oh, look who showed up!" I heard Holly said, running over to me. It was obvious she had a few drinks in her. "I knew you'd show up if I threatened your boyfriend."

I didn't have the energy to yell at her. "Where's Luke?"

A smile graced Holly's face and she leaned in. "Oh, don't worry, Connor took good care of him."

I narrowed my eyes and pushed Holly out of my way. Of course this had to do with Connor, it always dealt with him. Even before I befriended the boys he was always nothing but a pain.

It didn't take me long to locate Connor from the crowd, and I had no idea what I was going to do or say to him. I could hear the boys walk in to the house after me, not hearing what Holly said so they were confused on where I was going; but I had no time to explain.

As I walked towards Connor, I grabbed an empty beer bottle that was laying around. Connor furrowed his eyebrows at me, notcing the look on my face but I could see a spark ignite in his eyes. He knew why I was there. Before he could speak a word I took the bottle and threw it at the wall beside him, causing him to stumble forwards.

"What the-"

"Where is he?" I hissed, and when Connor didn't respond I shoved him backwards again. "Answer me or I swear to God-" I raised another bottle up, but it was taken out of my hand.

"Easy there, killer," Alex murmured above me, pushing me back towards Sam and Hayley. Alex walked towards Connor and now pinning him against the wall. "You heard the lady," he growled, "Where is he?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Connor said coolly, though he cringed every time Alex moved him. There was already a bump forming on his cheek, a small gash showing where the shards of the beer bottle got him.

"Screw this," Alex said, backing away, gesturing towards me. Zac started walking towards Connor and he cringed backwards.

"Fine, he's in the backroom," he said backing away.

"You're such a-" but before I could hear Alex finish his sentence, I had already dropped the bottle and pushed my way through the crowd that was forming to watch the scene unravel. I threw open the door and was greeted by a passed out Luke. He looked like he was in pretty rough shape, his clothes all ruffled and his nose bleeding.

I cursed under my breath, rushing over to his side and smoothing the hair out of his face. "Geez, Luke, why are you so easily pissed off?" I murmured quietly.

Luke slowly opened his eyes and one of the corners of his mouths twitched upwards. He tried sitting up but winced while trying to do so. He looked around, his eyes widening. "Crap, what are you doing here?"

"To get your sorry butt out of here."

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