I am sorry

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"Yoongi, don't be so rude. Jimin just spaces out sometimes, which I think is actually kind of cute." Namjoon looked over to Jimin. "Excuse his behavior, he is just a grumpy old grandpa, nothing more than that", he smiled at the younger. Jimin nodded and stepped to the side to sit down on the couch as well. He was still a little shocked by how rude the boy he spent so much time thinking about was. Sure, he had only seen him once at school and never talked to him, but he definitely did not seem to be a nice person at first glance. Yoongi, that was his name. Jimin turned to Taehyung who was sitting next to him on the sofa. "Tae", he whispered. "I was a little spaced out when Namjoon introduced them. What are their names again?" Taehyung had a smirk on his face. "I sure did notice that you spaced out. And I am also pretty certain I know what caused it." Jimin blushed. "But for further reference, this is Jin, Hoseok and as you probably remember, Yoongi. We can talk about the Yoongi situation later."

Jimin decided to pay more attention to his drink instead of interacting with the others. He was feeling a little dizzy at this point. With growing confidence he actually gave in to some of Namjoon's flirting. Not only was it entertaining, it also kept him from eyeing Yoongi too much. He could not believe that he was actually sitting close to the boy he was so desperate to see again.

"Namjoon, you need to come over here, someone knocked your mom's favorite vase over", a person yelled from the hallway. Namjoon jumped up from the couch and left for the hallway. Jimin, who was now completely drunk, did not waste any time and scooted over to Yoongi. "So Yoongi", he said slurring his words a little bit. Blond boy looked up from his phone slightly annoyed. "What", he simply said without any expressions on his face. He is a tough one, Jimin thought to himself. He smiled, turning his eyes into crescents. Maybe I can get through to him if I act especially cute, Jimin pondered. When the face of the older one did not change Jimin felt himself forced to speak up again. "How come I never see you around at school?" Yoongi sighed. "I don't like it very much", he explained. "So you just don't come? That's, umm, bold", Jimin noted. "Well, unlike you, I don't care about rules", he responded. "Wow, you really think you are a big, bad and edgy boy, don't you?", Jimin blurted out. Yoongi's expression changed, he looked confused. "You don't know me. Also, are you drunk? You barely had anything to drink." Jimin giggled. "Well jokes on you, you don't know me either and I am just not very good with alcohol." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I sure have figured that out. I don't even know why I am talking to-", Jimin interrupted him by putting a finger on his lip. Yoongi, taken by surprise, just looked at him. "Why do you have to be so rude?", Jimin asked as he leaned forward and accidentally slid of the couch. "Wow, someone should really take you home. Where are the other little kids you came with?" Jimin chuckled. "Why don't you take me home", he suggested. He was screaming internally. What had gotten into him, making him so bold? Oh that's right, the alcohol, he thought. "And why would I do that?", Yoongi asked, a challenging expression on his face. "It is your one chance tonight to be nice and not a grumpy ass." Yoongi did not know what to say to that. He was taken by surprise, the dark haired boy was a lot more quick-witted than he imagined at first.

Jimin could not believe it. He was impressed with his drunk self. He actually managed to make the blond boy walk him home. Yoongi did not say much, so Jimin was talking most of the time on their way to his house. "If you fall, I am not going to pick you up, just so you know", Yoongi sneered as Jimin tripped over the curbside of the street. "RUDE!", Jimin yelled in response. Yoongi just shook his head. Jimin jumped up the stairs to the porch of his home. "Thank you for walking me home, hyung", he looked at Yoongi with puppy eyes. "It's okay, just don't expect me to ever-", he was interrupted by Jimin coming extremely close to his face with closed eyes. "What the hell are you doing?", Yoongi yelled and jumped back. Jimin opened his eyes in confusion. Yoongi had a disgusted look on his face. Jimin's stomach dropped. "Oh my god... I am so sorry, Yoongi, I-" The older one interrupted him. "No, shut up. Don't you ever do that again. Stay away from me", he said angrily. He turned around and started to walk away. Jimin's heart broke into a million pieces. He did not have the courage to go after him anymore. He had a lump in his throat, he felt tears starting to form in his eyes. "I am sorry, Yoongi", was all he was able to whisper into the night.

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