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Jiyong, Jimin and Taehyung were seated in the back area of one of the popular bars in the city. The bar was full of people, but they were able to enter without being noticed. Jiyong was wearing a black cap and face mask, hiding as much as possible and the owner of the bar allowed them to enter through the back. Even though they made an unnoticed entrance, the two bodyguards standing in front of their table seemed a little obvious.

Taehyung was already a bit drunk, which actually helped him be a little more relaxed around Jiyong. He was so impressed about the fact that he was in a bar with G-Dragon, that he was staring a little too long from time to time. Jimin chuckled nervously, while Jiyong just shrugged and smiled. They were engaged in some easy conversation which mainly consisted of Taehyung asking Jiyong a thousand question about being an idol, touring the world and rapping like a god. Jimin kept smiling at his interested friend, glad that him and Jiyong were getting along so well. After round three, Jimin also started to feel the alcohol. Jiyong approached me the whole day didn't he, Jimin asked himself. Maybe it was time to also make a move in the right direction. While contemplating which approach would be the right one, Yoongi made his way onto Jimin's mind. He was so adorable and broken when he asked me not to go today, he noticed. How did this attitude change happen, he pondered. This asshole, he thought, even while I am supposed to have good time with Jiyong he can make me question my decisions. Jimin decided to kick Yoongi out of his thoughts and focus on the current situation. He placed his hand on Jiyong's which was resting on the table. The older looked up with a smirk, while Taehyung just kept on rambling about how harsh the idol world was.

The conversation came to a harsh stop when one of the bodyguards stepped closer to talk to Jiyong. He whispered something in his ear which made Jiyong's expression change from cheerful to worried. Jimin noticed immediately. „What's wrong?" Jiyong shook his head. „I don't know. There's someone trying to get to our table. People must have leaked online that we're here. This happens all the time, but according to Minho, this person seems to be very persistent", he sighed. „Oh, I see. Well, they won't be able to wait all night I guess. Gotta give up eventually", Jimin said with a reassuring smile. „I guess you're right. Also, how could I not believe this smile", Jiyong added, which made Jimin blush. „Let's just order another round", he offered which made Taehyung shriek. Right after the new drinks arrived, bodyguard Minho stepped closer again. „Oh what the hell", Jiyong exclaimed. „This dude must be so annoying. He also says he knows you Jimin?", he stated with a questioning look. Jimin almost chocked on his drink. „Know me?", he repeated, fear in his voice. „Yeah, his name is Yoongi. Do you know him?" Those simple two sentences made Jimin's world spin at an alarming rate. He was pretty certain that it was not caused by the alcohol. Why was Yoongi here? How did he even know that he was here? The city was massive, this could not be a coincidence. „Jimin? Do you know him?", Jiyong asked again, trying to snap Jimin back into life. Jimin, who had lost all color in his face at this point, nodded. „I guess, you could say he is a friend of mine." „Oh, I'm sorry. I should've asked right away. He should join us then", Jiyong smiled. „Umm, maybe", Jimin tried to intervene. He was cut off by Jiyong giving Minho a sign. The younger started to sweat when seconds later a blond haired boy with a deadly glare on his face approached the bodyguards.

Yoongi squeezed through the security and sat down next to Jiyong. Taehyung's eyes widened as he realized who sat down at their table. His expression hardened. Dazed by the alcohol, he did not seem to know what to make of the situation. „Yoongi, first of all...", he collected his drunk thoughts for a second. „Why and how?" Jimin's gaze shifted nervously between the two, while Jiyong remained silent, observing the situation. Yoongi had an empty glare on his face and alcohol was reeking from his voice as he spoke up. „You know... just read somewhere that you guys were here and I thought, why not join my friends on a fun night out." „We are far from friends", Taehyung mumbled. Jimin was the only one able to hear him. „Be cooperative", Jimin whispered, hoping that the situation would not escalate. As Yoongi's gaze shifted across the table, he noticed Jiyong and Jimin still holding hands. „So you guys together?", he scoffed as he faced Jimin with a challenging look. „No, we... I, no, we're not", he stuttered while releasing his hand from Jiyong's. Jiyong shot Jimin a concerned glance but remained silent. Taehyung noticed the apparent tension in the air. Despite his reluctance against Yoongi, he decided to try and ease the situation. „Yoongi, what a shame that you missed the concert, it was truly iconic", he said with a boxy smile. „I've heard that you're also into rap music, you should talk about it with Jiyong, he's a rapper after all", he diplomatically suggested. Jiyong brightened up. „Oh, that's nice. Do you plan on pursuing a career in music?", he asked and turned to Yoongi. Yoongi, who had been staring at Jimin the whole time, stopped staring and looked at Jiyong. It seemed like he was evaluating his words as it took some seconds for him to reply. Lightning bolts were shooting from his eyes as he spoke up. „None of your business", he replied with a smirk.

Jimin gasped. „I'm so sorry. Please excuse the behavior of my friend", he sent Yoongi a death glare. Jiyong did not really know how to handle the situation. He just shrugged and had an unreadable expression on his face. Meanwhile, Jimin was panicking. He had to make a decision. Either let Yoongi ruin the whole night and possibly his relationship with Jiyong or get out of there. He chose the easier option. „You know, it is already getting late. We should really get going", he tried. Yoongi smirked. „But I just got here", he replied. „Well, it sure looks like you already have been out and around town, I think you should call it a night." „I want to stay though, it isn't even that late", Taehyung whined, not noticing where Jimin was going with his plan. Jimin started to be slightly annoyed by his not cooperating friend. „Ugh, fine. You and Jiyong stay, I'll just get drunk Yoongi home. I'm sorry, I'll text you when I'm home", he said looking at Jiyong. Jiyong just nodded, as Jimin got up to pull Yoongi out of the bar.

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