Chapter 21: Face The Mask

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Days went by, there were no calls or texts from the killer. He didn't message or call anyone, not even Emma.
Natalie was sitting in her room when someone came through her window. Natalie pulled her knife out from under her desk.
"Wow its me."
Stavo raised his hands.
"What are you doing here..."
"Why do you have a knife?"
She smirked, put the knife down and walked to him.
"I have something to show you."
He pulled out his phone and showed pictures of conversations between Richard, her stepdad and Jake.
"Where'd you get these?"
"Cops...guess your step dad and Jake had did your mom. Jake was gonna burn a state of building's that Richard owned. The-"
"Day he died...what else did you find?"
Stavo told her everything.
"Natalie! Dinner is ready."
Her mother called to her.
"Thank you...I'll message you later."
Stavo left the room and Natalie ran down stairs.
"Don't you dare lie about what I'm gonna ask you! You understand."
Richard and Teresa were puzzled. Noah just sat there.
"Did you hire burn your land because you were having a failed development with it?
Richard froze.
"You did. Do you remember that day huh?"
"The tim you sent him out in the middle of the day! Thats when he died!"
"Your not making sense."
"Don't you dare lie to me!"
She started to shake, cry and yell.
"You got him to do your dirty work because you couldn't do it was the last night of his life! You could of told the sheirff."
"I couldn't tell..."
Richard muttered.
"You two sat by me for crying and you said nothing!"
"How did you find out."
"Why does it matter! I found out and now your trying to save your own asses!"
She yelled and shook her head.
"Its all your fault...if you didn't send him out, he would still be here. I would be engaged."
Noahs eyes went wide.
"Wait what?"
"He would of proposed at the carnival...I would of said yes. But you killed him..."
She paused.
"Honey...I'm so sorry."
Teresa was about to hug her when Natalie pushed her away.
"You throw my sister out."
Natalie points at Teresa and then at Richard.
"and you kill my boyfriend. What kind of family is this? I'm not staying here."
She walked away, Noah got up.
"What the hell guys?"
Noah ran after her. He grabbed her and pulled her close, hugging her.
"I'm so sorry."
All of a sudden both there phones went off.
"What the?"
They both got an invite to face the mask party.
"What the hell?"
"Blessed sisters children's home."
"Let's go."
Natalie got into her car and drove her and noah to the party.


"What's going on here?"
Kieran asks.
"Looks like a harmless act of teenage rebellion to me."
Emma, Noah, Kieran, Will, Zoe and Eva walk through the party.
"When was the last time a party was being held at blessed sisters children's home?"
"Yeah the timing is super weird."
Zoe says. Everyone nods.
Emma walked up to a blonde girl.
"Hey do you know who's hosting this?"
"Yeah...didn't think you guys had it in you."
"Wait who?"
Emma questions.
"Yeah, you, Audrey and Natalie."
The girl showed her phone.
There names were on the invite.
"What the?"


"It had to be the killer. Hes trying to set me, Audrey and Natalie up for something. That's why he sent that invite."
"And these people just blindly bought into's like they've never seen April fools day, or the house of haunted hill."
Noah says
"Accepting an invite to a mysterious party practically ensures a grisly death."
Natalies adds to her brothers sentence.
"Isn't April's fools day the one where everything turns out to be a prank in the end?"
"Not if you've seen the alternate ending."
"Foster, focus."
Kieran mutters.
"We need to figure out a way to shut this party down right now."
"I can call the sheirff."
Kieran said.
"Hey. It's not really a party without music and lights."
"Zoe. Your brilliant!"
Natalie yells.
"We'll shut down the electricity."
"We just need to find the source."
"Great idea. Figure it out."
Noah pulls Zoe away, Will follows them.
Natalie sees Haley handing out Brandon James masks.
" you think she threw this party?"
Natalie says to Emma.
Emma walks to Haley and Natalie follows. Kieran calls the sheirff.
"Emma...Natalie! Wow I'm surprised you two showed."
"Are you a part if this thing?"
Emma snaps at her.
"You should know it's your party."
Haley smiles and emma scoffs.
"Can I offer you a mask?"
Natalie hits the mask out of her hand.
" can give us an explanation."
"Who sent out that invite and why was our names on it?"
"Okay calm down, it's just a joke. I said I'd help out."
She laughs.
"Help who out?"
"A friend. A very special friend, who prefers to remain anonymous. I protect my friends, you surely can respect that."
"Haley! Are you shitting me! You could be defending a killer!"
Haley chuckles.
"Stop being so paranoid!"
"Paranoid! Well sorry for being paranoid when our friends are dying because of your fuck of a friend."
Natalie was ready to punch her.
"It's someone I'm seeing okay."
She grabs her box of masks and leaves through the crowd.
"Wait Haley!"
They follow her but manage to loose her.
Natalie started to heat up.
"These lights are making me feel very sick."
"You okay?"
Emma asked her.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom."
They saw Audrey standing at the door.
She ran after them as they ran to the bathoom and Natalie ran into a stall. She vomited into the toilet.
"Look, someone set it up to make it look like we planned this. US three."
Emma told Audrey."
"Okay then it was probably the killer."
"I know! That's what I'm trying to tell you he led us here."
"Did Noah come with you?"
"Yeah he's here with Zoe and Will."
Natalie left the stall, wiping her mouth.
"The killer just called me...Noah's next."
The lights went out. They grabbed there phones, turning there flashlights on.
"Oh no"
"No this is good this means they turned the power off. They are still alive."
"Did the killer do this-"
"To make sure im stuck with you yes probably."
"Whats going on?"
Natalie asked he friends.
"Nothing...we'll tell you later."
They got texts from there phones.
-better get upstairs before your better half rots."
Audrey and Natalie say.
They run out.
"Wait guys."
Natalie pointed her flashlight to the wall. It was a picture of Piper and Brooke...together?
"They really knew eachother huh."
"Why is this here?"
They continued to walk through rooms. The same picture from before was printed through out.
Until there was a whole wall of them.
Two chairs where in the middle of the room. Two bodies sat on them.
They walked round and a smell hit them.
It was disgusting. It reminded Natalie and Audrey of Jake.
"Who are they?"
Audrey whispers.
"Oh god."
They looked to see Pipers and Brooke's bodys sitting in the chairs.
"Oh my god...Piper. its Piper."
"Oh my, Brooke..."


They sat on a set of stairs.
"Hes doing this to mess with our heads."
"And now he wants revenge on all three of us."
Acosta walks up to us. He sighs.
"I know you didn't throw the party."
"No...someone's trying to make sure it looks that way."
"Do you have any information at all?"
"Yes. Haley Meyers. She said she helped someone throw this party."
"Did she give you a name."
"Nope...she said it was a very special friend."
"We think that friend is the killer."
"Sheirff there's some thing you need to see right away."
A police officer yelled him.
As the sheriff left, Will, Zoe and Noah run up to them.
They all hugged.
Will came up to Natalie.
"How you doin?"
"Do you wanna hang out tonight. I'll come home with you, make sure your okay."
"That would be great since I hate my parents at the moment."
"Okay great."
They all waited to be questioned and they were all sent home. Will went with Natalie and they sat in her room.

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