Chapter 8: Days before Halloween

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Jake and Will were bailed out and Will stepped to the side with jake.
"We are never doing that again."
"I know."
"It's your fault we were in this mess and now Natalie is pissed at you again."
"I'll see ya tommorow Will."
Jake turned and walked away, dissapointed on what he did. Jake had to walk home since his parents were in Mexico.
His phone rang.
"Hello Jakey."
"Guess what time it is."
"For you to run."
He looked around and saw the killer only miles behind him.
He hung up and started to run. He passes Natalies house so he just ran to her house and knocked on the door.
"What the hell? Who's knocking in 2 in the morning."
Natalie rubbed her eyes and walked down the stairs. She opened the door and Jake ran in locking It behind him.
"What the hell Jake."
"The killer...he was...o-out there."
Natalie looked out of the window and didn't see anything.
"Can I stay. Please. I don't want to go out there and be killed."
Natalie looked at him. She nodded and grabbed his hand. She pulled him up the stairs and saw her mother yawning.
"Jake? Hi."
"Hey sorry mom. Jake had to come over. He forgot his keys to his house and his parents are in Mexico."
"Your always welcome at the Fosters."
Jake smiled and Natalie pulled her into her room. She grabbed two bed sheets from her cuboard and dropped them.
"That's where you sleep tonight."
"Your not sleeping with me. I'm still pissed."
"Your always pissed."
"Thanks. I love the compliments I'm getting today."
She got really teary eyed.
"Nat. Are you."
"No! I'm not crying. Just go sleep."
"Whats wrong?"
"Just...Haley said something today and I got scared..."
"What she say?"
"That you'd be next and I told myself. That's not true so I let the day go on and you weren't replying to my texts so I got more worried and then when I had to go the police station to report you missing I had a feeling inside me you were dead, hopeless and I couldn't save you."
She was balling her eyes out now. Jake grabbed her and hugged her tight.
"I will not leave you I promise."
He smiled and they both layed down, falling asleep.


The 10 girls who are runner ups in the lakewood lady of the lake were all meeting up. Natalie kept checking her phone to make sure Emma was okay, since her dad came home last night.
"Hey Natalie."
Natalie turned and saw Zoe.
"I know we don't know eachother that well but I know when someone needs a good destraction."
"I'm sorry. A friend's dad came home last night and I'm talking to my escort to the carnival...hopefully."
"Is it your dad?"
"No...I don't really have one and who would do that."
She lifted her hand.
"I would."
She laughed.
"I don't exactly have a boyfriend to take me."
"What about Noah."
"Don't lie. Everyone's knows you have a crush on him. You eyeball him in the class room all the time."
Zoe giggled.
"No I don't."
"Just abit."
"Okay. I like Noah."
Natalie smiled.
"Ever since you know...I've always wanted my bro to get a new girl. Your perfect."
"Here you go you two."
Mrs Handafield (random name lol)
handed out sheets on how to become the 5 finalists.
They said together.
Natalie looked up at the audience in the theater room and Stavo sat at the top. He waves with a smirk.
"I'll be right back."
She walks up to him.
"Number five. How are you."
"What are you doing?"
"I was walking around and found this trash."
"This is a chance to get a scholarship and its part of a charity."
"Yeahhh. So did you find ya little boyfriend."
"Yes. We are fine thanks."
"Natalie! Are you joining us."
Mrs Handafield yelled at her.
"Yes. I'll be right there."
Stavo smirked.
"Goodbye Stavo."
She says in a sarcastic tone.
"Bye number five."
"Stop calling me that."
She turns and walks up on stage to continue the meeting.


"Audrey and I are gonna check Eddie. See if he knows anything tonight? Wanna join?"
Noah asked his sister.
"No. I'm probably just gonna stay home and sleep. Woop."
Audrey laughs and they bump into Kieran.
"Hey Kieran."
"Hey guys...I want you to meet my cousin Eli...Noah, Audrey and Natalie. Try to ignore him."
"The famous half sister of the mass-"
Kieran punched him.
"Yup. Thats me. First day?"
"Schools school."
"Well try to enjoy it, there's not much here to be excited about."
"Except the killing."
He added.
"That not fun. Nice try though."
Natalie smirked.
Her phone went off. It was from Jake.
-Meet me at the pool...nobodys here ;)
-Please Natalie.
"Umm...I'll see you guys later."
She walks to the pool area and sees Jake.
"What do you want Fitzgerald."
She called from across the room.
"Please come here!"
Natalie sighed and crossed her arms.
The bell rings and Jake runs to her.
"I need to go to class Jake."
"I know...just I wanna know if we are still together."
Jake held her hands in his.
"I...I don't know Jake."
"I didn't want this...I don't want to lose you. I cross my heart and hope to die, i won't do it again."
He crosses his chest and Natalie smiles.
"Please don't say that when people are dieing."
"Nobodys died in months, this killer is weak."
"He nearly killed you Jake."
"Okay. Your right. I'm sorry."
"It's okay...well I have to get to class, I can't be late for this class again."
He gives a quick kiss on the lips and Natalie smiles.
"We're actually going on a date tonight, you haven't got anything planned right?"
"No...that would be fun. Oh Shit! I forgot to tell 2 days is the lady of the lake, see who the 5 finalists are."
"You want me to be there?"
"Yes please."
"Okay. I'll be there."
"And I'd love if you'd be my escort for the carnival."
She smiled biting her fingers.
"Your so adorable."
Jake hugged her looking down at her.
"I'd love to."
"Yay. Good cause I would of been so upset if you didn't accept."
He kisses her forehead and she runs out of the room. As soon as the door closed, Jake looked at the ground and back at the door.
"I...I love you."
He shook his head and stopped the tears from coming out of his eyes.
He pushes the door open and goes to class.

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