First Blood

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„I have no idea what has gotten into you", Jimin said, more to himself than to the half asleep Yoongi next to him. He decided to grab a cab for them, it was far too late to catch the last train home. He stared out of the window, lights flashing by, wondering how he got himself into this tricky situation. This strange relationship he had with Yoongi, it needed to stop. Yoongi was just playing his stupid games with him, ruining about everything else he had going on. Sure, his heartbeat stopped when Yoongi looked at him, but it sure was not worth risking his friendships and possible other relationships. How could he trust someone who treated him like shit?

„You know what...", Yoongi mumbled next to him. Jimin perked up, turning to the older one. Here we go again, he thought to himself. „You know that I am sorry about the way I treated you, right? I don't know why I was acting like that when I met you", he said quietly, almost whispering. Jimin's stomach turned. „Shut up Yoongi, you're drunk", he scoffed, facing the window again. „Actually, I think I do know. Guess what's easier than admitting feelings for someone? Being an asshole and pretending not to care." Jimin swallowed hard at these words. He looked at the older, face dimly lit by the lights passing by outside, eyes closed, hair messily falling into his face. What am I going to do with you Yoongi, he asked himself. „I am a little too late to say that, huh", he added. Jimin started to feel tears burning in his eyes, completely overwhelmed by the situation. „I already knew", he chuckled. „Just making sure. Anyways, I thought I'd say it, better than to never say it at all." Yoongi had opened his eyes, a dark expression on his face. The younger did not know how to respond, gaze just fixed on Yoongi's face. Yoongi seemed to notice that Jimin was at a loss for words. „Don't look at me like a scared puppy. I just needed to get it off my chest. And obviously a lot of alcohol to do so", he smirked. Yoongi sat up. „Don't worry about it too much. I didn't give you any reason to like me, and I know that I don't mean anything to you. But I am so, so glad that I got the chance to spend a split second in your oh so precious orbit, like a shooting star passing by. So, thank you for that", he paused. A single tear escaped Jimin's eye, as he watched Yoongi open the door of the stopped taxi to escape into the night. „Good night, Jimin", he added, without looking back. Yoongi slammed the door shut and with that also shut his heart, determined to not bother Jimin anymore.

„What was I thinking, shit", Yoongi cursed into the night, as he walked up the driveway of his house. His feelings were all over the place. Sure, Jimin finally knew, but he made it sound like the end of something. Even worse, Jimin did not say anything. He was expecting Jimin to intervene, maybe say that Yoongi should not say these things, but he did not. Maybe he was too shocked, taken by surprise. Maybe he was too hurt or already committed to give Jiyong a try. Who knew what was going on in Jimin's beautiful head, he pondered. He played his wildcard tonight. He knew that confessing was probably the only chance he had, he just did not plan on playing his wildcard this early. Seeing Jimin with Jiyong and all the alcohol made him improvise. He was already regretting it. Yoongi was regretting many things lately. The night he met Jimin for example. He thought that Jimin was quite cute the moment he saw him and he also really enjoyed his sassy personality. Unfortunately Yoongi's attitude towards the world took over quite quickly. What a mess, Yoongi thought as he walked up the steps of the porch. Lost in thought he missed one step and tripped. „Shit", he exclaimed, while life was slowing down, almost as if it was mocking Yoongi. After what felt like ten minutes, his head crashed hard onto the marble steps, his vision going blurry. He groaned, as he tried to lift his head, but stopped as the explosive pain in his head took over. When he touched his head and noticed the thick, dark, red liquid dropping down his hand, he finally fell unconscious.

The morning sun started to creep through the blinds and Jimin was still laying awake in his bed. He did not sleep for one second, his mind going crazy over the things that happened the night before. At this point he was mentally exhausted, his mind blank, but his body still restless. Did it really matter what Yoongi said to him last night? Who knows if he meant it, Jimin thought, he was drunk after all. But the sincereness and selectiveness in Yoongi's words made him doubt that the older was just drunk talking. His phone kept buzzing, but he decided to ignore it. It was probably Jiyong anyways, wondering why he did not let him know that he was home last night. Jimin sat up, frustrated that he did not know what to make of the whole situation. He checked his alarm on the nightstand and decided that it was time for breakfast. Food might brighten up my mood, Jimin hoped. Jimin's mom was rushing around the kitchen as he sat down at the kitchen counter. The smell of egg and fried rice actually helped better his mood a little, but not quite enough for his mom not to notice that something was up. „Good morning hun," she said with a smile on her face. „What's up with that frown? How was your date last night?" Jimin sighed. „Turns out I am dating a mega star." His mom turned around from the stove and shot him a concerned look. „It's not bad or anything. Jiyong is G-Dragon. I do feel a little stupid for being this oblivious", Jimin chuckled. „Wow, that's..", his mother paused. „A little much to process, I assume? But this G-Dragon is always such a nice young gentleman on TV, if he is the same in real life he can't be too bad", she added with a reassuring smile. „Yeah, he is really nice..", Jimin mumbled, while pushing his eggs around on his plate.

Monday came around and Jimin was nothing like his usual cheerful self on his way to school. He was scared of facing Yoongi, he did not know how to behave around him. Should he just be normal, should he approach him, should he ignore him? There were just too many options. „Jimin!", Taehyung yelled, from the entrance of the school, waiting for Jimin. „Finally you're here. First of all, I still can't believe that I spent a night with G-Dragon and also you need to tell me what was up with Yoongi." „Spent a night with G-Dragon? That sounds wrong on so many levels Tae", Jimin noticed. „Well, well. I am sure you wouldn't mind", Taehyung shot back with a wink. Jimin's face turned a bright red. „Shut up," was all he was able to hiss back. Jimin successfully managed to eliminate all dirty thoughts concerning Jiyong out of his mind and concentrate on his classes. Lunch came around, which meant that he finally had to face Yoongi. Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin entered the cafeteria together, approaching the table Namjoon was already sitting at. Yoongi was nowhere to be seen, so Jimin assumed he was late. Many minutes passed, everyone but Yoongi arrived and nobody spoke up. Tension was in the air. Jimin cleared his throat and looked up from his food to face Namjoon. „So where's Yoongi?", Jimin asked, trying to sound as casual and disinterested as possible. To his surprise Namjoon looked up, an angry expression on his face. „You out of everyone here at the table should know where he is. Since you where there when it happened." Jimin, who was intimidated by Namjoon's hateful voice, stuttered. „I... I don't know what you're talking about..." „Stop beating around the bush, Jimin is obviously oblivious to what you are talking about", Taehyung intervened. „He is in the hospital, you idiot!", Namjoon yelled while standing up and storming out of the cafeteria. Now, all the attention was on their table. „The hospital?", Jimin repeated, as he swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat.

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