Late Night

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"You are literally the worst, why do you have to be like this?", Namjoon looked at Yoongi as they were walking down the hallway at school. Yoongi just shrugged, not saying anything. "I think you should apologize, that's the least you can do", Namjoon added. "Give me his number", Yoongi said, gaze still fixed on the ground. He did not plan on apologizing, but maybe he could use the number for something else. "Really?", Namjoon face lit up. He smiled at Yoongi. "That's the spirit. Try not to be an asshole for one second, okay? I need to get going, I'll text you his number. Bye", Namjoon left to go to his next class. Yoongi debated wether he should go to class or not. He decided against it and started to walk towards the exit. This could be interesting, he thought to himself as he passed the building's entrance.

"You really should just forget him, he is such an ass. I don't even know why you like him. You deserve someone better", Taehyung stated. The three boys were hanging out in Jimin's backyard. It was still quite chilly outside but the afternoon sun made sitting outside bearable. Jimin had been absent minded the whole afternoon, just staring into the distance, while Taehyung and Jungkook were discussing what went down at lunch. "Yeah I agree. You should be with and after someone who appreciates you", Jungkook added. "Namjoon isn't that bad after all, maybe you should reconsider", he said with a smirk on his face. Jimin turned around to look at him. "Can we just drop the topic. I'm really not in the mood to talk about him", he sighed. Taehyung was wondering how he could better Jimin's mood. "Maybe we should go see a movie tonight. That'll distract you. What do you think?" Jimin's depressed face turned into a little smile. "There actually is this new movie I'd like to see...", he replied. "It's decided then", Taehyung said, feeling accomplished.

It was the middle of the night and Jimin was laying in his bed. He could not sleep, Yoongi was on his mind. Sure, he did not want to talk about the topic with his friends anymore and the movie they saw distracted him for a while, but there he was again thinking about what happened at lunch. He wondered why Yoongi behaved the way he did. Jimin's approach had been somewhat inappropriate, but Yoongi was clearly overreacting. Jimin heard his phone buzz. He glanced at the clock on his nightstand: 2am. Who would text him at this time? He picked up his phone and unlocked it

1:59am Unknown Number: hey
2:01am Jimin: who is this
2:03am Unknown Number: take a wild guess
2:04am Jimin: I have no idea
2:06am Unknown Number: it's yoongi you idiot

Jimin dropped his phone. Why the hell would Yoongi text me at this time, he asked himself. How does he even have my number, Jimin wondered. He was annoyed that Yoongi would not talk to him at school but text him randomly at night. His phone buzzed again and his curiosity won over his anger.

2:10am Yoongi: are you gonna answer me or what
2:11am Jimin: what do you want
2:13am Yoongi: jeez don't be too nice
2:14am Yoongi: what you doing
2:16am Jimin: what you think I'm doing it's two in the morning
2:19am Yoongi: wanna hang out?
2:20am Yoongi has shared his location

What. The. Hell. Jimin sat up straight in his bed, reading the messages over and over again. This could not be true, he thought to himself. Someone must be setting me up, he pondered. Why would Yoongi want to hang out? Not only with him but also in the middle of the night. Jimin was scared, but curiosity pushed him on his feet. He put on his clothes and sneaked through the house, trying to make as less noise as possible. His parents would not be please with him leaving home at this time.

2:32am Jimin: I'm on my way
2:34am Yoongi: ;)

At this point Jimin was just confused. Something was up with Yoongi. He acted completely different from his usual behavior. Even though Jimin was doubtful, he was also determined to find out what was up with the older. He shoved his phone in his pocket, put a beanie on and stepped into the cold night air.

Jimin walked around another street corner, he was almost there. The closer he got, the tighter felt bis throat, anxiety rising inside of him, since he did not know what to expect. Maybe Yoongi was just playing another prank on him, but Jimin decided that he had to take the chance to find out. One does not get invited by Yoongi everyday. He arrived at a massive metal gate in between high rising bush fences. He peeked through the gate and checked his phone again, not seeing anyone around. He definitely was at the right place. Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching. He looked up from his phone and saw someone coming closer. Jimin held his breath as the gate was pushed open. "Are you gonna come in or are you just gonna stare?", Yoongi asked with a smirk on his face. Jimin stepped through the gate and followed him up the path. They came closer to the house and Jimin gasped. The house was enormous. It was a very modern, architectural masterpiece with countless glass elements. "What? Did you think I was poor or something?", Yoongi laughed. They reached the front door. Jimin decided to ignore the question "Why did you invite me", he asked instead. Yoongi grabbed Jimin's arm and pulled him closer. The strong smell of alcohol tingled Jimin's nose. "I invited you because your wish from the other night will come true", he replied, locking eyes with Jimin's. "What do you me-", Jimin was interrupted by Yoongi grabbing his face, pressing his lips onto Jimin's, kissing him intensely.

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