Nothing More

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„Are you sure it was him? I mean you said you only saw him for a couple seconds. You might be mistaken", Namjoon noted. „I am telling you it was him. I would never confuse him with someone else. I know his face." Of course Yoongi knew his face, it had been haunting his mind for the past two years. „I just wonder what he is doing here." „Who knows," Namjoon answered. „For all we know he might be studying here as well. He might still be with Jiyong, I'm sure he lives in Seoul." Hearing Jiyong's name made Yoongi shiver. „Why do you care so much Yoongi? You are not telling me, that after two whole years you are still not over him." Yoongi stopped pacing through the room and thought about it for a second. „I honestly don't know", he finally answered.

Some hours later, Yoongi was situated in front of his laptop. How could he find out more about Jimin's current situation? Jimin was not a celebrity himself but his boyfriend sure was. Maybe searching Jiyong online could help, Yoongi concluded. He typed his name into the search bar and scrolled through the results. Articles about why Jiyong still did not have a relationship popped up and also an article questioning who the person was, Jiyong was spotted with several times. Yoongi clicked said article and examined the pictures. As he zoomed in he recognized the face next to Jiyong. The person was sporting the same vibrant orange hair he saw earlier today in the city. The article was about two weeks old, so there was no doubt, Jiyong was still with Jimin. Yoongi sighed at the realization. The internet also claimed that according to official statements Jiyong was still single. So he won't talk to the public about Jimin, Yoongi thought. Anger was rising up in Yoongi. How dare he date someone like Jimin and not talk about it to everyone, he pondered. If Yoongi were in his place, he would do things differently. He needed to find out what Jimin was up to in Seoul, so he could randomly show up somewhere and... And what? Yoongi's plan was not completely thought through, but he had to try.

„Yoongi, you are not seriously doing that. I'm pretty sure that's illegal. What are you even going to say?" „I told you Namjoon. I am just going to call and find out about Jiyong's schedule. Then I will follow him and eventually see Jimin to find out where he is and what he's up to." Namjoon rolled his eyes. „You are batshit insane. But I still want to witness this." Yoongi dialed the number he had found online. „Hello, hi, yes. This is Min Yoongi, I am calling from GQ Korea, is this YG Entertainment? ... Great, I am calling to find out about Mr. Kwon's schedule for Saturday, we had an interview arranged, I was calling to check back if that is still up to date." Namjoon was giggling, dazzled by Yoongi's lying skills. „...Oh, so he has a signing for his new fashion line? I see, well I guess we just have to reschedule then. I will call back with new dates, thank you", Yoongi said as he hung up. Namjoon was looking at him with a baffled expression. „You were so good, now I'm questioning all the things you have ever said to me." Yoongi laughed. „Anyways, we need to go to this signing. I am pretty sure anyone can attend since it is in a fashion store. And then we just follow them home, or wherever they are going after." Namjoon shook his head. „Yoongi, you are out of your damn mind. You could get into so much... wait. Did you say we?", he exclaimed. „Of course we, you little dummy", Yoongi said while pinching Namjoon's cheek. „I'm not going to jail by myself."

„Alright, let's go over this once more", Jimin said with a concentrated look on his face. „We are going to present this part first, go over these pictures briefly and I am going to finish my part up with discussing this segment. Right?", he turned to Jungkook. „Yes, sounds good. I will deal with section four and five and then we just have to confirm with the other people from our group." „Good lord", Jimin exclaimed. „I was not expecting a dance history class to be this much work. I am glad we're about to be done with this stupid project. All I wanted to do is dance, goddammit." Jungkook shot Jimin a concerned look. „I know you're stressed from the project, but your attitude seems a little bit over the top. Everything okay?" Jimin sighed in response, looking at his fingers. Jungkook knew Jimin well enough to figure out that something was up. Words were not needed between the two. „Okay, why don't you wait here and I will raid your kitchen for some snacks. Don't go anywhere", the younger said with a wink. Jimin laughed at Jungkook's odd behavior and nodded. He closed his binder with a disgusted look and moved from the floor onto the couch. Officially done with the thought of doing more work, he decided to turn on the TV while waiting for Jungkook. Just as he emerged himself in some TV drama, he heard the front door unlock. What the hell, Jimin thought. Besides the housemaid, Jiyong's manager, Jiyong himself and Jimin, no one had a key. The housemaid came yesterday and Jiyong's manager basically never came by, which meant... Jimin's thought process was disrupted as Jiyong stepped into the living room. The younger stared at him with a confused look on his face, not entirely sure what to make of the situation. „I thought I'd finish early today"; Jiyong offered as he noticed Jimin's confusion. „And why would you do that?", Jimin asked in response, suspicion in his voice. Jungkook, who was about to return to the living room, stopped and decided to wait it out in the doorframe. „Well, first off I thought I'd be nice if we spend some time together and second I have something to ask you." Jimin raised an eyebrow. „As you know, we are launching my new clothing line on Saturday. I think you should come with me to the official launch. No, no, stop. Let me finish", Jiyong said as Jimin was about to speak up. „The manager approved, if anyone is confused we will just say you are one of the models." Jimin's face went through a handful of emotions in a split second. „So I am degraded to a model? That's different", Jimin's eyes started to water. Jiyong noticed immediately and jump forward, pulling Jimin into a hug. „That's not what I meant. I just thought I'd be a fun way of getting us out of the house together. I had no intentions on..." „It's okay", Jimin interrupted sniffling. „It's a nice thought after all. I'll think about it."

„Jimin, stop pulling a face. You agreed to doing this after all." The older scoffed in response. „I know, but look at us, Kookie. We have to ride in a different car to the event because people could see us. This is not what I signed up for." The younger rolled his eyes. „Well Jimin this is how it is right now. You gotta give him credit for trying." Jimin just shook his head and turned to the window. „Where's you're stupid boyfriend anyways?" „How dare you call him that", Jungkook replied with a chuckle. „You know Tae is busy with practice for his TV debut. I still can't believe he actually got casted for the role." Jimin shot Jungkook a sarcastic glance. „Yeah, bla bla. He is great, I know." Now Jungkook was actually laughing. „Good lord, can you not be so 心苦しい, you're stressing me out." Jimin smiled and nodded. „Enough with the Japanese though." The black van pulled into the guarded back area of the store where the new collection was about the be presented. The door on Jimin's side was pulled open and Yoochun stepped closer. „Mr. Park and Mr. Park's friend, this way please." The bodyguard guided them to the waiting space the store had set up for everyone involved in the event. Jiyong came over to give Jimin a brief hug, but was quickly pulled away by his manager to continue the preparations. Seconds later Jimin and Jungkook got instructions to do nothing but wear clothes from the collection and smile nicely, so people could take pictures with them. Jimin was on the verge of screaming, but decided against it as Jungkook shot him another glance, telling him to calm down.

„What took you so long, I was starting to worry. I thought they caught you or something" Yoongi laughed at his concerned friend. „Why would they catch me. I just checked where the back entrance is to make sure where we have to be when they leave this place." Namjoon shook his head. „I still can't believe I am actually doing this with you." „Of course you can, you're here with me after all", Yoongi shot back with a smirk. „Now shut up, we need to move and get into this store before it's crowded." Yoongi turned around and made his way to the front. There were already some people in the store waiting for the launch. Yoongi and Namjoon arrived about an hour before the event started, some fans managed to be there even earlier. „Namjoon", Yoongi hissed. „Put those things back, there is no time to shop." Minutes later it was announced that the meet and greet was about to commence. Yoongi could not care less about meeting Jiyong, he was just interested in how this event would turn out and, of course, seeing Jimin. Jiyong stepped out to greet the crowd and finally Yoongi's wish was granted. Jimin stepped out as well, dressed in Jiyong's new collection. Yoongi was catching his breath, the younger looked stunning. The meet and greet started with a question and answer session. Jiyong politely answered questions concerning his new clothing line, much to Yoongi's annoyance. His interest was sparked when one of the reporters asked a more striking question. „Mister Kwon, you need to let us know. Who is this handsome man you've brought with you today? We have seen you out and about before. Anyone special to you?" Jiyong visibly swallowed hard and looked over to Jimin who was obviously uncomfortable with the question. „Oh, no no", Jiyong stuttered. Interesting, Yoongi thought to himself. „He is just some model, nothing more. Us hanging out was solely work related", Jiyong finished with a reassuring nod. Jimin had a forced smile on his face, expressions completely frozen. This could most definitely backfire, Yoongi pondered with a grin on his face.

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