Long Live Us!

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[A/N] hey guys. Hope you like it because this is it.

Until... The rewrite.

I wrote this book when I was a really lame ass eleven/ twelve year old and that was a few years ago. Disclaimer:  High school is definitely not like this at all! Also I don't think I wrote this as well as I could've. I'm fixing up plot holes, adding things to plot, fixing character development, etc. The end result should be something you'll like a lot. I've improved on my writing so I guess we'll see how it goes. Are any of you still reading? Please please comment down here on what you'd like me  to do with the rewrite. I can send you the first chapters of what I started as the sequel if you'd like. I'm keeping this book up. I'll be posting the rewrite in another book. 

Thank you so much for those who have stick through till the end. I appreciate it a lot.

- Chloe

P.S- I haven't edited this from when I first wrote.

Nothing can ever be solved by violence; that's something I remember rethinking all the time ever since I became friends with Luke, Sam, Alex and Zac. It was something that I held close and knew that it was true, but sometimes advice like that could be ignored. Sometimes. And right now was one of those times.

It wasn't until I got closer did I realize what my friends were looking at: Ethan had Connor pressed against one of the corners.

"I freaking trusted you! And now I find out you were lying all this time?" His words were angry but you could clearly hear the hurt seeping through them. "I thought we were friends, and here you were sneaking behind my back and doing all of this..." He let go of Connor before running out the back door.

"Wow," I said, and the boys turned to look at me, not noticing I had rejoined them.

"Let's go get him," Sam muttered, running hand through his brown hair and we followed his trail.


"I just don't understand anything anymore," Ethan muttered, dropping his face into his hands. He was sitting down at my kitchen table and Jordan put a comforting hand on his shoulder. After we got away from the scene at the school, we decided to go to my place since my parents was most likely not going to be home and question what we were doing like the rest of our parents would've done.

"Don't blame yourself," Jordan said, shaking his shoulder.

"I just can't believe I was so damn stupid to believe all of his lies," he muttered into his hands.

"Don't even worry about it man," Alex said, walking into the kitchen with a water bottle in hand. "You freaking scared the crap out of him, I don't think Tomato will come anywhere near you again."

Ethan didn't respond and I hopped up onto one of the counters and Luke had one of his arms around my shoulders. I rested my head on his chest and sighed. I knew Ethan couldn't have been a part of Connor's little schemes, but there was always a small part of me that knew there was a possibility, but now all of that could be set aside.

"It's not just Connor, it's all of them. All of my friends. They're... God," he shook his head.

"You have us now," I spoke up and I could feel Luke tense underneath me. I gently rubbed his arm, calming him down.

"How can you guys accept me? I'm- Was a part of the clique..."

"So were the girls," Zac said, leaning against the kitchen wall. "Look, man, you seem chill. We don't just hate everyone part of the popular clique for no reason, if someone did something to piss us off...then we hate them."

"So why did you guys hate me then?" he asked. That was a good question, I often wondered the same.

"Because you were friends with Connor," Luke said lowly.

Ethan sighed, looking up finally. "This changes everything."

"It'll be weird for a while," I admitted to him. "I mean, you'll still get all the attention but it won't exactly be good attention if you're hanging out with us."

He shook his head. "I don't care about that. You guys are good guys, a little violent, but good guys. I totally misjudged you all wrong. I'm sorry."

Alex shrugged his shoulders. "Don't sweat it, man. A lot of people do."

"So...what do we do now?"

"We go beat the living crap out of Tomato," Zac said, cracking his knuckles.

"I'm in," Alex said, and I lightly punched his arm.

"No, he already got taken care of by Ethan," Hayley protested.

"Hardly, although I was kind of shocked when you punched him," Alex said and Zac snickered at that.

"Didn't think you had it in you," Zac admitted.

Ethan ran a hand through his hair. "I just never felt like that before..."

"What do you think we should do next, Jordi?" Sam asked, walking over to sit down beside her.

Everyone turned their attention to Jordan, and she bit on her lip. "Well, there's nothing else we really need to do. Just make it through this school year."

"Cheers to that," Zac said, holding up his soft drink can. The rest of the group repeated that, including Ethan. "Long live us!" Sam yelled.

I rolled my eyes at them and chuckled. Ethan seemed a little shocked by their sudden goofiness, but I couldn't blame him. When the boys all first started opening up to me, I would've never guessed that these immature boys would be hidden underneath.

I wrapped my arms around Luke's back, sighing into the crook of his neck. "We've almost finished this year," I said quietly to him.

"We'll make it through," he told me, holding onto one of my hands. "We always do."

"We go together or we don't go down at all..." I whispered quietly to myself.

I sighed, scooting closer into his back. I always felt so protected by Luke, even when he was in his "scary mode". I would always trust him. I was glad I met Luke and Hayley and Jordan and Sam, Zac and Alex. Nothing would break my bond with all of my amazing friends... at least, I hoped.

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