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Jimin woke up, blinded by the sun. Wait! He could not remember how the night ended. Probably not too crazy, he thought to himself. There was no alcohol involved. He dared to move slightly and noticed that his hand was stuck. He peeked down the covers. Yoongi was still here and even better, he was holding his hand. Blood rushed into Jimin's face. How did that happen? He was flustered. He did not remember falling asleep. Jimin and Yoongi started another movie and then? He could not remember. He definitely has nice hands, I could get used to this, Jimin noticed. Sure, he was happy, but how did this happen? Yoongi turned from a big asshole into a nice person — literally over night. It just did not seem right. He looked over to the older boy sleeping next to him. He was facing Jimin and almost looked ethereal in the morning light with his blond hair reflecting it perfectly. Yoongi seemed to notice that someone was watching him. His facial expressions started to move and he began squinting against the light. Jimin was still looking at him when he whispered a „Good morning". „Hi", was all Jimin managed to say. Yoongi released Jimin's hand to sit up and go through his hair. „This is.. umm, different", he noticed, while placing his hand back down on Jimin's arm. Jimin, who was extremely aware of everything happening in these couple seconds, started to blush again. Yoongi just chuckled in response. Now there was silence, no awkward silence, just the two enjoying the morning sun coming up.

The silence was interrupted by Jimin's phone buzzing. He picked it up and unlocked it.

9:38am Jiyong: hey cutie. just touched down in korea. we still on for today? xx

Jimin gasped. „Huh? What is it?", Yoongi said, surprised that they were ripped out of their moment. „Oh my god, Yoongi. I am sorry. You took me by surprise last night, I totally forgot about the plans I had for today. I am supposed to go shopping for tonight with Tae and later I'm meeting Jiyong. Good lord, I need to get..", Yoongi interrupted him. „— Jiyong?", he asked, with a facial expression Jimin could not quite figure out. „Yeah. He is a friend, he has some kind of gig tonight, I don't know, he makes music. He wanted to meet up before and then take me to watch backstage or something, I don't really know", Jimin rambled. „Backstage?", Yoongi's face lost all expressions. „Yeah, I guess. Anyways, Yoongi, thanks for coming, you need to get out. Tae will kill me if I am late and I still look like I am homeless. So bye!", Jimin explained while pushing Yoongi out of the bed.

Yoongi stepped down Jimin's porch and started his walk home. He was confused. Jimin seemed genuinely excited about meeting Jiyong. What is so special about this stupid green haired man, he asked himself. He came to the conclusion, that the feeling messing with his head was jealousy. He had also decided that he wanted to make Jimin his, he just did not know how yet. It is not as easy to turn from the big asshole into the perfect boyfriend. Knowing his name helps my research a lot, he pondered, while pulling out his phone and typing the name into Google. He was not expecting much, but his eyes widened when millions of results popped up. He felt his blood rushing, sweat on his forehead and his breathing speeding up. The green haired dude was right there smiling at him. It was like Jiyong was making fun of him, right from the Google search results. Of course he knew this guy, how did it take him so long to figure out who he was. Everyone in Korea knew Jiyong. Everyone in Korea knew G-Dragon. Not only was he the leader of the incredibly successful band BigBang, he was also making millions with his music, brand deals and endorsements. And Jimin had no idea who this dudes was. Yoongi was laughing at Jimin's obliviousness. Then his laugh turned into a frown. How was he supposed to compete with G-Dragon? Korea loves him, Jimin likes him, Jiyong likes Jimin and his bank account balance is as long as my phone number, Yoongi noticed. Jimin did not know about it yet, but he was about to find out who Jiyong really was. Yoongi did not know what to do or how to keep Jimin from finding out that Jiyong was the whole package. Yoongi had to do something, to keep Jimin from finding out that Jiyong was so, so much better than him.

„What about this one", Jimin asked as he stepped out of the changing room. „Absolutely not. You want to look hot but not like a hooker from down the street. Way too many cut outs", Taehyung claimed while rolling his eyes. „No need to be rude", Jimin yelled, while stepping back into the changing room. Taehyung just sighed and looked back down at his phone. „What kind of gig do you think it is? There is a BigBang concert tonight. God I wish it was that, you can never get ticket for those." „What the hell is BigBang?" „My god Chim. You literally have no clue about pop culture or anything in general." Taehyung decided to drop the topic. „You know I am genuinely excited for you. I know that I barely know anything about him and I haven't met him yet, but I am certain he is a better choice than Yoongi. After all, he hasn't called you a bitch yet", Taehyung chuckled. Jimin's face in the changing room turned a bright red. He had decided to not tell Taehyung about Yoongi's visit the night before. „Good point", Jimin simply replied.

„I'm so glad you're going to see me perform tonight", Jiyong said while smiling at Jimin. They had just left the restaurant and were going for a quick walk before it was time to head to the venue. „I know, I'm actually very excited. To be honest, you have hardly told me anything about the band you're in. I don't even know the name", Jimin replied. „You're not much into pop culture, I'm guessing", Jiyong noticed. He chuckled and then turned to the younger. „I think that's actually incredibly refreshing about you. Anyways, the band is called BigBang. Maybe you have heard of it." Jimin blushed. „To be honest, I haven't heard of it. But my very good friend Tae seems to be a big fan." Jiyong shrugged in response. „I guess you'll get to know it tonight then. Also, since he is a big fan, why don't you ask him to come hang out with you backstage while I'm working. That would be fun, huh?" Jimin's eyes lit up at the thought which made Jiyong smile. „I thought so", he added while Jimin was giggling.

7:22pm Jimin: hi tae, what are your plans for tonight?
7:24pm Taehyung: nothing major, why
7:28pm Jimin: turns out you were right about jiyong, his band is bigbang
7:28pm Jimin: he also said you can join me backstage tonight so i'm not lonely
7:32pm Taehyung:...
7:33pm Jimin: ???
7:35pm Taehyung: WTF!!! are you serious you little shithead
7:35pm Taehyung: of course i will go to a damn bigbang concert
7:36pm Jimin: lol. be at the venue at around 8

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