Need a Photo?

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Even though Jimin was determined to find out more about the gorgeous blond boy, he had to be patient. Taehyung and Jungkook had to drag Jimin through the hallways of school so he would stop looking for the boy for one second. He was incredibly obvious about it, but he had not told his friends who he was looking for yet. "This person must be amazing. Chim, you have been looking for him for days now", Taehyung noticed. "What? I am not looking for anyone. What are you talking about? I'm just a little bit spaced out like always, nothing to worry about", Jimin replied while looking away. He was blushing. They sat down at the table ready to have lunch when someone stepped closer.

"Hey boys", Namjoon said with a deep voice. Jimin almost jumped at the seductiveness in his voice. Namjoon seemed to notice, he was smirking. "Anyways let's cut to the chase, I'm hosting a little party tonight. I thought you guys should definitely stop by. Wouldn't be a party without you pretty guys", he winked at them. "Be there at eight, if you want any special drinks bring them yourself. I have some beers and liquor to offer. See you later then." He turned around, starting to walk away. Trying a little too hard to be insanely cool he bumped into a table. Jungkook giggled and looked at Jimin whose mouth was still open from the situation that had just occurred. "Yes, I am impressed as well Chim, but please close your mouth. You guys, we have finally made it. Not only did the one and only Namjoon invite us to his party. He also called us pretty. I will never forget this day." "And he totally has a thing for you Jimin, did you see the way he looked at you?", Taehyung added. "What? No he doesn't!", Jimin shrieked.

Jimin rushed home from the hair dresser. He was a little behind the schedule he had planned, but the new hair was necessary. Just in case pretty blond boy was there tonight, he wanted to look his best. Back at home he threw on the outfit he put together in his head while getting his hair done. He was satisfied with his completed look. The oversized sweater went well with the new dark hair. Also it hid the couple extra pounds Jimin was trying to lose, even though he already was skinny enough. He texted his friends to check if they were ready to meet. They had decided to get together for a little pre drinking before going to the actual party. He grabbed the bottle of wine from the counter and stepped outside, seeing Taehyung and Jungkook were already waiting for him. "What's up Minnie. Ready to party?", Taehyung asked with a boxy smile on his face. "Great hair, by the way", Jungkook noticed as Jimin stepped down the porch. "Did you get it done for someone special tonight? Is it Namjoon? You know you will have to tell us eventually who this mystery person is." "First of all Kookie, I don't have to do anything but die someday. And second, no I didn't get it done for anyone besides myself. Especially not Namjoon.", Jimin said while shooting Jungkook a serious look. "Well someone is extra sassy tonight", Taehyung laughed while opening the wine bottle. "I'm digging it", he added with a little smile.

Shortly after the wine bottle was finished they arrived at the party. Music was blaring from the inside, people were standing on the porch talking. "Thank god you were clever enough to ask him for the address Tae, we would've never found it", Jungkook said. "I do have my light moments you know. Jimin are you okay? You only had a third of this bottle, why are you holding on to me like you can't stand by yourself anymore?" Taehyung looked at him, a little concerned. Jimin did not reply, giggled instead and entered the house. Taehyung just sighed and followed. "You guys came!", Namjoon stepped over to them, drinks in his hands. "These are for you. Come over to the living room and let me introduce you to the important people." They followed him through the kitchen. The air smelled of cigarettes, alcohol and sweat. "I can't believe you said this is a little party, Namjoon. There is at least fifty people here", Jungkook noted. "I didn't want to scare you away", he replied with a wink. He's such a flirt, Jimin thought while entering the living room. "Say hello to the crew", Namjoon said and pointed to the couch. Jimin looked over and his mind went blank. Again, the world stopped for a second. There he was in all his glory - blond boy. Blood rushing through his body, he felt himself blushing. His surroundings completely shut out while he checked the blond boy out from head to toe. He had a grim look on his face and Jimin wished that he could turn that frown into a smile some day.

He was violently ripped out of his fantasy when he noticed the boy he looked at was saying something. "Are you deaf? I'll ask you again: What are you looking at? Need a photo?", he laughed. "Oh sorry..", Jimin stumbled. Turns out things would no be as easy with blond boy as Jimin imagined.

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