You'll be Okay

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„I can't believe you didn't tell us any of this", Taehyung looked at Jimin, eyes wide with disbelieve. Jungkook had been sitting quietly next to the two, listening while Jimin told them everything that had happened between him and Yoongi in the last couple weeks. „I'm sorry", Jimin whispered, voice trembling. „I just didn't know how. You would've never understood, because you dislike him so much, but I just couldn't help it. My feelings are just all over the place." He kept avoiding eye contact, focused on turning the rings on his fingers back and forth. „What about Jiyong?", Jungkook asked. „I don't know about him either. I feel like I know nothing lately. Right now I just feel extremely guilty." Taehyung sighed. „We went over this often enough Chim, it is not your fault that Yoongi fell on the steps. He is not heavily injured and he would've probably fallen either way, with or without you walking him up to the door." Jungkook stood up to give Jimin a heartfelt but incredibly awkward hug. „Thanks Kookie, but one question remains. What am I supposed to do? Should I go visit him? Maybe that would help me feel less guilty." Taehyung shot Jimin a concerned glance. „I don't know what you should do. But if you don't do something you will most definitely lose both of them. You haven't responded to G-Dragon's texts in like two days!", he exclaimed. „Please call him Jiyong when we talk about him and also keep your voice down, you know damn well that the public can't know about this", Jimin chuckled. „And yes, I know you're right. I will respond to texts and will probably go visit him, mainly to make myself feel better." „Sounds like a plan Chim. Anyways me and Tae need to get going, we have some stuff to do later", Jungkook said while looking at Taehyung suspiciously. „Stuff to do?", Jimin asked confused, while Jungkook dragged Taehyung out of Jimin's backyard.

Jimin was slowly walking back and forth, dreading to enter the hospital. He did not know how to handle the whole situation. Did Yoongi remember the things he said to him that night? What if he did not? Should Jimin tell him or just forget about what happened? His thoughts were disrupted when someone stepped closer. „So you came, that's nice", Namjoon looked at Jimin as he exited the main entrance of the hospital. Jimin just nodded while Namjoon was scratching his head, obviously unsure of what to say. „Listen Jimin, I am sorry for yelling at you. I totally overreacted, I was just extremely worried about Yoongi. He is not just some friend, he is my best friend. It wasn't your fault, I am sorry", he said, looking at his hands. „Don't worry about it", Jimin replied silently. „He will be very glad to see you, I can tell you that much. He won't shut up about you", Namjoon smirked. „Is that so", Jimin answered, face still without any emotions. Namjoon's smirk faded. „You should probably go in", he noticed. He turned to Jimin, gave him a supportive pat on the back and left.

Why are these hospital halls so terribly long, Jimin thought to himself as he passed the millionth door to his right. After what felt like an eternity he arrived at the door that was marked with the name ‚Min'. He hesitated for a second before turning the door knob and entering the room. The space was flooded with sunlight, windows were open and the wind made the curtains flow into the room. The door behind Jimin closed quietly as he stepped further into the room. Yoongi looked like an angel, dressed in his white robe, sitting on the bed, eyes closed, facing the open windows. The room was much more comfortable and spacious than any other hospital room Jimin had ever seen before. Another hint that the Min family was much more established than other families. Jimin noticed that he was holding his breath, cursing himself for the fact that Yoongi just had to sit on a bed and do nothing for him to stop breathing. He did not really know how to start the conversation. „Hi", he tried, his voice cracking under pressure. Yoongi lazily opened one eye and then the other when he noticed who was standing in front of him. His expression softened. „Hey", he replied.

„I don't really know what do say", Jimin tried. „I am sorry that I didn't walk up with you, I should've known better. How is your head feeling?" Yoongi chuckled. „Don't worry about it. It sure was anything but your fault. It's okay, just feels a little dense. They are pretty certain that I can leave tomorrow." „That's good", Jimin replied. Uncomfortable silence was in the air, both knowing that there was another heavy topic they should probably discuss. „Wild night, huh", Yoongi added. „Yeah, to say the least", Jimin answered, voice trembling. „Listen Yoongi", he said as he turned to the older. „I don't know if you even remember the things you said. That was drunk rambling anyways I assume, so it's okay, we don't have to be awkward about it. Maybe we can just..." „—It wasn't", Yoongi interrupted. „And just in case you think I don't remember any of that. I might have hit my head pretty badly, but I am not suffering from amnesia. I do remember, and no, it wasn't drunk rambling." „Oh, I see", Jimin whispered. „Doesn't seem like it changes anything, I'm guessing", Yoongi chuckled nervously. Jimin did not reply, he just sighed. No, it did not change anything. Sure, the accident happened and he felt sorry for Yoongi, but he had made up his mind. Jimin's phone buzzed, pulling him back into reality. He released his gaze from the windows and looked at Yoongi. „I'm sorry, about all this, hyung. I hope you get well soon. I'll see you at school." Jimin got up from Yoongi's bed. Before he could walk away he noticed the older grabbing his arm. „Jimin..", Yoongi whispered, looking at the younger with hurt eyes. The Jimin's vision got blurry as tears filled his eyes. „You'll be okay", the younger mouthed as he freed his arm out of Yoongi's grip. Without looking back he headed towards the door and left the room.

The door closed with a bang. Yoongi let himself fall back into the bed, exhausted from the emotionally challenging situation. This was it, the last chance I had, he thought. As much as he was sad about Jimin not being his, he felt accomplished about the fact that Jimin knew. About his feelings, that Jimin knew that he had feelings at all. Jimin would not remember him as the asshole he had been at the beginning. Maybe things could have turned out differently. Yoongi made a promise to himself. If he ever were in the situation to get Jimin back, he would do everything in his power to not mess up again. Who would have thought that emotions could be this annoying? That's life, Yoongi realized. Sometimes things just did not work out.

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