The New Guy

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Jimin stared at the door. Yoongi's door to be exact. He was still baffled about the whole night. How did he get here, in Yoongi's bed, in his underwear? Something was off, it all felt like a dream. Not necessarily a good one, but also not a nightmare. He was in a grey zone. Jimin could not quite decide wether he should be happy about the invitation or scared. Yoongi did not say one word to him the whole time. He kissed him, pulled him into his house, pushed him into bed and the rest was history. Sure, Jimin had a great time, but now what? Did this mean anything? Jimin shuffled in the bed and grabbed his phone that laid next to the pillow. 3:10am. What would happen in the morning? Would he just get up and have breakfast with the guy that has been nothing but rude to him? He did not even know why he accepted the invitation. I must be blinded by my crush, he thought to himself. His theory was about to be confirmed when Yoongi turned around and looked at him. The room was dimly lit, through a crack in the blinds. Jimin stared right into Yoongi's absolutely emotionless, but beautiful face. The dark eyes were looking right into him, reading his thoughts and making Jimin forget all the rude words Yoongi threw at him. He was pulled back down to earth as Yoongi spoke up. "You should leave." Once again Jimin wished he could live in his day dream instead of the harsh reality. His mind was still processing the words when Yoongi turned away from him. "You heard me. You'll find your way out", he added. Jimin felt a lump in his throat, but decided to stay strong this time. He quickly put on his clothes, gathered his things and made his way out of the room. As he reached the door he stopped for a second. "I know you know this Yoongi, because people tell you all the time, but you are nothing more than a conceited asshole. Good night", Jimin hissed and slammed the door shut. He isn't wrong, Yoongi thought, while adjusting his sleeping position once more. He pondered why he was such an ass to Jimin and why he threw him out. He finally decided that he did not really know himself.

It was Saturday morning when Jimin made a decision. Yes, he was hurt and felt used, but this was going to be the last time. He was not going to give into anymore things his heart blindly led him to. He also had not yet decided if he should tell his friends about last night or not. Taehyung would probably try to kill Yoongi, but if he did not tell them and they found out through someone else, the situation could be worse. Jimin felt defeated. No matter what he did, the outlook was not great. Maybe Yoongi would not tell anyone about it. Jimin decided to go with that, he really did not know what else to do. Throughout the morning and the early afternoon Jimin's self-pity and the feeling of being used turned into anger. He wanted someone new to invest his time in and not waste it on Yoongi. Jimin was not sure if the concept of romance really existed, but he sure was obsessed with it. Where does one go to meet new people?

2:23pm - Group Chat started with 'Tae', 'Kookie'

2:24pm Jimin: heey friends, we haven't been out in a while, should we go tonight

2:26pm Tae: hmmm

2:27pm Kookie: intriguing. where'd you wanna go

2:30pm Jimin: rookie maybe? to start off

2:32pm Tae: if pre drinks at your place i'm in

2:35pm Jimin: sooo, it's settled be here at 8

Jimin smiled at his phone. He could always count on his two best friends and he could definitely count on them to help find someone to get Yoongi out of Jimin's head.

Jimin checked himself out in the mirror. He was already getting tired of his dark hair again. I can't get it redone already, it's not even been a month, he sighed. He decided to wear a dark blazer with subtle silver details, a white collarless shirt, tight black pants and slightly elevated all black sneakers. He finished the look with ice blue contact lenses, a black chocker with silver charm and cross shaped earrings. If this look doesn't get me a man, nothing will, he thought to himself while leaving his room and putting some rings on his fingers. He stepped into the empty kitchen. His parents had decided to leave the house to the boys and have a little date for themselves. Jimin glanced at the clock. "They are late", he growled while opening the fridge and reading some wine bottle labels to decide what to drink. Mom sure has a big collection, he noticed, debating wether to be impressed or worried.

He was scrolling through his phone, wine glass in the other hand, when the doorbell finally rang. He jumped up from the kitchen counter and made his way to the entrance. He opened the door to Taehyung and Jungkook jumping up and down. "I am so excited to go wild!", Jungkook screamed as a greeting. "Oh dear Lord", Jimin answered leading them into the living room. They listened to music, sipped on some wine and engaged in lighthearted conversation. Jimin was glad he invited his friends for a night out.

About three hours later the three boys were leaning against the bar at the first location they picked. Music was blasting through the speakers and the dance floor was already starting to get busy. "So,..", Taehyung screamed at Jimin so he was able to hear him. "What's the news on you and Yoongi", he asked with an investigating look on his face. Jimin sent a quick prayer to the higher powers, wishing that Teahyung did not know about the previous night. "Nothing new, he is still an ass", Jimin simply said with a smirk on his face. Taehyung did not quite believe him, but decided to let it go. "Alright. Kookie and I are gonna go for a dance, you coming?" Jimin shook his head. "I will stay for another second and get a new drink", he replied. Taehyung shot Jimin a questioning look and pointed at his half full glass. Jimin just shrugged and Teahyung pulled Jungkook to the dance floor in response. Jimin knew exactly what he was doing. This guy at the other end of the bar had been checking him out the whole night. He thought he would give him a chance to come over if he wanted to. Jimin pulled his gaze away from the other two boys dancing, staring right into someone's chest. He looked up. "Hi", the stranger said, a streak of bright green hair falling into his face. It was him. "Thanks for giving me a minute without your friends, I am Jiyong."

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