Don't Go

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They were stopping in front of the venue and Jimin let his gaze wander through the crowds of people waiting in line. He was starting to realize that Jiyong was much more of big deal than he could have ever imagined. Jiyong turned to Jimin and touched his hand, trying to comfort the obviously anxious Jimin. „Hey, don't be nervous or anything. No one knows your here, and no one knows that we have been going out. Well, except my manager, but he needs to know my every step basically", he chuckled. „So, don't stress. It'll be fun and your friend is here as well." Jimin nodded, while the black van with tinted windows pulled into the security guarded back entrance of the venue.

„Alright, I can't introduce you to the other members right now, because everyone is getting ready. I'll do that after the show. Here is an all access pass for you and one for your friend", he said while coming extremely close to Jimin to put the pass around his neck. Jimin blushed deeply, he never had Jiyong so close to him before. The older noticed, but instead of stepping away he pulled Jimin into a hug. Jimin was caught off guard. „Once again, thanks for coming to support me tonight. It means a lot, makes me want to perform even better", he laughed. „I really like you, you know.", he added while blushing a bit. Jimin's mind was racing. What was happening? Jiyong, who performs in front of thousands of people, was blushing? He was so flustered, it was hard for him to talk. „Umm, anyways... I need to go find Taehyung.. he is probably here." Jiyong just shrugged while still smiling. Jimin stumbled out of the dressing room into the busy backstage area. He immediately bumped into someone which earned him an annoyed „Watch where you're going". He stepped aside and made his way to the center of the venue. After passing what felt like hundreds of doors and hallways he finally arrived at the front entrance. Making his way through security he was finally out in front of the venue. It only took him seconds to spot Taehyung. He was jumping up and down out of excitement. Right next to him stood a shorter person with a grumpy expression and ... blond hair.

„Hi Tae, yeah I know you're excited but please stop jumping", he turned to the other male standing next to him. „Yoongi, what are you doing here?" Yoongi seemed nervous, looking at his shoes while stepping from one foot onto the other. „Tae, did you guys just meet here randomly?", Jimin asked. Taehyung just nodded with a giant smile on his face, gaze still fixed on the BigBang billboard above the venue. „I didn't know you were into BigBang Yoongi, I thought you liked rap music?" „They also do rap", Yoongi mumbled in response, still not looking at Jimin. Tae, who had finally freed his gaze from the billboard turned to them. „What is this about anyways. Sorry I was distracted by BigBang, but Yoongi what are you doing here. I don't think you're going to the concert. And if you're just trying to be an asshole to Jimin again, you better get lost." At this point Taehyung was towering over Yoongi, trying to intimated him. „Stop, Tae. I'm sure it isn't like that", Jimin said, trying to reconcile. „Why Jimin, why would it not be like that? He has done nothing but hurt you, but here you are, too nice for this world, talking to him like nothing happened", Taehyung rambled, about to lose his patience. „No Tae, you need to relax. It's not like that. Here's your pass, why don't you get in line and I will talk to Yoongi for a second, alright. Thank you", Jimin decided while pushing Taehyung away. He groaned but eventually obeyed.

„So Yoongi, why are you here. I am confused", Jimin said with the softest voice he could manage. Yoongi looked up, his cat like eyes staring right into Jimin's soul. „Don't go", he muttered. His voice sounded hurt and Jimin's heart broke into two. Jimin did not really know what to make out of all this. Since when did Yoongi care? Was this enough to give in? Even though his crush was standing in front of him, asking him to stay with a broken voice, Jimin decided to not give in this time. „I don't understand what this is all about Yoongi, but it doesn't seem like you want to talk about it. Being nice to me once doesn't give you permission to decide what I do and what I don't", with that he turned on his heel and started walking away. Yoongi's shocked expression did not go unnoticed by Jimin. His chest was hurting, tears burning in his eyes. He saw Taehyung waiting for him at the VIP entrance and quickly wiped his tears away. „Let's go in", Jimin said with a weak smile. Taehyung just nodded, knowing very well that something was up.

Jimin was right about everything, Yoongi decided, while walking to the subway station. Why would he even consider not going to this amazing concert? All Yoongi had to offer was the history of being an asshole and being nice for one night. Coming to the venue and trying to convince him was a bad idea in the first place, he pondered. What other options did Yoongi have left to convince Jimin that he was not so bad after all. He decided that he lost this time, but the next chance he would get, he would show Jimin that he was also someone, without the screaming fans and the bank accounts in tax havens. Maybe I shouldn't go for a relationship directly, he thought. Establishing a friendship would be a solid foundation to build up from. Even though his new approach lightened his mood a little bit, the words Jimin said were still echoing in his head. He groaned out of frustration. There's only one thing that can always brighten the mood, Yoongi thought — alcohol. Instead of staying on the train bringing him home, he decided to get off at one of the stops in the downtown area of the city.

Taehyung was ready to lose his mind, when the concert just ended in time. „I still can't believe that were here, backstage at a BigBang concert and that you're actually going out with G-Dragon. Life is crazy", he noted while slumping down on one of the couches. „Don't call him that. It's too, umm.. abstract for me", Jimin replied with a big smile on his face. „Aren't you just so proud of him", Taehyung teased. „Hard to imagine that this morning you didn't even know who he was." „Well, I knew who Jiyong was, I just didn't know about the G-Dragon and BigBang part", Jimin added. Jiyong entered the room and spotted Jimin instantly. He walked over and pulled him in a tight embrace. „Sorry I couldn't say hi to your friend before the concert. They pulled me in before you guys were back. I hope you enjoyed the show", he whispered, followed by him pecking Jimin lightly on the forehead. The younger turned bright red, feeling like the ground under his feet was opening up. Jimin was not able to reply, so he just waved at Taehyung to come over. Jiyong introduced himself with a big smile. Taehyung just waved awkwardly and whispered his name, too starstruck to function normally. „Anyways boys, I'm going to freshen up and then we can grab something to eat and drink in the city maybe?", Jiyong offered. Since no one was answering he decided to just wink and turn around to head to his dressing room. Taehyung just stared at him leaving with big eyes. „Did I really just get invited out by G-Dragon?"

Yoongi was sipping on his fourth whiskey on the rocks, when he decided to check his phone. His sight was a little blurry, it took him a couple extra tries to type in the right code. He decided to open Twitter, just in case anyone had something to say about the concert. It must be done for one or two hours at this point, he thought while scrolling through his newsfeed. His eyes widened when he noticed a tweet posted only a couple of seconds ago. „BigBang leader G-Dragon spotted with friends at popular bar in downtown." He opened the article to gather some more information. Interesting, he thought, while gesturing the bartender that he was ready to pay.

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