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Jimin was reading the bottle labels in the convenience store. He felt like this exact moment had occurred to him before, but he could not recall when it happened. His vision was still a little blurry, eyes puffy from crying. He could not quite remember everything that had happened in the last couple hours. He had been sitting on the hallway floor for ages. At least that was what it felt like. He cried for a little bit and then decided that he would have to face his misery - for now at least. He lifted himself up and made his way out of the apartment complex. As he was passing through the lobby, he caught a glimpse of the suspicious dude on the couch. He was still on the phone, now examining every single one of Jimin's steps. Figures, Jimin thought to himself. Must be someone from Jiyong's management making sure that I leave, he concluded. He considered throwing a fit for a second, but but decided it was not worth it - nothing would change anyways. Jimin walked a couple blocks into an area, he had never entered before and found himself in the convenience store, looking at the alcohol in the fridges. It was dark by now, he was exhausted and also did not know what to do with his life. There really was no point in protesting against what was happening. Jiyong's management would win. The always did. Not even Jiyong stood a chance against them.

Jimin grabbed a wine bottle and headed up to the counter. The only money he had left was about 2000₩ in cash and one working card at this point. He had not used his own bank account in months, he did not even know if there was any money in it. With sweaty palms he handed the cashier his card, praying that it would be accepted. Contrary to the rest of his day, he was in luck. He stepped outside into the cool night air and did not hesitate for one second to pop the bottle open. What's it worth waiting at this point, Jimin thought. Since I'm already at rockbottom, I can't really fall any further. While taking another big gulp out of the bottle, Jimin started to wonder what he should do now. He did not even try to text Jiyong. Management probably already blocked his number or changed Jiyong's. Maybe Jiyong did not even know about the true circumstances. Maybe they told him that Jimin decided to leave. They could tell Jiyong whatever they wanted and he did not really have any other options but to believe them. His parents were not an option either. Sure they supported Jimin going to Seoul, but they sure did not support his choice of majoring in Dance. They eventually accepted, since they had nothing to worry about with Jiyong supporting Jimin. Now, that he himself fucked his support up, his parents sure would not be very understanding. He had texted Taehyung, but he seemed to be busy, probably with Jungkook. Jimin sighed when he realized who was his last realistic possibility. I can't do that, Jimin pondered. I haven't even talked to him in about two years and now that my life has turned to shit, I call him up. He probably won't even help me, he noticed. Shit, I wouldn't even help myself. He chuckled, amazed by his own screwed up situation. Jimin shivered. Right this moment he noticed how cold he actually was. He had not taken a jacket with him, since the fall weather was quite forgiving during the day. All of his clothes were locked in the apartment to which he did not have access to anymore. Another weak smile flashed across his face. Barely any of the clothes he had in the apartment belonged to him anyways. He had moved to Seoul with a weekend bag, since Jiyong told him there was no need to bring his own clothes. Endless money and clothes provided by management or even the designers themselves awaited him in Seoul. Living in a dream had been nice, until he was brutally woken up.

Half of the bottle was finished when Jimin finally came to his senses. As embarrassing as it was, he had to call Yoongi. He wondered how he should explain what had happened. They had just been hanging out at the cafe and a couple hours later, Jimin's life was broken to pieces. He was hoping Yoongi would not pick up as he was tapping on his contact info. „Hi, Chim, what's up", Yoongi's voice chirped through from the other end. He sounded like he was in a great mood, how ironic, Jimin thought. „Oh not much...," Jimin's voice faded. He did not think this through. What was he supposed to say? „Everything okay?" Yoongi sounded concerned. He could tell him, right? It was not like Yoongi would tell anyone. Even if, the media did not even know who Jimin was. „Actually, not really. Would you mind meeting me?" He could hear Yoongi breath for a second too long, almost as if he was hesitating. „Okay..", he finally answered. „Just text me your location and I will be on my way." „Thanks Yoongi", Jimin replied, voice trembling a little. As he lowered his phone from his ear another notification popped up. It can't really get any worse, Jimin thought as he opened the message.

8:52pm (+82-18...) Unsaved Number: Seoul University Payment Alert - Last Payment revoked - Overdue Tuition Payment: 8250000₩ remaining

Turns out it can, Jimin noticed as he stared blankly into the distance. His head had been in the clouds. This was it. He had to face the cold and harsh reality.

Yoongi passed through the entrance gates of the subway, searching for the exit closest to the location Jimin had sent him. Why did he call him out of nowhere at this time of the day? Did something happen? It was very unusual, especially since they had just gotten closer again. He was worried, Jimin did not quite sound like himself on the phone. He pulled on the buckle of his coat, it was getting quite cold. Seconds later he stepped into the street and looked around. What the hell was Jimin doing in this area? Not one person was around and the street was dimly lit by a lonely streetlight. No wonder he had never heard of this station before, this part of Seoul seemed pretty dead. He followed the road for a while until he reached a convenience store with flashing fluorescent lighting. Then he spotted him. Jimin was sitting on a bench a couple steps away from the store. Yoongi let out a soundless gasp. Jimin looked rough. He was shivering, holding on to himself in his t-shirt, face swollen, probably from crying and an almost empty bottle of wine between his legs. This does not look good, Yoongi concluded.

„What happened?", Yoongi asked as he stepped closer to the bench. Jimin jumped from the sudden approach. „I'm sorry, you scared me", he whispered. Yoongi sat down next to him. „Wow, someone sure was thirsty", Yoongi noticed as he took the bottle from Jimin. He thought about it for a second and then took a sip. „So, since something is clearly wrong, I will ask again. What happened?" Jimin sighed. „A lot", he finally answered, eyes still fixed on something in the distance. „Turns out I am a pretty big fool", he continued. „I came to Seoul thinking everything would work out forever, just stay the same. That I'd never have to worry about anything anymore. Everything just fell into place, just happened. I was stupid enough to believe that it would stay this way. Now, that finally everything is falling apart, as it was bound to happen, I have nothing left." Yoongi had a confused look on his face. „What are you trying to say? Did Jiyong do anything?" Jimin chuckled bitterly. „No, he did not do anything that wasn't to be expected. Me behaving like a maniac had to end badly eventually. I was thrown out!", Jimin was almost yelling at this point. „Oh god, that's tough Jimin, I'm sorry." „No, no. You don't understand Yoongi. I have nothing. Nothing belongs to me. All the money, all my clothes, the place I live at... lived at, I suppose. Nothing is mine. I don't even remember what it is like to not be rich." Yoongi chuckled at that. „You're in luck. I'm sure I can teach you how to be poor again. Also there's a couch you can sleep on at my place", Yoongi said with a smirk. Jimin shrugged in response. „I really don't want to be nuisance for you..." „There's also more wine", Yoongi added innocently. Jimin's head shot around. „You know, it wouldn't hurt to come over for one night." Yoongi laughed in response. „Alright let's go then."

„Hi, Joonie! I hope you don't mind some company tonight", Yoongi yelled through the hallway as they entered the apartment. Jimin was impressed. He did not expect a rundown student apartment, but Yoongi's place sure did not disappoint. The left the dark hallway and Jimin found himself in a cozy living room with windows overlooking the city. The downstairs was just one big open living space including couches, a TV, dining area and a small kitchen. The spiral staircase in one of the corners lead to the upper area. „That's a lot nicer than I expected", Jimin whispered. „Every time you see my living situation you seem to be surprised", Yoongi chuckled. „I'm sure it can't compete with what you just left behind though." Jimin sighed. „Don't worry, I am very glad to be somewhere else for a change." Suddenly there were footsteps on the spiral staircase. „Yoongi, you better brought some cute boys or I am gonna be mad, because Jin just isn't - oh god", Namjoon stopped in the middle of his sentence. „Hi Jimin. It sure has been a while", he finally said after staring for a couple seconds. „It sure has been", Jimin replied with a smile. „You're still pretty cute though", Namjoon added like it was the most usual thing to say. Jimin blushed and Yoongi rolled his eyes in response. „Please don't be wired for one fucking second Namjoon." „I'll try. What are you guys up to? What are you even doing here Jimin? Visiting?" Yoongi relaxed a little, convinced that Namjoon would not confess that Yoongi had been trying to get in touch with Jimin for the last couple weeks. „You know... actually I live here. It's kind of a long story." „I see", Namjoon replied, stepping down the last steps. „I'm not gonna investigate any further. Any of you down for some drinks? The night is still young and we have a lot of leftover wine in the fridge." „Sounds good", Jimin replied, while he made his way towards the couch. Yoongi sighed out of relief, Jimin's mood seemed to be calming down a little. Namjoon just winked at him in response, he had followed all of the instructions Yoongi had texted him earlier.

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