Guitar World Equals Heaven

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[A/N] Hi everyone! Sorry about how long this has taken, I have been procrastinating a lot with my stories for the past month. But don't worry, I'm not gonna make you all wait this long again! Regular updates from now on!

- Chloe :D

"I hear you're coming to the shopping centre today, eh?" Luke said, standing beside me as he opened his own locker.

"You heard correctly," I nodded my head. "Alex and Sam still didn't tell me what time, they just told me I was riding with you, Zac and Hayley." I shrugged my shoulders, closing my locker door and leaning against it to wait for Luke. The time didn't really matter, I guess, since it was a Friday night after all.

"Not one hundred percent sure, but I do know we're meeting at your place after school." He slammed his locker shut grabbing his backpack.

"Why is my house the new gang hang out?" I asked, letting my body to slump against my locker dramatically.

Luke chuckled at my act, bobbing his head to the side to motion that we were walking towards the back of the school. "We're only meeting there because we know you need to feed Lucy."

"Oo, well aren't you guys so sweet," I said, walking beside him.

Luke shook his head. "Not sure if that was sarcastic or not, but I'll take it."

We pushed the back doors open, walking into the school parking lot. I let Luke lead the way since I didn't know what Zac's car looked like.


"What store are we hitting up first?" Hayley asked as we walked into the shopping centre's entrance. We drove out of our way to go to the biggest one we knew of, which was over an hour away, where Zac, Luke, Hayley and I were meeting up with Jordan, Alex and Sam. Apparently, this was the mall that had the greatest music store variety.

"Is that even a question? Guitar World," Luke said, taking the lead and walking in front of the gang. Zac was walking beside him, and right behind them Hayley, Jordan and I. Sam and Alex fell back now, talking about something I wasn't completely interested in.

"And what's so great about that store?" I asked, and Luke stopped in his tracks to look back at me.

"You're kidding, right?" He asked, but I just shrugged my shoulders in response. "You are a sheltered child," he remarked and continued on walking. "It's only the greatest store to have ever been created. Literally, there's guitars that line all the walls and then there's drums in the center and...God, I could go on and on."

I looked over at Zac. "Well, I guess we know who Luke's true love is."

Zac let out a snicker. "You say that now, but just wait. This is going to be something you'll never forget."

Luke pointed in front of us excitedly. "There it is, Freya, get ready for the time of your life."

I rolled my eyes at them. "You guys are the most dramatic people I-" I was cut off as we walked into the store, and I had to admit, I was in awe. They really weren't exaggerating, there were musical instruments everywhere. I didn't even play an instrument but I wanted to go around and play with everything in here.

"Someone's found love," Zac teased, and I just shook my head.

"You guys really weren't exaggerating, holy crap," I said in awe. The rest of the guys continued on into the store, but Zac waited beside me.

"Come on, you can see more if you actually walk more into the store," Luke said, grabbing my hand.


"It's not gonna happen," Zac declared, setting the tray full of his food down on the table. We were in the mall's cafeteria and we had already browsed a handful of stores, but none of us had bought anything yet.

"Yes it is! I'm determined this time," Luke said, sitting down across from us. Everyone else was still getting their food from different fast food places. "If I don't save up for that guitar, I'm going to literally die."

"Which instruments do you guys play, other than Luke. It's kinda obvious he plays guitar." I added into the conversation, lamely.

"Well, for starters, there's me and I'm the lead guitarist," said Zac. "Luke's on rhythm and vocals, Sam's on bass and backing vocals and Alex is on drums."

Luke rolled his eyes. "Our band, It's not popular, not at all...yet. But in Zac's head he thinks we're the greatest band in the world."

"Because we are," Zac said, pointing a finger at him.

"What's your guys' band name?" I asked, looking over at them.

"Outlines." Sam replied. "It took us a while to decide on it."

Jordan and Sam walked over to the table, Sam sitting across from me and Jordan sitting on the other side of me. We were still waiting on Hayley and Alex.

"We only have an EP out right now, but we've already got supporters," Zac bragged. "Once we get that album out, they'll be flocking to us.

"You know," I started. "I'm surprised you didn't just name your band The Trouble-Makers." That's what the boys were known as around school by some people.

That earned a laugh from Zac, Luke and Sam.

"Yeah, good one." Said Sam.


"Hey," Luke said, breaking my through my thoughts. We were at the park, we got back from the shopping mall a while ago. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

I looked over at him and furrowed my eyebrows. "For what?"

He sighed. "You know, for the whole Connor thing. Well, I'm not really sorry for wanting to punch him, I guess. I'm just sorry you had to see that and had to calm me down."

A smile hinted on my lips. "It's no problem, if I can avoid getting you suspended I'm going to try and help."

Luke chuckled. "Yeah, but Connor...I can't really control myself around him, not since what he said. I mean, I hated the guy before but now he's really crossed the line." Luke's face became serious again.

"I know, Connor's an asshole, but you can't let it get to you. That's what he wants, because he's pissed off at you guys too," I said, but I didn't seem the lighten the mood at all. I reached forward, grabbing Luke's arm because I knew before when I did he relaxed. "Just don't do anything stupid, okay?"

A crooked smile formed on his face and he shrugged his shoulders. "No promises."

I let go of his arm and leaned back into the park bench we were sitting on, blowing out a sigh. "I swear, Luke, I don't know what I'm going to do with you."

Luke looked over at me, his half smile still on his face. "You really got yourself into trouble this time."

"Oh, God," I fake gagged at his lame pun before laughing. "Don't you ever use that joke again."

Luke laughed. "Come on though. You've gotta admit that it was funny."

As much as his pun sucked, it was true. I knew I was going to be getting into something big with the "Trouble-Makers", but honestly I didn't care. Not anymore, at least. I trusted them now.

"Hey Luke, come on, let's go over to the playground!" I yelled at him.

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