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Yoongi was walking down the street, minding his own business as he always did. He left the house to check out downtown, since he had not left his room in a couple days. Yoongi was a big fan of naps and doing nothing, but at some point even he got tired of staring at his room's ceiling. Another week had past and spring was finally in full effect. He stopped walking as he spotted a familiar face in a café's outside seating area. From his angle his was only able to see half of the table, but judging by the other visible tables, it was a couple's café. What is Jimin doing here, he asked himself. He jogged for a second to hide behind a bush. What am I doing, I don't even care about him, he thought. This is just out of curiosity, nothing more, nothing less, he convinced himself. He peaked over the hedge and spotted Jimin having coffee with someone he did not recognize immediately. The stranger had sharp features, was taller than Jimin and sported radiating green hair. He seemed familiar, but Yoongi could not quite rap his head around how he knew him. Jimin laughed at something the green haired man said and playfully touched his hand. Stop touching him, Yoongi thought, his emotionless expression turning into a frown. What was this feeling in his chest? Could it be? Definitely not. Things like this did not happen to Min Yoongi, right? He plopped on the ground, realization kicking in. He did care about Jimin. He was not quite sure in what way and to what extend, but he did care. All alarm sirens in Yoongi's head started to go off. This was not a good sign.

"Okay please give us all the juicy details about your second date with the mystery man", Taehyung giggled while looking at Jimin from the couch. Jungkook and Jimin were situated on the floor, competing in a round of Mario Kart. "He is not a mystery man, his name is Jiyong", Jimin replied while looking at the screen. "That's nice, but you have literally not shared anything about him. I need more insight to tell if he is not as shit as Yoongi. It has been two dates. Two! You sure know more about him", Taehyung shot back, not satisfied with Jimin's answer. "Maybe I want to keep it a little more on the low this time. The whole Yoongi situation was so stressful, especially since everyone around me knew what was going on. That's why it's also nice that he's not part of the group of people we know and doesn't go to school." Jungkook paused the game. "He does not go to school? How old is he?", he asked with a concerned look on his face. "Oh god, don't tell me he is a dropout", he added. Jimin laughed. "Okay I don't exactly know how old he is, but I doubt that he is too old. He has manly features, but he still looks young. Also he is not a dropout, he studies music in college." Taehyung and Jungkook were giving each other looks saying 'interesting'. "Can you guys please stop the investigation, I'm uncomfortable. He is a cool guy and takes my mind of Yoongi. That is all I'm asking for." Taehyung gave Jimin an understanding look. "I know Chim, we are just trying to look out for you."

"Argh, Joonie. I'm frustrated. I just can not fucking remember how I know this guy. I swear I've seen him before. Radiation like green hair is not something one easily forgets", Yoongi sighed, while scrolling through Google search results. Namjoon was laying down on the couch at the other end of the room. He looked up from his phone and furrowed his brows. "Okay, first of all could you please explain since when you care. As far as I remember, you have no interest in Jimin besides to humiliate him. Which has been working quite well for you so far", he chuckled. Yoongi turned around on his chair to look at Namjoon, an irritated expression on his face. "That's my problem. I have no idea since when I care about that little shit. He's so annoying." Namjoon sat up, realization turning his face into a smirk. "Oh my god Yoongi. It's all absolutely obvious. And also it doesn't take my IQ of 148 to figure the situation out", he grinned at Yoongi which earned him the middle finger. "You like him! You've been suppressing it by treating him like shit just so you didn't have to face your own feelings. Now, with this new dude on stage, jealousy is hitting you right in the face, forcing you to open your eyes. Case closed." Namjoon had a winning smile on his face, showing his dimples. "Do you even hear yourself talk, that's absolute bullshit", Yoongi scoffed, while turning back to the computer. "You know, your words might try to disguise it, but your face sure is telling the truth", Namjoon replied grinning, which caused Yoongi to blush even harder.

Jungkook and Taehyung had just left and Jimin was sitting down at his desk, getting ready to deal with some school work. He was just about to finish the second math problem when his phone vibrated. No, absolutely not Jimin, you need to focus, he reminded himself. It vibrated again. Goddammit, he thought while grabbing it.

New messages (2)

7:48pm Yoongi: hey
7:50pm Yoongi: whats up

Jimin's heart started to beat a little faster, but he reminded himself how Yoongi had treated him. I am not going to fall for his little games anymore, he thought to himself.

7:55pm Jimin: what do you want

7:56pm Yoongi: whoa, not too nice please
7:57pm Yoongi: want to hang out?

8:00pm Jimin: hang out?? like last time we 'hung out'? no fucking thank you

8:02pm Yoongi: no, we could just watch a movie or something

Jimin did not know what to think. He promised himself not to repeat the mistakes he had made before. But Yoongi was being decent for once and he was just incredibly curious to find out what Yoongi's motivation was to invite him to hang out. Was he willing to be possibly played with again or would he decide to stay strong and finally put Yoongi in his place? Jimin looked at his phone in his hand, desperately searching for answers to his own questions. Finally, he made his decision.

8:07pm Jimin: is typing...

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