Chapter 2: "Where Were you?"

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"Okay Natalie. Where were you?"
Sheriff Acosta asked.
"I don't know. It was dark. Some sort of house in the middle of the woods."
"Who kept you hostage?"
Natalie froze.
"The killer."
Jake said.
"Jake. Please do not answer her questions."
"Hes right...he had a Brandon James mask on. He only showed up when he gave me food and water."
"Okay. One more question."
She nodded.
"Why you?"
"Excuse me?"
"Why where you the one taken. Out of everyone."
"I don't know."
"Come one Natalie. You have to know."
She started to shake. She felt her heart pumping fast in her chest. She started to breath funny but her heart rate calmed down when she looked to see Jake holding her hand. She looked up at him and he smirked. He started to rub her hand with his thumb.
"Okay. Thank you. We may be back another time."
Acosta and his two side officers left the room.
Natalie put her head back and closed her eyes.
She muttered.
"It's okay. You got pretty heated up."
"Yeah. I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
She opened her eyes and smiled at him and he smiled back.

Everyday after that day, Jake would always visit the hospital but one day he didn't.

Natalie looked at the clock.
"He always shows up at 4."
It's been 5 days since they found her. She had been healing and was able to walk but it pained her to even flinch at some times.
A nurse named Nancy walked in and checked her temperature and pressure.
"Have you seen Jake?"
"No. He hasn't sighed in."
"Okay. Thank you."
As Nancy left Natalie grabbed her phone.
Her mother had kept it and gave it to her the day she was found.
She texted him.
-"Hey, you coming?"
No reply.
She sat there staring at the clock.


Natalie was getting worried.
She texted him more and he still didn't reply. She called him instead.
"Come on...come on."
She bit her nail as she called him.
He picked up.
All there was was silence.
"Jake? Hello?"
Someone groaned in pain on the other line.
"Oh my god. Jake!"
She yelled.
It was him.
"Jake...what's happened?"
"'s so dark Nat."
"Jake...where are you."
"Nat...he's coming. Please...f-find me."
"No jake!"
He filled her ear with his screams and his Line shut down. He was gone.
A tear ran down her left cheek.
"Oh my god."
She pressed Unknown and called them.
"Natalie. I call you remember."
"You! Who are you and why do you have Jake?"
"I'm going to kill him Nat."
She heard chains in the background.
"Please don't hurt him...please."
"Why not? He does nothing but lie."
"I love him okay. Please just give me a chance to save him."
"*giggle* fine. Let's play a game. Ask Emma about her mom...ask her about a pig. That's your hint. You have 1 hour.
He hung up on her. He texted something to her.
It was a count down, starting at 1.
She quickly got up and put her shoes on. She grabbed her mother's coat and put it on, hiding her identity.
She limped out of the room and called Emma.
"I need a favor. Get help and meet at Noah's shop okay."
"Um but."
"No buts. See ya soon."
She put her phone away and started to limp all the way to Noah's place.


She entered the shop and saw Audrey, Noah and Emma.
"Wheres Will and Kieran?"
"Kierans had to leave to see his uncle and Will has a basketball game meet up for this university thing."
"Okay. Jakes been taken by the killer and we only have..."
She checked her phone.
"We have 40 minutes."
"No...there's another killer...I can't do this."
Emma muttered.
Audrey grabbed her hands and pulled her close.
"It's okay. We can do this. We've done it before."
Audrey looked at Natalie.
"Did he give you hints. He usually does."
Noah asked.
"He said..."
She looked at Emma.
"To ask you about your mother and something with a pig."
Emma frowned.
"Hes sick. Why would he do this."
"To get in our heads. We can't let him, Not again."
Emma breathed.
"My mother and I used to go to this barn. Audrey has been there to."
She paused.
"A pig...a pig had been showing up in my dreams at the exact barn."
"Do you think."
"Hes at the barn."
"Let's go."
Audrey yelled. She grabbed her car keys from the counter and ran out. Emma followered. Natalie started to run but stopped and cried in pain.
"Come on."
Noah grabbed his sister and helped her out. He placed her into the front next to Audrey and she strapped herself in.
Emma and Noah got in the back and they started to drive there.
A storm started and it was difficult to see through the rain.
"Go left!"
Emma yelled.
Audrey pulled to a left and nearly tilted but kept her driving steady.
Natalie checked her phone and they had 20 minutes left.
Emma pointed to a large barn in the middle of a field.
They stopped under a tree and got out.
Natalie checked her phone and it said 15 minutes.
"Help me."
Audrey gently pulled her out and they all jogged to the entrence. Emma pulled and it was locked.
"The back. It's never locked."
They ran round and twisted the door open. They ran in and Natalie ran in first, not caring about the pain.
No answer. They started walking in and smelt a god awful smell.
Noah said, covering his nose.
"We need light."
Everyone turned there phones to flashlight and they looked. Pig feet and other pig organs and body parts where scattered around.
A scythe was on the ground under Natalies feet. She looked in front of her and saw Jake hanging from his legs.
She kneeled down and started to cry.
"Jake...Guys get him down."
Noah ran to a chain and pulled onto it. Audrey did the same and Jake fell down onto his back.
"No. Jake come on."
Emma kneeled down and checked his pulse.
Natalie checked for any sign of blood, his left ankle had huge wholes in them and his head was bleeding.
His eyes were closed.
Emma grabbed her phone and rang 911.
" promised. Don't leave us...don't leave me."
She gently tapped his face and he flinched.
He mumbles something but Natalie couldn't make out what he was saying.
Blue and red lights appear through the cracks off the barn.
"Nat. There here."
The doors that were locked click and they swung open. Police officers and medics ran in.
"Jake please."
His eyes opened in shock.
Natalie smiled.
She started to cry.
He grabbed her hand and held it.
"Move please."
Medics pushed Natalie out of the way and she let go of his hand.


"I have questions for you Jake Fitzgerald."
Acosta was back, but was asking Jake questions.
"Where were you when you were found."
"At the barn."
"Who found you."
Jake looked at Natalie, Noah, Emma and Audrey who were sitting on seats, guarded by two officers.
"Them. Emma, Noah, Audrey and Natalie."
"Okay. Why were you there."
He flinched alittle and brushed his hair back with his hand.
"I was walking through the field...and um...little pig toy was on a nroken fridge. I got distracted and a bear trap was there. I stepped onto it and fell. A man, wearing a Brandon James mask hit me in the head. He taunted me. I almost escaped and he hung me up. He had a scythe...he was about to...umm..."
He froze and his hands started to shake.
Natalie whispers.
"Can I answer this another day. My head hurts."
"Sure. You get better Jake. You 4. Come with me."
"But Jake..."
"Natalie just go."
Jake said.
"I don't want you here! I'm here because of you. If nobody was yours or Emmas friend we wouldn't be in this mess!"
Jake yelled.
Emma frowned. Natalie stood there in shock.
"You should go Nat."
Jakes mother said.
She gently rubbed her arm and Natalies eyes started to water.
They left the room and Teresa ran up to her daughter.
"Acosta. She still isn't fully healed. I know what she has done but she needs to be checked."
"I just wanted her and everyone to to go there parents. Come on Audrey and Emma. Goodnight Noah and Natalie."
They waved and Teresa took them to a room. She checked Natalie for injuries and when done she locked the door and stared at her children.
"What do to think you were doing?"
"Saving Jake."
Noah said.
Natalie just sat on the bed looking at the floor.
Their mother sighed.
"You need to stop this. I can't loose you. Not now. Now ever. You understand me?"
They nodded.
"Now go home and sleep. I'll see you tomorrow. You will go back to school, it's back to school in three days so prep."
She unlocks the door and they leave the hospital.


Natalie enters her room after 4 months.
It hasn't changed. She sits on her bed and falls backwards. She starts to cry and covers her eyes with her hands.
Her phone starts to ring. She wipes her eyes and picks it up.
"Good job Natalie but that won't stop me from killing people though. Enjoy your life as you can."
"I'll find you and I'll kill you like we did with Piper and Brooke."
"Piper and Brooke where weak. Well Brooke was especially. I'm stronger and I will get you."
"Fuck you!"
She hangs up and slams her phone on her bed.
Moments later a text comes through. It reads "Hey Nat. I'm sorry about earlier."
She frowns and shakes her head.
"Screw you Jake Fitzgerald."
She turns her phone off and takes her clothes off, changes into PJ's, jumps into bed and closes her eyes.


"Screw you Jake Fitzgerald."
Jake looked at his phone. A tear dropped onto the screen and he realised he was crying.
"Don't cry. Your Jake Fitzgerald...the Jake dosen't cry over a girl."
He closes his phone and looks at the ceiling. Slowly his eyes close and he falls asleep.

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